The conversation between your fingers and someone else's skin is perhaps the most important discussion you can ever have.
We communicate our feelings and thoughts in dozens of language styles. There's verbal and non-verbal language, there's body language and sign language and the language of the arts: music, dance, poetry and painting.
But the language of touch may well be our most important for health and wellbeing on every level.
Of all our senses, touch is the first to develop in the foetus at about 6 - 8 weeks. Study after study concurs as infants we cannot thrive without touch, in many cases even survive, and couples, friends, colleagues and team members significantly deepen and grow in intimacy, connection and success the more instances of touch that occur between them.
"Touch comes before sight, before speech.
It is the first language, and the last, and it
always tells the truth."
- Margaret Atwood
Touch may well be our greatest tool for communication and yet it's generally absent from communication trainings.
If you'd like to learn more about touch communication, relaxation and the wisdom of our bodies, you're invited to join this two day course in April 2024.
This hands-on weekend of therapeutic massage includes breathwork, sound and movement practices to calm and balance the nervous system.
- become confident and proficient with offering a skilled and sensational deeply relaxing full body massage to friends, family and/or clients
- understand how touch affects our nervous system and the benefits of conscious touch to health and healing
- learn how massage can benefit us physically and psychologically
- learn centering and grounding techniques, care of the client and therapist self-care
Participants will learn a full body relaxation massage sequence, receive a course manual and a certificate of attendance.
Investment: $325
Tutor: Jules Barber Dip Th Mass, Cert Embodied Counselling, Cert NLP. Jules has been a practising massage therapist for over 25 years providing relaxation, stress management and remedial massage to a wide range of clients. She has tutored for many years and creates an inspiring and relaxed learning environment.
Enquiries: please contact Jules at
lovinglivingnz@gmail.com or 022 327 0582
Registration Information
NB. No refunds will be given within 14 days of course starting date. Transfers to another course may be possible up to 8 days before the course starting date which may incur a $50 transfer fee. No transfers are possible after then. If your course has to be cancelled you can either receive a refund or a credit.