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Aya: Awakenings DVD

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Aya: Awakenings - A Journey of Shamanic Discovery

DVD 90minutes
Release Date: 2013

'Aya: Awakenings' is an experiential journey into the world and visions of Ayahuasca, a powerful plant medicine from the Amazon which is has been utilized traditionally for millennia but has only recently been discovered by the modern world. Adapted from the cult book 'Aya: A Shamanic Odyssey by Rak Razam, the documentary follows Razam as he sets out to document the booming business of Amazonian shamanism in the 21st century. Razam quickly finds himself caught up in a culture clash between the old world and the new. Braving a gringo trail of the soul, he uncovers a movement of spiritual tourists coming from the west for a direct experience with the multi dimensional realities ayahuasca shamanism reportedly connects one with.


Blending narration directly from Rak Razam's book Aya Awakenings with video footage, interviews with practicing curanderos (healers), samples of traditional icaros or magic songs, photographs, and cutting edge special effects, the movie AYA: Awakenings reproduces the inner landscape of the visionary state in unprecedented detail, invoking an awakening in the viewer. Meet the book's "spiritual tourists," rogue scientists, black magicians, indigenous healers, and Western guides in person and gain an understanding of the history of Amazonian shamanism through the art, music, and culture of the region.

Directed by Tim Parish, the movie features the artwork of Pablo Amaringo, Andy Debrenardi, and more; the screenplay was written by Rak Razam, video editing by Verb Studios, soundscapes by Lulu Madill and music by Shpongle, Tipper, Darpan, Lula Cruza, and curanderos Norma Panduro, Guillermo Arevalo, Percy Garcia Lozano, Ron Wheelock, and Kevin Furnas. This documentary charts the global shamanic resurgence born in the jungles of Peru reaching out to embrace the world.

"The vine has spread her tendrils across the world and a genuine archaic revival was underway. My bags were packed, South America beckoned, and the ancient mysteries of the rainforest awaited. I wanted in on it ..."--Rak Razam

Customer Reviews

Great book,
by Randall Sexton "Zenman" (Junction City, KS)
This is a great book on Ayahuasca tourism and Rak is the perfect person to write it. I really enjoyed his perspective on the places I've visited. I would have liked to hear about his views on ceremonies at Blue Morpho, although he did have a talk with Hamilton. I'm right at the end of the book and highly recommend it.

5.0 out of 5 stars It's an amazing journey by Drew Gould
Rak Razam makes me want to take the ayahusca journey. I have heard about it from freinds in Australia but it has so much more relevance when reading about his journey ino the inner mind launching him on his psychonaut visions. The cleansing aspect of ayahusca really appeals to me. I have even emailed the Guilermo ayahusca retreat in Iquitos in Peru to find out about the cost of travelling there. He describes things so well that are by his own admission beyond words. He also says things how they are and doesn't make all the practitioners to be all love and light but exposes those who are in it for the money or too boost their ego. Well written. Rarely is it that I read a book that calls to me and says you need to do this.

5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars by armadillo
Great. Arrived on time and as advertised.

5.0 out of 5 stars Well written and captivating. by Sandra Stone
I thoroughly enjoyed this book, it was interesting, enlightening, captivating and well worth a read. Highly recommended. Written with sensitivity and highlights current trends.

Believing is Seeing!: DVD

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by Dr Lorraine Day

How to have hope when everything looks hopeless

Amazing Personal Testimonies

The popular accepted concept is that Seeing is Believing! "I'll believe it when I see it!" But when it comes to getting well, that's backwards. Learning to trust God and believe His healing promises when the outlook appears hopeless requires faith that only God can give. When we finally believe - then we will see!

Lorraine Day, M.D. tells her electrifying and hope-filled personal story of recovery from terminal breast cancer, without chemotherapy, radiation or mutilating surgery. She reveals how she found the courage, faith and strength to hang on when she was dying and defy everything she had been taught in her medical training in order to get well by following God's totally natural health plan.

In this DVD you will:

- learn how you can know more and become wiser than the medical "experts"

- understand why ALL action is dependent on belief

- learn how you can find the courage, strength and faith to persevere when everything looks hopeless

- see astonishing spontaneous testimonials from people who have recovered, or are recovering, from many diseases including colon cancer, breast cancer, uterine fibroid tumours, infertility, and polycythemia vera, a cancer-like blood disease.

Big Bucks, Big Pharma: DVD

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Big Bucks, Big Pharma pulls back the curtain on the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry to expose the insidious ways that illness is used, manipulated, and in some instances created, for capital gain. Focusing on the industry's marketing practices, media scholars and health professionals help viewers understand the ways in which direct-to-consumer (DTC) pharmaceutical advertising glamorizes and normalizes the use of prescription medication, and works in tandem with promotion to doctors. Combined, these industry practices shape how both patients and doctors understand and relate to disease and treatment. Ultimately, Big Bucks, Big Pharma challenges us to ask important questions about the consequences of relying on a for-profit industry for our health and well-being. Featuring interviews with Dr. Marcia Angell (Dept. of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Former Editor New England Journal of Medicine), Dr. Bob Goodman (Columbia University Medical Center; Founder, No Free Lunch), Gene Carbona (Former Pharmaceutical Industry Insider and Current Executive Director of Sales, The Medical Letter), Katharine Greider (Journalist; Author, The Big Fix: How the Pharmaceutical Industry Rips Off American Consumers), Dr. Elizabeth Preston (Dept. of Communication, Westfield State College), and Dr. Larry Sasich (Public Citizen Health Research Group).

Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore: DVD

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by Dr Lorraine Day
In this video from Dr. Lorraine Day, M.D., she gives her personal story of why she refused radiation, chemotherapy and surgery when she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and how she cured it with nutrition. Through the video, she emphasizes the importance of defeating cancer by strengthening the bodies immune system, and reveals why people get cancer, how to avoid it, and why the people who are profiting from the "Big Business" of cancer don't want you to know this information.

Crazy Sexy Cancer DVD

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Crazy Sexy Cancer: A Story About Looking for a Cure, and Finding a Life.

By Kris Carr
DVD 90minutes
Release Date: 2007

Crazy Sexy Cancer is an irreverent and uplifting documentary about a young woman looking for a cure and finding her life. Weeks after she was diagnosed, filmmaker Kris Carr began documenting her story. Taking a seemingly tragic situation and turning it into a creative expression, Kris shares her inspirational story of survival with honesty, courage, and lots of humor. Crazy Sexy Cancer is more than a film, it's an attitude! It's about rising to the challenge of life, and no matter what, refusing to give up who you are at your core. This story is as funny as it is frightening, as joyous as it is outrageous. Ultimately, Crazy Sexy Cancer is a thought provoking film about friendship, love and growing up.


