.Medical Disclaimer


All information is provided on this site & about the products sold & in the classes & retreats for educational & informational purposes only & no health claims whatsoever are made for anything on this website.  Although we make every effort to keep our information accurate and up-to-date, the information contained in this website is not intended and must not be taken to be the provision of health claims or provision or practice of medical advice or services nor a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you have questions or concerns about your health or treatment or would like more information, contact a qualified health professional. Contact a qualified health professional before starting or changing any treatment. 

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With over 40,000 articles on its chemistry published in respected scientific journals and 11,000 articles written on its medical and clinical applications,  DMSO was approved and continues to be used by medical doctors throughout 125 countries around the world including Canada, Great Britain, Germany, and Japan. The range of conditions for which DMSO is used is wide and varied beginning with interstitial cystitis, as a preservative of organs intended for transplant.pain, inflammation, gout, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, sports injuries, back pain, fibromyalgia, and scleroderma, stroke, and it has even been found to relieve intercranial pressure caused by closed head injuries.

DMSO is commonly used by athletes & veterinarians use it on animals especially dogs & horses.

There is much information on the internet about the healing benefits of DMSO.

In New Zealand, medical grade DMSO is a prescription medicine. To comply with NZ law, even though the DMSO we are selling is human food grade, we are selling DMSO specifically as an industrial solvent. Like its near relative, turpentine, it will dissolve and remove paint from the wall.

To comply with NZ law, we cannot give any advice or recommendations on human use.

DMSO 35% Gel - Wood Polish - 100mls in a brown glass bottle with pump top

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To comply with NZ law we are supplying this gel as wood polish.  Please do not ask us about human use.

DMSO 35%, aloe vera, special blend of essential oils, noni, Magnesium and Vitamin C as preservative.

DMSO 70% Gel - Wood Polish -

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To comply with NZ law we are supplying this gel as wood polish.  Please do not ask us about human use.

DMSO 70%, aloe vera, special blend of essential oils, noni, Magnesium and Vitamin C as preservative.

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We are very happy to supply new ultra-purified distilled Pharmaceutical Grade MSM at the best prices in NZ!

What is MSM?

MSM - an odourless, white crystalline molecule - is a natural form of organic sulfur found in all living organisms, and is present in low concentrations in our body fluids and in the connective tissues of the skin, nails, and hair. This sulfur is necessary for collagen synthesis.

MSM is a natural component of many fresh fruits, vegetables, seafood and meat, and is also found in tea, coffee, chocolate and milk. In fact, one of the richest sources of MSM in the diet of mammals is milk. MSM is also commonly referred to as 'Nature's Beauty Mineral'!

MSM naturally scavenges free radicals, relieves allergies to foods and pollens, controls acidity in stomach and ulcers, and helps the vitamins and minerals we take in to nourish our bodies. It is an all-natural product derived from sulfonyl, an organic compound that grows naturally in plants, animals, and in soil. Its largest concentrations are found in pine trees. Unlike sulfur, MSM is completely water-soluble and non-toxic. Large concentrations have not been found to do any harm to the human body.

It is estimated that the human body uses up to about 1/8 teaspoon of MSM each day. This needs to be replaced on a regular basis. Unless your diet is comprised primarily of raw foods, it is unlikely that you are receiving enough MSM for proper health management. Although MSM is found in many fresh foods, modern agricultural methods, food processing, and cooking cause its depletion. When we process our foods with heat or drying, we lose most of the MSM that is vital to our wellbeing.