Flower essences are liquid, potentized plant preparations which convey a distinct imprint, or etheric pattern of a specific flower. These remarkable remedies expand our understanding of health care, recognizing a relationship between body, and soul, and the interweaving of spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical aspects of wellness. Flower essences enjoy a reputation of being not only highly effective, but also very safe to use. They are not part of standard biochemical medicine for they contain only minute traces of physical substance. Rather they belong to a pioneering new field of potentialized remedies which derive their beneficial powers from the inherent life forces within substances.
The effect of the essences is similar to that in meditation in that the patient accesses the wisdom of their Higher Self and it directs their own healing. Their system is "flooded" with the positive virtues needed from the Higher Self and a "washing out" of the negativity which caused their disease occurs and balance is restored.