Until 2003, Kris Carr's life resembled that of many other New York actresses. The attractive blonde acted in commercials, appeared in theatrical revues, and guested on programs like Law & Order. After she was diagnosed with cancer of the vascular system, Carr decided to document the experience (she has also written a book, Crazy Sexy Cancer Survivor). This isn't how most people would react, especially if told that conventional treatments aren't likely to help. With the support of her friends and family, Carr becomes "a full-time healing junkie." For this TLC documentary, she also interviews fellow cancer survivors, like redheaded sisters Erin Zammett Ruddy and Melissa Gonzalez, African-American playwright Oni Faidah Lampley, and pink wigged tour manager Jackie Farry. While Carr acquires a New Age attitude (she digs the word "groovy"), Farry advances a punk-rock approach (her motto is "f--- cancer"). Carr may exhibit greater acceptance of her condition, but Farry's anger seems like the more logical response. Further, Carr's optimism is admirable, but possibly unrealistic for those without her support system or insurance benefits (Plus, she never looks sick and falls in love with her camera man during filming). Nonetheless, her sometimes risqué sense of humor makes for entertaining company during this five-year journey. In Crazy Sexy Cancer, Carr doesn’t presume to offer any cures for untreatable conditions, but provides a model for living well through low-impact exercise and proper eating habits. The plentiful extras include a yoga routine, guided meditation, detox tips, deleted scenes, and extended interviews. --Kathleen C. Fennessy

Customer Reviews

An Invitation to Health, Life, Love, Hope, Joy, and a little Juice on the Side, by Martha Finney "Martha Finney"
Even though I'm a professional writer, words fail me. I'm sitting here at my computer with my fingers poised in touch-type position waiting for one gigantic capsule of brilliance to come out. Nope, still nothing. So I'll make my rave less-than-brilliant. Even though her DVD is genius!

Three words: Get this DVD. Six words: Even if you don't have cancer.

Kris Carr has done the miraculous: She has turned the whole conversation of cancer and healing and empowerment, and creative control upside down to invite all of us to look at our lives and even mortality through brave, fresh, fun, authentic eyes. She's a delight to watch; informative to listen to; an inspiration to emulate. She may actually make me do the unthinkable: shove kale down the feed tube of my juicer and give it a try. (Needless to say, I'm a juicing newbie; but her influence is bringing this Chocolate girl around.)

Crazy Sexy Cancer by Susan D. Cutler "health oriented"
Here is a wonderful exploration of young folks with cancer. Her worldwide search for cures and potent diets are inspiring. I work for hospice and plan to reccommend this video and companion book to my patients. The extras on the video include yoga for healing and vegetarian diet help. I think that this is a very important video for most people as nowdays we all now people struggling with this disease. Also for those of us who want to avoid cancer, there are plenty of tips for us.

5 out-of 5 Inspirational and charming by Amy Jarvison
I saw this on TLC, and it's a beyond charming look at what would normally be a private struggle with cancer.
Kris Carr is an amazing inspirational young lady and she inspired me so much to live my days to a much more full extent!
She has an open heart that she is sharing with the world. I have purchased a few extra copies for friends now as I don't want to give up my own.

I'm not sure why her name is not FIRST on her DVD (lists Rodney Yee who stars in an extras chapter)!

5 out-of 5 When I was ready, the book was waiting by Diane E. Bretz "Bretzy"
I was diagnosed with Colon Cancer in May 2008. Had surgery, found out the cancer spread to my lymph nodes and liver. I was scared to death. My friend Marganne kept telling me about the Craze Sexy Cancer lady she was on TV, and wanted me to read the books. It took me months to find the courage to start reading about cancer. I thought the more I read, the more I researched, the more I'd see that I was in big trouble. Well, I finally got the books six months later, and my life has been turned around. So many things clicked with me, that I can say, WoW, Kris totally gets it.

Since ready her book, a had to make some changes to Team Diane!! I let go of my oncologist at my primary hospital, whose bedside manner didn't jive with me, and now see a second year oncology Fellow, who works under the first oncologist. He is so patient with me, hugs me when I need it, and is not afraid to hold my hand and look me in the eye and explain what is happening to me. As it turns out my new Main Man at Penn State Hershey Medical Center was in residency with one of my two oncologist I see at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia. My Team calls each other with ease to discuss my case. Thank you Chris for giving me the strength to let go of a very, highly trained oncologist, for someone who is also highly trained and educated, genuinely cares about me.

This is just one of the many truly life changes experiences that have come out of the CRAZY, SEXY, CANCER series. I've got my GalPal's, who comes to chemo with me, and turn it into a party. I try to turn everything I do into a little party.

Cut Poison Burn DVD

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Cut Poison Burn

By Wayne Chesler
DVD 92minutes
Release Date: 2010

The Film tells the grim tale of the half century War on Cancer and focuses on the character of Thomas Navarro. In 1999, the four year old boy was diagnosed with brain cancer and thrust into the system of Surgery, Chemo and Radiation and not allowed to be treated with a proven method by Texas Doctor Stanislaw Burzynski. The war between the Navarro Family and the FDA is perhaps this country's greatest evidence as to why there should be medical freedom and how since the War on Cancer began in 1971, the war is still failing in 2009.

Customer Reviews

Harrowing, Enlightening, heartbreaking Cancer Expose, by Rachel (New York)
We are blessed to welcome a crop of well-made and courageous documentaries in recent years intended to help viewers understand more about the reality of "health' care in this country, and more importantly, about the power of pursuing your own alternative informed choices. This dvd focuses primarily on the heartbreaking struggle of several families, in particular the Navarro's- to merely "choose" a route to health and possible healing for their loved one.

Many of us might not know the insidious level of power and control the FDA has on all reaches of human experience- food and health care are central to our existence. While naturopathic and holistic choices have resulted in healing and health for many, this film focuses on the medical doctors and scientists who themselves are suppressed , threatened, hauled into court, jailed and even killed (Gerson) when their remedies heal cancer- and heal cancer with comfort and balance, rather than with the suffering and malicious side effects of outdate d chemo and radiation.

Cancer is currently being "treated" by horrific medical means which kill the patient sooner or later, and the struggle to expose and stop this practice is central to this film. This film proposes that these methods are actually unscientific- yet profitable for an elite few. See for yourself.

Enlightening and well done.

5.0 out of 5 stars Eye opener for cancer patients, by Jaro Snopek "striving for the best" (Calabasas, CA United States)
This is pretty sad documentary and if you are a cancer patient, think twice before you go through chemotherapy treatment. Successful therapy is documented only on lymphoma, testicular cancer and children's leukemia. And it is not one size fits all, as we can see quite often in our medical clinics. And the latest studies about chemo are, that they actually encourage cancer growth in many instances. Do your own research and do not succumb to a fear, that most physicians will inflict on you. $41 billion is not a small change for chemo manufacturers.

5.0 out of 5 stars Before you get chemo..., by Kimberley J Workman (Albuquerque, NM United States)
Perform your due diligence and watch this documentary. It may change your mind about standardized medicine. Choose to explore all other modalities.

5.0 out of 5 stars Good Video, by sapsguy
Although it didn't end the way I'd hoped it would, I actually appreciate how realistic it was in exposing the Cancer industry for the profit making entities that they are.

5.0 out of 5 stars Absolutely see this film!!!, by Patricia Keller
This film should be seen by everyone it always amazes me how people just set on whatever they are told without doing their own research...Wake up America!!!

Dead Wrong: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child - A Documentary DVD

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Dead Wrong: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child -  A Documentary

Presented by The Citizens Comission on Human Rights
DVD, 1hour 30minutes

Release Date: 2010

From the makers of the award-winning documentaries Making a Killing: The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging and The Marketing of Madness: Are We All Insane? comes this searing new documentary, exposing how devastating—and deadly—psychiatric drugs can be for children and families.

