Audio CDs & Tapes

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By Dr Joel Robbins

Thoughtful details on how and what to feed the young and young at heart, how to encourage children to make healthy food and life choices, and more.

Green for Life - Audio Book

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Green for Life

Read by Victoria Boutenko
Audio Book, 3hours 25minutes
16-page Booklet
Release date: 15 September 2010

Green For Life was selected as finalist for the Prestigious 2006 Independent Book Publishers Awards!

Many people know that we should eat more greens, but rarely do any of us truly enjoy our kale or wheatgrass. For the first time in history a remarkably enjoyable way of consuming the necessary amount of greens has been created by blending the greens with fruit. From this smoothie, the body can absorb the essential nutrients much more efficiently. Anyone can prepare tasty green smoothies quickly in their own kitchen, with their own choice of ingredients. With green smoothies people gain more control of their own health.

This book is written in a clear style, illustrated with anecdotes, diagrams and pictures. The results of the Roseburg study conducted by Victoria and Dr Fieber, reveal the unique healing potential of green smoothies. Boutenko was originally looking for a way to improve the raw food diet - a diet based on fruit, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and avocados. While this eating regiment helped her family's health tremendously, Boutenko couldn't help but notice something was missing. After extensive research, she came to the conclusion that without a sufficient amount of greens one cannot reach optimal health.

Greens make our body more alkaline, add fiber, and provide a wide spectrum of prime nutrients. Chlorophyll effectively aids in the healing of many human ailments. Green for Life explains why eating more green leafy vegetables can help normalize the acidity level in the stomach. Greens can give us so much energy we will actually require less sleep.

Green for Life includes 23 delicious smoothie recipes with ingredients like romaine, strawberries, and bananas, to get you started on drinking your way to a healthier life. Plus, Boutenko shares the testimonies of her research subjects who drank 1 quart of her green smoothie every day with astonishing results.

Customer Reviews

Green Smoothies get rid of junk food cravings!!! by Rick Josey
What a wonderful book! For the past 20 years I've been on a quest to eat more natural foods,and my health improved drastically. But I still suffered from junk food cravings...until I discovered Green for Life!

Following Victoria's advice, I added lots of GREENS to my fruit smoothies, and the first day I did so MY FOOD CRAVINGS STOPPED. Bang. Just vanished. Just like my brain's "cravings switch" was flipped to the OFF position. Apparently my body had been craving minerals all those years, and once I started eating GREENS the cravings stopped. And I'm finally trimming down! Victoria's research in this area is much needed, and much appreciated. I especially love the chapter on the chimpanzees and their daily eating habits.

My wife and I participated in one of Victoria's Green for Life teleconferences, and we loved it. She speaks from her heart, is really a nice lady, and this was one of the best conferences ever. We love Victoria! And we sure love the changes that are happening in our bodies! Get this Green for Life book, make yourself some green smoothies, and watch your food cravings vanish. This is the secret to losing weight! :)
Thanks, Victoria, for Green for Life!

The way to healthy living by M. Caruso
I used to do a lot of juicing in the past but it is very time consuming and really messy. My problem is over since I got Green for Life. Making smoothies is a great alternative to juicing. It is much faster, less messy, and you also get some fiber in addition to juice. In addition to great recipes for making smoothies the book is also a good source of information about proper nutrition, the importance of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and much more. Get this book!! Another great volume that you may not miss is Can We Live 150. These two books together make a perfect gift of showing the way to healthy living just for anyone.

Attention all IBS sufferers by S. Elaine
I was diagnosed with IBS almost a year ago, and tried my best to control it through diet (check out Heather VonVorous' Eating for IBS), but I would still have flare-ups, especially during stressful times. The green smooties are not only easy to digest (b/c its all blended for you) but they do wonders to regulate your GI tract. I have not had a flare- up since I started drinking my smoothies. If you have IBS, acid reflux, heartburn, or any other digestive issues you owe it to yourself to read this book.

Great introduction to blending, but should be taken with a grain of salt by BBP
I bought this book based on the large number of positive reviews and read it with an open mind, but also some skepticism. I wanted to boost my energy level as well as cut down on meat consumption, but was wary of fad diets and radical lifestyle changes. I was already exercising regularly (3-4x a week), so weight loss wasn't a concern. I was just tired of feeling lethargic all the time and wanted to try a new way to stop being so lifeless.

Thankfully, Boutenko promotes healthy living, not gimmicky diets or fad lifestyles. I gave the book an earnest effort, and within 2 weeks of regular and frequent blending (4 or more smoothies a day), I began to notice a big change in the way my body reacted. I was surprised to see myself growing very sleepy around 11pm and was wide awake by 7, all without a need for an alarm clock. My body became more in tune with the circadian rhythm and day/night cycles whereas previously, I stayed up half the night and didn't wake until past noon. As many others have reported, my craving for meat and junk food sharply declined. After drinking 2 or 3 glasses of smoothies/veggie juice blends in the evening, I didn't have much interest (or room) for much else.

