KARENGO (Porphyra species)
Karengo is a dark purplish and green cellophane- textured sea vegetable found on rocky shores. It is a cousin of Japanese nori and contains lots of fiber and protein. It is harvested in clean, pure water off the coast from Kaikoura off the east coast of the South Island of New Zealand, dried and then packaged in easy to use ziplock bags.
Raw, it has a mild, pleasant flavour, tastes nutty and slightly salty, and can be eaten as a snack straight out of the bag. Karengo goes very well with almost anything - grains, potatoes, eggs, vegetables and seafood. It doubles in size when fully hydrated. We add it to salads - sometimes straight from the packet and sometimes after being soaked in a very small amount of water for a couple of minutes.
Karengo fronds will keep indefinitely if kept in a cool, dark, dry place