Behind the grim statistics of deaths, suicides, birth defects and serious adverse reactions is the human face of this global drugging epidemic—the personal stories of loss and courage of those who paid the real price.

Psychiatrists claim their drugs are safe for children?

Once you hear what eight brave mothers, their families, health experts, drug counselors and doctors have to say instead, you will come away convinced of one thing…

Psychiatrists are DEAD WRONG.

Customer Reviews

A Moving Story By MCelender4
"Wow... this was incredible... probably the most moving/heart-rending/poignant documentary I've ever seen. Parents everywhere owe it to their kids to see Matthew Steubing's story. All the other mothers featured here also had some incredibly touching and unique stories. And the interviews provided by the various experts is incredibly informative. If you enjoyed CCHR's other documentaries you will be blown away by this one!"

truth hurts By Bill Jackson
"Good documentary on the abuse of pharma and the medical industry. bombard your doctors with questions. ask how much knowledge they have on the pills and the condition they are prescribing them for. it is your health, your life they are playing with."

Double Blind - What Science Can't See: DVD

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by Dr Lorraine Day

Science has become the god of our civilization. If a person with cancer or any other illness is investigating different methods of treatment, he or she yearns to rely on the "best" and newest scientific information.

But how is this data derived? Does our system of medical education result in accurate information that a person can depend on for his or her very life?
In this DVD, Dr. Day reveals:

 Shocking new information on the cancer-causing effects of supplemental vitamin C and other vitamin supplements

 Why the highest system of medical education in the world, the U.S. system, will NEVER find a cure for ANY disease

 Why double blind studies, the "gold standard" in medical research, lead to ignorance

 How doctors are becoming "Agents of Death"

 How radiation of breast cancer increases your risk of dying from heart disease

 Why true science is always simple and easily understood

Drugs Never Cure Disease: DVD

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by Dr Lorraine Day

says Lorraine Day, M.D.

And drugs never cure disease: they only change the form or location of the disease.

Dr. Lorraine Day developed severe advanced cancer and almost died - which became her supreme motivating factor for finding out how to get well. She recovered by natural methods, without chemotherapy, radiation or mutilating surgery. In the process of her research, she discovered that there are known causes for virtually every disease, even though this is never taught to doctors in medical school.

In this DVD Dr. Day reveals the causes for the diseases listed below as well as many others, and gives the astonishing answers on how to get well - without drugs! In addition, she exposes the disastrous side effects of the drugs used to treat these disorders. Discover the cause of your disease and find out how to get well!

 High blood pressure, diabetes and heart disease

 Cancer: all types including leukemia and AIDS

 Arthritis, lupus and sciatica

 Allergies, asthma and bronchitis

 Multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's

 Stomach ulcers and diseases of the colon

 Special problems of women including menopause and osteoporosis

 Flu, colds, headaches, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and many other diseases

Duration: 98 Minutes

Exotic Nutrition Vol. 1: DVD: Region 1

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By David Wolfe

David Wolfe is a World Authority on Raw-Food Nutrition. These presentations consist of segments from over 40 of David's best seminars and lectures! These clear, stunning presentations are information-packed and content-rich. The information contained here is more powerful and usable than one could draw out of three dozen books. Digitally recorded and mastered.

Volume 1 includes seminars on raw food philosophy, science and practice.

    * How cooking began
    * Acid and alkaline balance
    * Parasites
    * Mucus and mucoid plaque
    * The power of fresh vegetable juices

Duration: 90 minutes

Fed Up - Genetic Engineering, Industrial Agriculture and Sustainable Alternatives: DVD

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About 70 percent of the food we eat contains genetically engineered ingredients, and the biotech industry is spending $50 million a year to convince us that this technology is our only hope.

Using hilarious and disturbing archival footage and featuring interviews with farmers, scientists, government officials, and activists, Fed Up! presents an entertaining and compelling overview of our current food production system from the Green Revolution to the Biotech Revolution and what we can do about it. ...

The DVD includes English closed captions, a chapter menu, and three archival films in their entirety. The archival films are Chicken of Tomorrow, Death to Weeds, and Man and His Culture.

Duration: 58 Minutes

This DVD Contains 1 DVD.

Ibogaine: rite of passage DVD

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Ibogaine: rite of passage

By Ben de Loenen
DVD 50minutes
Release date: 27 September 2004

A revealing documentary about the use of Ibogaine for the treatment of addiction and it's spiritual background.

Customer Reviews

A worthwhile documentary to watch by Martin Polanco
Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive substance found in a number of plants. Ibogaine-containing preparations are used in medicinal and ritual purposes within African spiritual traditions of the Bwiti. In recent times, it has been identified as having anti-addictive properties.

This excellent, 45 minute documentary follows Moussavou, age 22 who lives in the village Mitoné in Gabon and Cy, age 34 who lives in San Diego California. It juxtaposes traditional use of this plant teacher with the Western medical approach. I especially like how it documents Moussavou's Bwiti initiation.

The interviews contained in the documentary are very compelling, starting with a Bwiti shaman who explains Iboga's mythological origin and current use in Africa. He makes it very clear that ibogaine is a visionary plant and not just a hallucinogen.

One Answer to Cancer DVD

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One Answer to Cancer: The Truth About Aldara and "Black Salve" in Melanoma Skin Cancer

DVD 98minutes

ONE ANSWER TO CANCER is about two cancer salves. One, known as Aldara, doesn't cure, and has even killed. Yet, it is still legally and enthusiastically prescribed by doctors, and even subsidized by our tax dollars. Aldara nearly killed Elaine Hollingsworth, after she put a small amount on a tiny skin cancer. She has never recovered, nor have thousands of other victims. This is an unspeakable crime. The corrupt physicians who have prescribed Aldara for financial gain, and the multinational, 3M, who released and promoted it (while knowing it can kill), must be stopped before millions are maimed and die. ONE ANSWER TO CANCER names names, and pulls no punches. The other cancer salve, "black salve" is safe and effective, and has never harmed anyone, in thousands of years of use. Yet it is illegal, and is suppressed by governments. Why? You know the reason: Big Pharma will lose billions in revenue when the power and safety of the salve becomes widely known. ONE ANSWER TO CANCER is packed full of amazing testimonials by people who have reclaimed their health. They have eliminated invasive breast cancers, deadly Ewing's Sarcoma, terminal thyroid cancer, bowel cancer and an array of skin cancers, even large melanomas. In their interviews men and woman describe exactly how they used this natural salve, and have even generously included startling before and after photos. The best news of all: ONE ANSWER TO CANCER will show you precisely how to make this life-saving natural salve for yourself and your loved ones, so you can escape the sickness industry. Big Government, Big Pharma and Big Medicine will hate ONE ANSWER TO CANCER, but we've done it anyway. They would love to stop us, but they can't. At least, not yet. Running Time: 98 mins approx Act 1: Murder By Medicine Act 2: A Few Aldara Victims Act 3: The Fix Was In Act 4: The Crusade Act 5: A Magic Bullet? Act 6: Internal Cancers Act 7: Two Progressive Doctors Act 8: Fight Back

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars DONT DIE FROM CANCER! by momnson
NEVER let anyone tell you that CANCER is a DEATH SENTENCE! I have been removing cancer on myself and my husband for several years. Also internally! Don't do the Chemo and Radiation - READ THIS FIRST. They have been curing cancer for years with alternative medicines. There are even big clinics that use natural techniques.