My initial 5 or 6 pitchers were sometimes downright disgusting, but after I got used to the juice blends and varying the ingredients (adding some fruits or store-bought orange juice), I came to like them a lot and looked forward to a tall cold glass of green goo whenever I felt hungry. Particularly effective energy-boosters are dark leafy greens like kale and Chinese mustard greens (Brassica rapa).

Prior to reading "Green for Life", I was juicing. I always felt guilty throwing away all that vegetable and fruit pulp and just drinking the juice, and Boutenko made me realize why. I was discarding all the good stuff, like valuable nutrients, enzymes, and fiber. I had tried to use the pulp in soup, but it didn't taste very good. Juicing also left a big mess to clean up (mesh screen, pulp bucket, juicer walls), and I hadn't even thought to blend. So, now I blend, and keep 100% of the benefits and all the cleaning that's required is rinsing out the pitcher of my blender. Another bonus is that vegetables and fruit are a lot cheaper than meat, so the savings add up. $5 can buy a week's worth of juicing ingredients. In the supermarket, I began to walk right by the meat section without second thoughts, even when there were some great sales. Lower meat consumption is also better for the planet because of how wasteful meat production is.

"Green for Life" is a good starting point to a greener, healthier lifestyle, and I highly recommend it. I do have to take some of what Boutenko says with a grain of salt though. She seems to claim blending as a panacea which solves almost any ailment or condition. Otherwise, I have no doubts as to the health benefits of regular blending. I fell off the wagon for the last 3 months because of work and definitely feel the difference. I'm very tired again during the day, so I've restarted my blending routine. Getting more vegetables into your diet and eating less meat is never a bad thing.

MediDating: Meditations for Fearless Romance - Audio CD

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MediDating: Meditations for Fearless Romance

By Gabrielly Bernstein
AudioBook, 1hour 4minutes
Release date: 15 September 2011

MediDating is unlike any other relationship program out there. In this 11-track guided meditation, best-selling author Gabrielle Bernstein helps you release romantic illusions, overcome fears and insecurities, activate your attracting power, and manifest love into your life. Many people carry disastrous relationship experiences from the past into the present moment. Holding on to anger from the last date who didn't call you back inevitably transfers negative vibes to the next one. This anger sabotages the possibility of creating a healthy new relationship, keeping you rooted in your history instead of the now. By relaxing into a state of peaceful awareness, you can learn to let go of past resentments and clear space for love. Through simple breathing exercises, visualizations, and mental reconditioning, you'll simplify and enhance your dating experiences, all the while using your inner guidance to find the perfect partner. Well, what are you waiting for? Release your romantic delusions and start MediDating today!

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars Amazing!!!!!, by Amazon
I have purchased gabrielle's other mediations as well, but this one by far i enjoy the most! the very first mediation just sends this amazing energy through you! definitely recommend this to anyone who wants to have that good loving feeling again again, what we all had at one point in our life!!:)

5.0 out of 5 stars Medidating!!!, by KG
Simply fabulous! This album helps open your mind and release your fears about romance! With several different topics it covers the whole spectrum of relationships and love.

5.0 out of 5 stars Nicely done meditation album, by Bean "Bean" (Westminster, CO United States)
I really like this meditation album. I think it's good even if you aren't dating, necessarily. I've applied the guidance to all my relationships - non romantic alike. Sometimes I just like someone to talk me through a meditation to focus and also, it's a nice way to time how long you're doing it.

5.0 out of 5 stars Kick start, by Mary P. Lafond "P Lafond" (Anchorage AK)
If you are hitting a wall with dating and looking for a kick start-this cd offers a new and fresh approach! Thank you, Patti

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By George Malkmus

Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds

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The Nine Factors That Can Make a Real Difference - Surviving Cancer Against All Odds

By Kelly A Turner

Hardcover, 288 pages, 8 May 2014 or CD Audio Book, 1 July 2014, 9 hours & 22 minutes

Discover the nine keys that can unlock your pathway to dramatic healing.Kelly Turner, Ph.D., a researcher and psychotherapist who specializes in integrative oncology, gives the reader the results of her research on over a thousand cases of Radical Remission--people who have defied a serious or even terminal cancer diagnosis with a complete reversal of the disease. The results of this study, which focused on seventy-five factors, include astounding insights of the nine key factors that Dr. Turner found among nearly every Radical Remission survivor she has studied and an explanation of how the reader can put these practices to work in his or her own life.Every chapter of Radical Remission includes dramatic stories of survivors' journeys back to wellness. The realization that the possibilities for healing are more abundant than we had previously known gives people concrete ways to defy the overwhelming prognosis of terminal cancer. This is a book for those who are in the midst of receiving conventional cancer treatment, who are looking for other options because that treatment has done all that it can, or who seemingly have no options left but still feel that the future holds the possibility of hope.Kelly Turner's Radical Remission shows that it is possible to triumph over cancer, even in situations that seem hopeless. Encompassing diet, stress, emotions, spirituality, and other factors that profoundly affect our health and well-being, Turner's discussion of how our choices can cause the seemingly miraculous to happen will open your eyes to what is possible when it comes to lasting healing.