5.0 out of 5 stars A MUST SEE, by NARADA DASA
Anyone with cancer needs to see this. Not just clearly explaining the negatives and difficulties with chemotherapy etc., but most importantly, shows you a natural way to heal various cancers. I know people who have used the black salve before, it seems to work extremely well. Beware the naysayers, Natures ancient healing remedies are successfully used all over the world today, as they have been for thousands of years. I wonder why,in some countries, natural healing in many forms (whether it works or not) is considered illegal.

Why not research this for yourself.
What are the laws.
Who makes the particular laws.
Who benefits?
At what cost?
Why is (almost) nobody addressing this clearly corporate driven profit problem, and at the expense of the public's health and safety.
And yes, I am talking about our FDA governed U.S. health system.
We HEAR talk about keeping health costs down, but ACTION speaks louder than words.
Follow the money.
Health and Peace.

5.0 out of 5 stars Five Stars, by ben
Tried the recipe -- boy does it work -- better be careful

Psychiatry: An Industry of Death DVD

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Psychiatry: An Industry of Death - A Documentary.

Presented by The Citizens Commission on Human Rights
DVD, 1hour 49minutes
Release date: 2006

This riveting presentation, two years in the making, lays bare the destruction wrought by psychiatrists upon every sector of our society. Graphic footage from archival and current films depicting psychiatrists in action, eye-opening interviews with medical experts and moving accounts from victims and their facsimiles, make this the most complete and devastating documentary of psychiatric abuse ever produced.

Customer Reviews

Truth Is Truth By Gary Williams
"Out of all subjects one should study..history is best able to reward all research" This is a much needed story that needs to be revealed to the masses of the people.They have put themselves beyond questioning and review and medicating the people is preferred to serious and wholelistic healing of mind, body and spirit.

Five Stars By samantha
"Excellent documentary. its definitly more than just keeps you on edge

Psychiatry an Industry of Death By Cheryl J. Jones
"I was astounded at the beginnings and the bizzare ideas of doctors who wanted to make a name for themselves. I am well aware of the drug companies interest in psychiatry. I showed this to my friends and it was just jaw dropping. I recommend this film to anyone contemplating giving their children psych drugs."

Super Size Me: DVD

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Why are Americans so fat? Find out in Super Size Me, a tongue in-cheek - and burger in hand -- look at the legal, financial and physical costs of America's hunger for fast food

Filmmaker Morgan Spurlock hit the road and interviewed experts in 20 U.S. cities, including Houston, the "Fattest City" in America. From Surgeon Generals to gym teachers, cooks to kids, lawmakers to legislators, these authorities shared their research, opinions and "gut feelings" on our ever-expanding girth.

During the journey, Spurlock also put his own body on the line, living on nothing but McDonald's for an entire month with three simple rules:
    1) No options: he could only eat what was available over the counter (water included!)
    2) No supersizing unless offered
    3) No excuses: he had to eat every item on the menu at least once

It all adds up to a fat food bill, harrowing visits to the doctor, and compelling viewing for anyone who's ever wondered if man could live on fast food alone.

The film explores the horror of school lunch programs, declining health and physical education classes, food addictions and the extreme measures people take to lose weight and regain their health.

Super Size Me is a satirical jab in the stomach, overstuffed with fat and facts about the billion-dollar industry besieged by doctors, lawyers and nutritionists alike. "Would you like fries with that?" will never sound the same!

Duration: 98 Minutes

This DVD Contains 1 DVD.

The Beautiful Truth DVD

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The Beautiful Truth: The World's Simplest Cure for Cancer

by Steve Kroschel
DVD 92minutes
Release date: 2008

A troubled 15-year-old boy attempting to cope with the recent death of his mother sets out to research Dr. Max Gerson's claims of a diet that can cure cancer as his first assignment for home-schooling in this documentary from filmmaker Steve Kroschel (Avalanche, Dying to Have Known). Garrett is a boy who has always been close to nature. He lives on a reserve with a menagerie of orphaned animals, and over the years he's become especially sensitive to the nutritional needs of the diet-sensitive animals he's charged with caring for. When Garrett's mother suffers a tragic and untimely death, the boy falls into a dangerous downward spiral and nearly flunks out of school. Increasingly concerned for Garrett's well-being and determined to strengthen their bond despite the many challenges on the horizon, his father makes the decision to begin home-schooling the distressed teen. Garrett's first assignment: study a controversial book written by Dr. Max Gerson, a physician who claims to have discovered a diet that's capable of curing cancer. Is Dr. Gerson's therapy truly the legitimate, alternative cure it appears to be? In order to find out the truth behind this long-suppressed treatment, Garrett interviews not only Dr. Gerson's family members, but various doctors, skeptics, and cancer patients as well. His studies completed and his findings revelatory, Garrett now sets out to tell the entire world about The Gerson Miracle.


VITAL, PROVOCATIVE and ENLIGHTENING. An unforgettable wake-up call.

...illuminating, touching, funny, sad, rage-inducing, provocative, entertaining and hopeful. --San Francisco Chronicle

A Must See! --Film Journal International

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars Gerson Therapy, or Chemotherapy: Guess which one has less than 3% success?, by Andrew W. Saul (Rochester, NY)
It has been said that more people live off cancer than die from it. The Beautiful Truth is a movie that can put a stop to this travesty. Here is a very practical guide to the intensive nutritional treatment of cancer and other life-threatening diseases that many would consider to have been impossible to obtain. But thanks to the work of Max Gerson, M.D., and his daughter, Charlotte Gerson, this knowledge is readily available.

Max Gerson cured cancer. He did so with a strict fat-free, salt-free, low-protein, essentially vegetarian dietary regimen, based on great quantities of fresh vegetable juice, supplements, and systemic detoxification. Ms. Gerson explains:
"Dr. Gerson found that the underlying problems of all cancer patients are toxicity and deficiency. He had to overcome both these difficulties. He found that one of the important features of his therapy had to be the hourly administration of fresh vegetable juices. These supply ample nutrients, as well as fluids to help flush out the kidneys. When the high levels of nutrients re-enter tissues, toxins accumulated over many years are forced into the blood stream. The toxins are then filtered out by the liver. The liver is easily overburdened by the continuous release of toxins and is unable to release the load. Dr. Gerson found that he could provide help to the liver by the caffeine in coffee, absorbed from the colon via the hemorrhoidal vein, which carries the caffeine to the portal system and then to the liver. The caffeine stimulates the liver/bile ducts to open, releasing the poisons into the intestinal tract for excretion."

Some of the blunt, uncompromising statements this movie makes are certain to get up the medical profession's collective nose. Too bad for them, for Dr. Gerson was right. And as for Charlotte, his daughter, her entire life has been immersed in healing people, first learning while assisting her father, and later teaching his method to the world.

I personally have seen what the Gerson program can do for a terminally ill cancer patient. I have been called upon to help in a couple of high-profile but last minute cases. One patient was a well-known sports figure. He was given some months to live and was not happy about it, as he was still in his 50s. He asked what his best shot would be for inoperable, untreatable metastasized cancer. I told him: the Gerson therapy. He did it, not in its entirety, but with enthusiasm. And, he lived considerably longer that he was expected to. But what really impressed me was the dramatic improvement in his energy level. From fatigue and weakness, he went instantly to a vibrant life, commencing from the very week he started the program. He maintained a more-than-full schedule for so long that even people who knew he was sick forgot that he was sick. Years later, people that never knew of my involvement in the matter would bring up his name, invariably recalling how active he was and how good he looked until, almost as a surprise, he died.

I saw a similar level of success with a prominent New York businessman, the owner of a chain of stores and afflicted with untreatable liver cancer. He began to do much, but by no means all, of the Gerson program, and was subsequently able to extensively travel the world with his family. He lived years longer than expected, with a high quality of life confirmed by all who saw him.

Looking only at these two patients, wanton critics of Gerson's method might think that, without complete and unequivocal cure, there is little to crow about. Such a view is unproductive, for neither of these patients followed the Gerson program completely. It is a tough sell, even to a person with a terminal diagnosis. Why is this?

Ignorance and arrogance make a bad combination, and "modern" medicine has been guilty of both for decades. Political physicians did not heed Dr. Gerson. In fact, they publicly condemned him. The news media, and some so-called "consumer" websites, have been their willing accomplices. The misinformation they spew to this day is fraught with fabricated frights of natural therapies, while in the same breath they spew forth the wonders of pharmaceutical drugs. When is the last time you saw a favorable mention of the Gerson program in the newspaper or on TV? Since pharmacological doctors have no sure-fire cure for cancer (an understatement if there ever was one), they might at least back a winning horse. According to peer-reviewed research, conventional chemotherapy contributes 2.3% to five year survival in Australia and a mere 2.1% in the US. (Morgan, Ward and Barton. Clinical Oncology, 2004. 16: 549-560) The Gerson approach has been shown, for over six decades, to significantly improve both quality of life and length of life in the sickest, the most hopeless, of cancer patients. Many people have been completely cured on the Gerson therapy. Not all, but many. Far, far more than with chemo.

Some years ago I watched a video tape of a Gerson patients' "reunion." On stage were people from all walks of life, and most were advanced in age. One after the other they spoke of the cancer they were diagnosed with three, ten, or twenty years ago. All were recovered. Dr. Gerson was the reason. You cannot watch such an event and fail to be moved.

Charlotte Gerson is 87 now (2009) and fit as a fiddle. I've met her many times. She glows with energy and vivaciousness and life. But what is much more important, so do the vast majority of Gerson patients. I urge you to watch this movie.

5.0 out of 5 stars Common sense cure -how brilliant!, by Veronica Olson "notjustanydoll" (USA)
This documentary reveals a simple truth to healing ourselves. You are what you to is the best medicine...all of these well-known conepts, when put into practice, really work! I have a relative who was cured of cancer through the Gerson Therapy in Mexico. She is in her ninties now!
thanks Garrett!

5.0 out of 5 stars WARNING this movie may cause EXTREME WELLNESS, by Organic Nutrition Chef "Denae Joy"
Dr. Max Gerson saved my life. PLEASE WATCH THIS MOVIE. IT could save the life of someone you know or may know in the future. The Gerson Therapy is saving people from having their testicles, eyes, prostates, removed and discarded. And after all that the patient still has a severe metabolic breakdown, and just maybe they'll throw in a little chemical cocktail for an expensive, sickening finish. PLEASE BUY THIS MOVIE! For the sick and the suffering. This movie will change your life if you let it. TOO ALL THE DR. GERSON HATERS>>> TOO BAD COMMON SENSE ISN't COMMON. I personally know many cases of true wellness caused by the content of this Movie. Thank you for reading.

The Beauty Diet DVD

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The Beauty Diet

By David Wolfe
Releasea Date: 2013

The 2-DVD video program based on the bestselling "Eating for Beauty" book. In these two DVDs, world-famous health lecturer David Wolfe discusses how to make delicious recipes using fruits, vegetables, superfoods and superherbs, specifically designed to help you achieve radiantly beautiful, glowing skin, sparkling eyes, lustrous hair, and strong bones and nails. This is a step-by-step youth-enhancing program! Filmed entirely at David Wolfe's own kitchen in Hawaii, The Beauty Diet contains the best cleansing, nourishing, and beautifying recipes to help you build your body as a work of art. Try these at home and have the best day ever! Includes a 16 page recipe booklet.

Customer Reviews

Awsome Presentation !!! Cudos !!!! by Anthony Fugitt
This dvd presentation is absolutely fantastic for anyone trying to improve their health and overall outlook. If you are just starting your healthy lifestyle change, or even if you have always lived healthy; Give this dvd set a try.
David Wolfe presents these recipes in such a fashion, That just watching while he prepares each dish is a fun and entertaining experience.

This is my opinion, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.

Just a side note; you might want to purchase a Nutri Bullet, or have a really good blender handy. I use both everyday and I have lost 44 pounds and counting since February 2014.

The Drugging of Our Children: DVD

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by Dr Lorraine Day

How are large drug companies benefiting from the latest trend of selling powerful psychoactive drugs to America's children? Do these drugs really help our children cure symptoms of supposed mental illness, or do they tend to increase depression, violence, and suicide? Are we really treating the root causes of mental illness, or are we just eliminating annoying symptoms?

This feature-length documentary examines the alarming growth in the prescription of powerful psychotropic drugs for adolescents and children. This is a compelling, beautifully edited documentary from award-winning film maker Gary Null. It that has both a dramatic and important educational impact.

 104 Minutes

The Future of Food: DVD

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By Deborah Koons Garcia.

There is a revolution happening in the farm fields in America and many other countries and on the dinner tables around the world - a revolution that is transforming the very nature of the food we eat.

THE FUTURE OF FOOD offers an in-depth investigation into the disturbing truth behind the unlabeled, patented, genetically engineered foods that have quietly filled U.S. and many other countries - including N.Z. - grocery store shelves for the past decade.

From the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada to the fields of Oaxaca, Mexico, this film gives a voice to farmers whose lives and livelihoods have been negatively impacted by this new technology. The health implications, government policies and push towards globalization are all part of the reason why many people are alarmed by the introduction of genetically altered crops into our food supply.

Shot on location in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, THE FUTURE OF FOOD examines the complex web of market and political forces that are changing what we eat as huge multinational corporations seek to control the world's food system. The film also explores alternatives to large-scale industrial agriculture, placing organic and sustainable agriculture as real solutions to the farm crisis today.

Duration: 89 mins 

The Living Matrix: A Film on the New Science of Healing DVD

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The Living Matrix: A Film on the New Science of Healing

By The Living Matrix LTD & Becker Massey LLC
DVD 85minutes
Release date: May 2009

The Living Matrix - The Science of Healing, uncovers new ideas about the intricate web of factors that determine our health. We talk with a group of dedicated scientists, psychologists, bioenergetic researchers and holistic practitioners who are finding healing potential in new places. The documentary brings together academic and independent researchers, practitioners, and science journalists whose work reveals scientific evidence that energy and information fields, not genetics, control health and wellbeing. These include internationally known healer, Dr. Eric Pearl; cellular biologist and former Stanford University professor Dr. Bruce Lipton; author Lynne McTaggart, and former U.S. astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, among others. Through in-person interviews and dramatized video vignettes that document the stories of people who recovered from chronic illness - including a five-year-old boy born with cerebral palsy, an osteopathic doctor with a brain tumor, and a housewife bedridden with chronic fatigue syndrome - the film demonstrates the effectiveness of bioenergetic medicine where traditional medicine has not succeeded.