An important book for all cancer patients. Radical Remission is filled with hope, science and possibilities. (Kris Carr, New York Times bestselling author)

Never before has anyone with Dr. Turner’s credentials dared to research the million dollar question: why do some patients get better from seemingly “incurable” illnesses? Dr. Turner has uncovered the holy grail those who want to optimize their chances for cure have been seeking. Bravo, Dr. Turner! (Lissa Rankin, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine & host of the National Public Television special Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine)

This book is filled with important information for everyone, whether struggling with cancer or not. She is giving the world a gift at such an important time as so many are feeling like they can’t take their lives into their own hands. Kelly empowers us all to do exactly that. (Colleen Saidman, cofounder and codirector of Yoga Shanti)

Kelly Turner delivers the message people addressing cancer -- or seeking to prevent it -- need to hear. Turner’s book gives you the support you need -- from science, tradition, and common sense -- to make powerful lifestyle changes that will tip the scales in your favor. (Pamela Miles)

“Radical Remission is a treasure trove of BIG TRUTH about the incredible healing power available to each and every one of us!” (Christiane Northrup, M.D., ob/gyn physician and author of the ,New York Times bestsellers Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause)

“Radical Remission shows how we can shift the odds of remission in our favor. What I like most about this book is balance. Turner does not ask anyone to abandon conventional therapy, but instructs us on how to add healing factors that are often overlooked.” (Larry Dossey, MD, author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters)

Radical Remission is a personal and deeply moving exploration of the power of the human spirit and innate wisdom of the body to overcome catastrophic illness. Persons with cancer and their families and friends will find it especially helpful. (Andrew Weil, M.D.)

Kelly Turner is studying phenomena that is the very research and story sharing that will step us forward into solving the cancer plague. Kelly Turner writes as an accomplished scientist and as a compassionate human being to inspire us to question deeply the roots of our illnesses. (Rodney Yee, author of Moving Toward Balance)

Customer Reviews

A very important book and a very important mission
By Kelley Eidem

As the author of the book "The Doctor Who Cures Cancer," I believe "Radical Remissions is a big step forward towards creating critical mass. Turner points out in her book that not one doctor she asked who had personally witnessed a Radical Remission had tried to publish the case as a classic case study. She also points out that there are over 1,000 reports of "spontaneous remissions" that have been reported in the medical literature, but that they weren't being pursued by researchers as to the commonalities among them. Turner has done that!

She asked the right questions, "Why did each of these people experience a spontaneous remission? What it spontaneous or was it something they did?" She found out that their remissions were due to something they did.

Turner also highlights how it is by focusing on the anomalies that new discoveries are made. Whether it be Dr. Revici's discoveries, the discovery of penicillin, etc, it is almost always in the exceptional case where the discovery is made. The book then goes forth to expand on the 9 biggest commonalities that she uncovered so that cancer patients can try them for themselves.

Turner continues to collect more cases to help verify her findings. In her book, she calls her findings a hypothesis. She wants to see more attention devoted to her data to confirm and expand her findings. We can be sure that the cancer industry will close ranks and not follow through on Turner's goal just as they have for the past 100 years. But the book and her continued mission is a GIGANTIC step towards greater awareness about the real ways to cure cancer.

Finally a book which uses research which supports non-medical invasive cures
By Christopher Steele

As someone who is always interested in alternative remedies outside of medicine, I purchased this book in hopes to learn more about the subject. The book was so much more than I expected in that not only was it well researched, but was written in such a way that it did not feel like an academic reading. Highly recommend.

A Treasury of Inspiration
By Paxdieta Books

RADICAL REMISSION shows that true healing often involves more than medical treatments.
Kelly Turner shows that transformation of the mind, the heart, the emotions, nutrition
and relationships are also essential. Her book contains a treasury of inspiring stories
and clear analysis, showing that inner transformation can produce positive changes
leading to true healing for body, mind and spirit. Recommended for all readers interested
in personal growth and development, not just cancer patients!
(Sarto Schickel, Author of Cancer Healing Odyssey)

Restful Sleep - CD

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Restful Sleep

Voice: Caz Sheldon
Harp: Celia Briar
Release date: 2001
The gentle music of Celia's harp and the supportive ideas and affirmations spoken by Caz are specifically designed to help you get all the sound and restful sleep you need.

So, as you listen, you can slip into a relaxed, harmonious state, drifting into deep refreshing slumber, learning new ways for you to really rest...
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· Does diet influence the depth of our spirituality?
· Why is clarity better than knowledge?
· How do we make right choices in our life?
· What is the difference between pleasure and happiness?
· How can we find out our true life mission?

Victoria addresses these and other issues in one of her most inspiring talks, illustrating it with anecdotes from her own life.

Running time: 1 hour

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By Dr George Malkmus

This booklet includes the full nutritional program that will help you regain your health and energy.