Winner of the 2010 Coalition of Visionary Resources Visionary Award for Best Video/DVD.

This full length film is doing a great service by bringing such enlightening and empowering ideas to light, and is definitely worth adding to your library so that you can watch it many times over and share it with your friends and loved ones. --New Consciousness Review

Incredible, insightful, and ground-breaking. --Amanda Hart, Soul & Spirit magazine

The Living Matrix offers hope for those suffering illness and a strong alternative view of healing for those open to it. --New Age Retailer

Customer Reviews

Very Well Done by Liquessence "Dancer"
This DVD is promoting the notion of healing that comes from a deeper reality. This explains all the "spontaneous" healings. It does this very well. The editing is excellent. No extraneous stuff. To the point. Articulate folks explaining/advocating a different definition of the nature of reality than our simple 3-D reality with "modern" medicine.

I'd recommend it to anyone . . . folks who already know this stuff -- it's a great reminder from a variety of perspectives -- and to anyone becoming interested in the "mystery."

5 out-of 5 rating for Livinv Matrix DVD by A. L. Walton "revadara"
This was an outstanding DVD that can be viewed for simply knowledge or used as a basis for a teaching tool for a class. In either case, it offers a refreshing contemporary view of the changing consciousness in the health field about the body, complementary health modalities and the field of healing.
It is great to show as a 1-1 DVD or for a whole group. The presenters are professionals, pracitioners, scientists and the people's stories are believable and from different age groups.
Outstanding quality and content! One of the best buys I've ever made--I recommend this to healing practitioners of every holistic area and even conventional doctors--this is a new view of genetics, the body and healing--BUY THIS DVD!
(Rev).A.L. Walton, N.D.

Amazing information by M. Gorichs
I thought reading The Reconnection was amazing, but this DVD goes way beyond that. The information in this DVD explains why and how the healing is needed and how it happens. Now I finally understand. Many Aha moments.

The Heart/Mind/Body Healing Connection thru an Intelligent Energy Field by Amazon CustomerTOP 500 REVIEWERVINE VOICE
In this 85 minute, widescreen, 2009 DVD, Lynn McTaggart and 7 other folks discuss the scientific theories behind alternative healing. The DVD is dialog, with explanations and examples. Since I am always looking for "proof" to share with others, I found it very useful. For those who do not know, Lynn McTaggart is the author of "The Field" and several other books. This DVD also explores the heart/mind/body healing connection that Western medicine is often still lacking. Interviews follow with biologists, biophysicists, biologists, medical doctors, nutritionists, researchers, and neurolinguistic programmers, exploring an intelligent energy field to heal the entire body.

The DVD begins in Thessaloniki, Greece where we meet 5-year old Dimitri. Born with cerebral palsy, his parents followed the standard medical treatment approach, but were informed that Dimitri would likely never achieve independence. Dimitri had problems in walking, and going up and down stairs. He also had problems with his right hand being curled into a fist. Then the parents met Dr. Eric Pearl. After attending a seminar to look for ways to help Dimitri, they decided to ask Dr Pearl for a healing session, which involved the use of his hands and energy healing. After just 4 minutes, Dimitri was up jumping and running! After the second session, Dimitri could open his right hand and even hold a glass! The parents also learned that "Reconnective Healing" can be learned by anyone. Several amazing stories of healing follow, not unlike many others that you have probably already heard.

The scientific focus is generally on matter and not on the energetic field of the mind and heart. Little is known or discussed in traditional Western medicine about the importance of your beliefs, and a change in your energetic frequency to align to your self-healing capacity. Current western medical treatment is generally based on physics and chemistry. Some of the subjects touched on in this DVD include: Out of Body Experience, the effect of intention on healing, the placebo effect, the importance of your beliefs, the changes in your body caused by emotions, the Zero Point Field and how we are all connected, how the nervous system works, distance healing, bio-photon emissions, epi-genetics and signals outside your cells, the morphogenic or energetic body field, the heart as the main rhythmic signal for the body, Thought-Field Therapy and the importance of your thoughts in healing, -- all of this in what is considered today's current medical revolution.

You will hear of other folks who have been cured of a brain tumor, kidney abnormality, and severe chronic fatigue syndrome. Be sure to watch the entire credits for additional bits of info by our guest speakers and their credentials.

A film WELL worth owning and sharing, in my humble opinion.
Vaya con Dios (Go with God). Namaste'

The Sacred Science DVD

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The Sacred Science

From Threeseed Documentary Films, Directed by Nicholas Nicholas Polizzi
DVD 77minutes
Release Date: 2011

Diabetes. Prostate cancer. Alcoholism. Parkinson's diseases. Just a handful of many common illnesses that Western medicine has been inadequate in curing or treating. Witness the story of eight brave souls as they leave the developed world behind in search of deeper answers. Living in seclusion for one month in the heart of the Amazon jungle, these men and women take part in the powerful healing practices of Peru's indigenous medicine men, working with centuries-old plant remedies and spiritual disciplines. In their most desperate hour, these patients are forced to confront not only their physical ailments, but their own spiritual and psychological barriers in the process. Five will return with real results, two will return disappointed, and one won't come back at all.

Customer Reviews

A Believer
by DavidS
I have been a healthcare provider in the U.S. for over 10 years. I originally became interested in this topic years ago when I read an article in National Geographic about Peruvian purging ceremonies. I believe that western medicine is lacking significantly in treating the "whole" person. While meditation, yoga, acupuncture and other alternatives have not received (in my opinion) the attention and respect they deserve in the U.S., or worse have been labeled as fads, other parts of the world continue to practice these treatment modalities with significant success outcomes. Here in the U.S. medicine is pharmaceutically driven and large pharma is big business...but at what cost? Those that may label this documentary as crazy or silly (or worse) need only consider the rates at which our children are being prescribed ADHD drugs and antidepressant drugs and our elderly now bring in a list of drugs when filling out health questionnaires because they can't remember all of drugs they have been prescribed. If western medicine started considering spiritual health dimensions health care costs might become more manageable as physical and emotional/spiritual health is considered and treated as one. It's important to view this documentary with on open mind. For those that need even more convincing that purging ceremonies have had convincing success there are numerous studies published by U.S. researchers as well as anecdotal writings from those that have participated in these ceremonies.

The documentary team does a wonderful job of presenting the Peruvian ayahuascaros (NOT "witchdoctors"), the patients and the ceremonies with great respect and dignity. Even when a few physical maladies didn't respond as well as hoped (perhaps due to the very late stage nature of the disease process) all of the patients seemed to have responded successfully to the emotional/spiritual aspect of the treatment. Highly recommend for those interested in alternatives.

Interesting, great info on treating diseases without horrible drugs by Val
This movie is a MUST SEE for anyone who's on toxic drugs (as all our drugs are!) or who's coping with debilitating illnesses. It shows how we have herbs, plants, fruits and veg, all that nature provides, to heal our bodies. I work in healthcare, but I'm not a doctor, however it saddens me how many people would rather pop a pill than try to eat a more wholesome diet. Ailments like arthritis, diabetes, and even some types of cancer can be cured by changing our diets. A whole foods, natural, unprocessed, FRESH FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND HERBS, along with beans, nuts and seeds is the only way to go! Watch this movie, learn that there are alternatives, and then do your research! A vegetarian diet (minus the dairy) is the only diet that can beat many of these diseases. A great movie! I'll be watching it again!

BEAUTIFUL by stacey
This is a very wonderful documentary about healing all the layers of a human: body, mind, spirit, and soul.
The story is very well filmed and edited. I felt I got to know each person in the small amount of time that they and their maladies were explained.

A diverse set of issues, too. Each person's challenges were conveyed to varying the degree that the people were able to share their insights into themselves. The generosity of the healers, the shamans, was so loving, devoted, and each one cared immensely for what they were doing to help.

I am a health care worker and mainstream hospitals are VERY limited in their ability to help a sick person...with quite an inability to help the patient from the inside out. There are exceptions and allopathy has its place.
The road was difficult for all, healers and ill ones.

A very hopeful and inspiring movie. I especially loved the shaman's discussion around the death and western society putting such negativity on the inevitable. This film gets a 10!!

The Spirit Molecule DVD

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The Spirit Molecule: Within us all DVD

By Mitch Schultz
DVD 75minutes
Release Date: 2010

An investigation into the long-obscured mystery of dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a molecule found in nearly every living organism and considered the most potent psychedelic on Earth.


The Spirit Molecule investigates dimethyltryptamine (DMT), an endogenous psychoactive compound, which exists in humans as well as in numerous species of plants and animals. The feature-length documentary traces Dr. Rick Strassman's government sanctioned human DMT research and its many trials, tribulations, achievements, and inconceivable realizations. This includes looking deeper into the intense psychedelic experience that DMT causes when consumed, and examining DMT's scientific, spiritual, and cultural relevance. Ultimately, The Spirit Molecule explores the connections between cutting-edge neuroscience, quantum physics, and human spirituality.

Customer Reviews

Much more than a drug documentary, by Nicole G. Acosta "Nicole Acosta" (Austin, TX)
When I heard that a DMT film was being made, my initial thought was that it would be yet another drugumentary. I was wrong. The film deep dives into questions of human consciousness, interviewing brilliant minds (and more PhDs than I could count.) There were interviews with a rabbi, artists Alex and Alison Grey, a tribal leader, scientists, and the leading researchers on DMT and ethnopharmacology, along with the accounts of study participants and the nurse who cared for them during the research studies. The perspectives from which the experiences are conveyed spark some deep questions about human consciousness and the human spirit, and when the film concluded, I was left with the feeling that there was much more to the human experience than I could ever imagine. The visual art and music are equally as awesome. Since the film was released, I have bought a few copies for friends who all shared the sentiment that they wanted to watch it again and share it with their friends.

5.0 out of 5 stars Erudite and Cogent Documentary !, by Monkey Business (New York)
I read Dr. Strassmans book some years ago and loved it. I was so excited to hear they were going to make a film about it and now it is finally here ! The film is about as perfect as a films like this can be. Superb editing and in a tight package that is well under 90 minutes-about 73 minutes to be exact. The only part of this project that is disturbing to me is the obviousness of this substance and the almost complete disinterest by nearly everyone in western society but I don't blame the film for that for the most part. I do recommend reading the book though first. In the book there is a greater emphasis on the entities encountered by the volunteers and the similarities of these entities I find most fascinating. It makes perfect sense in the film to not emphasize that aspect of it for obvious reasons.

5.0 out of 5 stars amazing and brilliant, by Michael D. Honea "American Idiot" (Madison, WI)
This documentary is fascinating and challenging. The only misstep might be the inclusion of an unshaved Joe Rogan as the host. The artwork throughout the video is gorgeous and the anecdotal praise of the psychedelic experience is kept to a low rumble. The typical inarticulate stoner rants are not present here. Thoughtful, beautiful, and worth the time to explore what for many has been a life-affirming and mind-opening experience. This type of informative, measured psychedelic documentary is exactly what should replace the kind of hysterical "Reefer Madness" propaganda that helped to usher in the current 'war on drugs' dogma. The only complaint is that the documentary is brief. I'd love to see more.

The Strecker Memorandum - Aids: The Truth: DVD

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By Dr Robert Strecker


With no cure & only very expensive treatments available, many millions will be affected with Aids. This DVD presents the chilling conclusion of 5 years of exhaustive research by Dr Robert Strecker MD, PH.D.


This is one of the most controversial videos you'll ever see. Robert Strecker MD presents documented evidence that shows why AIDS is a man-made disease. Dr. Strecker explains how the AIDS virus was predicted, requested, created, and sealed into the human population. This videotape debunks the green monkey theory of AIDS and presents startling evidence that reveals the true man-made origins of AIDS. Dr. Strecker is an internist and Gastroenterologist. He holds a Ph.D. in Pharmacology and is a trained Pathologist.

Produced in 1988 and still enlightening today.

Duration: 96 mins

Thrive DVD

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Directed by: Steve Gagné & Kimberly Carter Gamble
Written by: Mary Earle Chase, Foster Gamble, Kimberly Carter Gamble & Neal Rogin
DVD 132minutes
Release date: 2011

An unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what's really going on in our world by following the money upstream - uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars Not To Be Missed!, by TroughtonFan (Pacific NW)
Q: What do you give the Family that owns nearly everything already? A: Nothing; they'll just take the rest of it themselves, thank you. It's the Last Christmas, and all of us are neatly wrapped under their shining tree!

No matter where you come down on the Illuminati Conspiracy, this is empowering, must-see filmmaking, unlike anything you'll have seen before - a combination call-to-arms and Disney ride. Producer/director/star Gamble (himself a scion of a Proctor & Gamble family) and his co-host wife, attempt to connect the dots in a plausible, powerful way -- the suppression of Tesla's free-energy discoveries; the harassment, ruin, and even murder of inventors working in this area in ways that threaten Big Oil; the patient but inexorable reorganization of the world's nation-states into fewer and fewer continental "unions" (for easier conquest and control, the film concludes); the clockwork prosperity/depression cycles that permit bankers to scoop up the world's assets at fire sale values time and again; the puppet-string manipulation of both American political parties so that those in real control can never lose an election; all of it is covered here in this longish but riveting film. Its release just comes as the NYPD attempts to shut down the Occupy Wall Street protests, in the wee hours and under a press blackout - perfect and ironic timing! In the film's view, humanity is at a critical crossroads, and the choices are enslavement or waking up. Is it all true? If it is, this is probably about the best case that can be made for it, as well as a clarion cry to resist.

5.0 out of 5 stars A MUST see movie!, by Sheri Fogarty (United States)
This is one of the best documentaries I've seen in a long time. Are you wondering what happened to our economy? Why there is so much going wrong? Thrive presents a very coherent understanding of how the system is rigged for the benefit of a few and perpetuates injustice throughout the world.

Even if you don't agree with all the particulars about the nature of that injustice it's important to have an understanding of what's wrong with the system today, why it's that way and what we can do to fix it. We need to wake up!

This isn't about Democrat or Republican, Liberal or Conservative, those are red herrings and just keep us fighting amongst ourselves instead of making things better.

Watch it, and watch it until the end because it does have an empowering ending. Together we can make a difference. I would give this 10 stars if I could. HIGHLY Recommended!

5.0 out of 5 stars Must know facts superbly presented!, by Factfinder
Many people feel uncomfortable about aspects in our society, but do not know exactly why. This films explains why their sense of discomfort is right and well founded. This film is important, because it summarizes in a succinct and understandable way the facts of what is going on completely unreported in our society. People need to know what is going on, so they can focus, commit and act for change.

A GREAT film with superb graphics (love the crop circles!!!), clear messages and great insights and connections. All you need is an open mind and open eyes and open ears. The truth in this film may be a bitter pill, but it sets you free and is very well made and presented. I know form personal experience that a lot of this is absolutely so. I will give this DVD to all my friends as I feel our future is at stake unless we know, wake up and act. 99% only count if 99% stand up to be counted.

Outraged?: Get informed. Get involved.

5.0 out of 5 stars FINALLY a documentary that connects alll the dots..., by The Tin Man "Tyranny Response Team" (Disunited States of America)
Foster Gamble and his wife have done a wonderful job of connecting the dots as to why the human race doesn't thrive. Bringing to the screen the different aspects of our very existence that rely on the "benevolence" of our self appointed masters that control almost every aspect of the environmental influences that create each of us as individuals. When you realize that who you are is the product of manipulation by a self appointed elite, you begin searching for ways out of the Matrix. I found myself searching 25 years ago when I took the red pill. I realized that all that I had been "taught" in school was a fabrication, (euphemism for lie) and that the concept of country, state and governments were all similar to the Wizard Of Oz, fictions created by small men with big heads behind screens. Foster puts the puzzle together in such a way that even the individual with average intelligence can understand why we are in the "mess" we are in as a species. Why we don't thrive. Why we don't prosper. And the answer isn't religion. It isn't war. It isn't voting. It isn't having a bigger house or a faster car. It isn't about the "things" we are told we need to buy to impress people we don't even like. It is understanding a core principle. The principle of non violation. That core principle is the very essence that peace is based on. When you are not VIOLATED you don't feel that you have to protect yourself. You don't feel enslaved. You don't feel like you are doing something wrong by trying to keep what is rightfully yours. When you get to keep the fruits of YOUR labor and not have it stolen from you by deceit and deception as well as gun point in the form of "taxes" or inflation, you feel good about yourself which in turn translates to feeling good about others. (The golden rule being love thy neighbor as thyself, having love for yourself is the missing ingredient.) I enjoyed this movie so much that I watched it over a period of three days FOUR times. Once with my youngest son and three times by myself to see what I might have missed the first time.

And just because you happen to not "believe" in part of it, don't throw out the rest. The section on extra terrestrial life may be hard to swallow for some, but it doesn't mean that it isn't true. So just put the parts you don't "agree" with on the shelf somewhere and as you grow in your understanding of a world view, that let's you understand that ALL mankind can thrive within, you will find yourself going back to that shelf to add some more understanding to the whole that is being created within you.

I have to give this six stars. But there are only five to choose a total from so here.

Turn On The Light: DVD

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by Dr Lorraine Day

"There is only ONE cure for Depression and it's NOT DRUGS!"
says Lorraine Day, M.D.

Dr. Lorraine Day not only cared for thousands of patients with serious mental disorders during her 15 years as a trauma surgeon but experienced severe anxiety and depression herself during her near fatal encounter with cancer.

In this DVD, Dr. Day reveals:

 Why drugs never cure depression or anxiety

 The shocking truth about Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil and other anti-depressants and their devastating side effects

 The astonishing number one cause of death in America and how you can avoid it

 Why "going with your feelings" always ultimately leads to disaster

 The only guaranteed way to relieve stress in your life

 Your brain comes with a User's Manual: learn to follow it and be well

 Chemical imbalance: truth or myth

 Mental illness is not a lifetime sentence

 How you can overcome anxiety and depression without drugs!

Vaccines: The Risks, The Benefits, The Choices: DVD

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Are you really interested in protecting your health, your children's, and others you care about? Then one word can describe this new video, "Vaccines: The Risks, Benefits & Choices," by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: essential.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny is the world's leading vaccine authority, and this video is the culmination of her intensive 3-year investigation into the facts behind vaccines. You will learn: How vaccines can cause illnesses including autoimmune diseases, allergies, ear infections, and more The very real link between vaccines and developmental, learning and behavioral disorders in children How vaccines have never been proven safe The ingredients and contaminants in vaccines and why they're detrimental to your health How vaccine studies are seriously flawed The "Vaccines: What CDC Documents and Science Reveal" is a must-see whether you are considering vaccination -- for yourself, your children, or patients -- have already been vaccinated, or seek scientific backing for choosing not to vaccinate. If you can only delve into one publication to to learn about vaccines' risks and other hidden issues, I assure you this should be it.

We Become Silent: DVD

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International award-winning filmmaker Kevin P. Miller of Well TV announced the release of a new documentary about the threat to medical freedom of choice.

'We Become Silent: The Last Days of Health Freedom' details the ongoing attempts by multinational pharmaceutical interests and giant food companies — in concert with the WTO, the WHO and others — to limit the public’s access to herbs, vitamins and other therapies.

'We Become Silent’ is narrated by Dame Judi Dench, the noted UK actress who has won multiple Golden Globe awards, an Oscar, and a Tony for her on-stage work, in addition to dozens of other honors throughout her prestigious career.

During the 1990s, the legendary James Earl Jones narrated Miller’s film, ‘Let Truth Be The Bias.’ This hard-hitting film exposed the government's role in a guns-drawn raid at the office of a noted holistic MD, and highlighted the U.S. government’s complicity in suppressing the truth about the effectiveness of alternative/complementary medicines. ‘Truth’ successfully mobilized public support around the Dietary Supplement Health Education Act (DSHEA), which defended U.S. consumers' rights to health alternatives.

"I am releasing a 30 minute version of ‘We Become Silent’ because it is vital to engage the worldwide public about the dangers of CODEX ALIMENTARIUS," said Miller. "If we don’t defend our health freedoms, they will be lost — and nothing would make the drug companies happier than to have free rein over our health."

'We Become Silent’ features the only known video from inside a Codex meeting, exclusive interviews with delegates to the Codex Alimentarius Commission, U.S. Food and Drug Administration officials, two U.S. Congressmen, actor Mel Gibson, and more. Consumer activists like Dr. Robert Verkerk of Alliance for Natural Health play a major role in the documentary, as do Julian Whitaker, MD, Dr. Carolyn Dean of Friends of Freedom International, Scott Tips of the National Health Federation, John Hammell of International Advocates for Health Freedom, and many of the best-known health freedom advocates from around the world. 'We Become Silent’ is a powerful statement about the dominance of multinational corporations over personal freedoms, the WTO, Codex, and the challenges consumers face in trying to repel this monolith from their daily lives.

Duration: 28 Minutes