A troubled 15-year-old boy attempting to cope with the recent death of his mother sets out to research Dr. Max Gerson's claims of a diet that can cure cancer as his first assignment for home-schooling in this documentary from filmmaker Steve Kroschel (Avalanche, Dying to Have Known). Garrett is a boy who has always been close to nature. He lives on a reserve with a menagerie of orphaned animals, and over the years he's become especially sensitive to the nutritional needs of the diet-sensitive animals he's charged with caring for. When Garrett's mother suffers a tragic and untimely death, the boy falls into a dangerous downward spiral and nearly flunks out of school. Increasingly concerned for Garrett's well-being and determined to strengthen their bond despite the many challenges on the horizon, his father makes the decision to begin home-schooling the distressed teen. Garrett's first assignment: study a controversial book written by Dr. Max Gerson, a physician who claims to have discovered a diet that's capable of curing cancer. Is Dr. Gerson's therapy truly the legitimate, alternative cure it appears to be? In order to find out the truth behind this long-suppressed treatment, Garrett interviews not only Dr. Gerson's family members, but various doctors, skeptics, and cancer patients as well. His studies completed and his findings revelatory, Garrett now sets out to tell the entire world about The Gerson Miracle.
VITAL, PROVOCATIVE and ENLIGHTENING. An unforgettable wake-up call. --NYCMovieGuru.com
...illuminating, touching, funny, sad, rage-inducing, provocative, entertaining and hopeful. --San Francisco Chronicle
A Must See! --Film Journal International
Customer Reviews
5.0 out of 5 stars Gerson Therapy, or Chemotherapy: Guess which one has less than 3% success?, by Andrew W. Saul (Rochester, NY)
It has been said that more people live off cancer than die from it. The Beautiful Truth is a movie that can put a stop to this travesty. Here is a very practical guide to the intensive nutritional treatment of cancer and other life-threatening diseases that many would consider to have been impossible to obtain. But thanks to the work of Max Gerson, M.D., and his daughter, Charlotte Gerson, this knowledge is readily available.
Max Gerson cured cancer. He did so with a strict fat-free, salt-free, low-protein, essentially vegetarian dietary regimen, based on great quantities of fresh vegetable juice, supplements, and systemic detoxification. Ms. Gerson explains:
"Dr. Gerson found that the underlying problems of all cancer patients are toxicity and deficiency. He had to overcome both these difficulties. He found that one of the important features of his therapy had to be the hourly administration of fresh vegetable juices. These supply ample nutrients, as well as fluids to help flush out the kidneys. When the high levels of nutrients re-enter tissues, toxins accumulated over many years are forced into the blood stream. The toxins are then filtered out by the liver. The liver is easily overburdened by the continuous release of toxins and is unable to release the load. Dr. Gerson found that he could provide help to the liver by the caffeine in coffee, absorbed from the colon via the hemorrhoidal vein, which carries the caffeine to the portal system and then to the liver. The caffeine stimulates the liver/bile ducts to open, releasing the poisons into the intestinal tract for excretion."
Some of the blunt, uncompromising statements this movie makes are certain to get up the medical profession's collective nose. Too bad for them, for Dr. Gerson was right. And as for Charlotte, his daughter, her entire life has been immersed in healing people, first learning while assisting her father, and later teaching his method to the world.
I personally have seen what the Gerson program can do for a terminally ill cancer patient. I have been called upon to help in a couple of high-profile but last minute cases. One patient was a well-known sports figure. He was given some months to live and was not happy about it, as he was still in his 50s. He asked what his best shot would be for inoperable, untreatable metastasized cancer. I told him: the Gerson therapy. He did it, not in its entirety, but with enthusiasm. And, he lived considerably longer that he was expected to. But what really impressed me was the dramatic improvement in his energy level. From fatigue and weakness, he went instantly to a vibrant life, commencing from the very week he started the program. He maintained a more-than-full schedule for so long that even people who knew he was sick forgot that he was sick. Years later, people that never knew of my involvement in the matter would bring up his name, invariably recalling how active he was and how good he looked until, almost as a surprise, he died.
I saw a similar level of success with a prominent New York businessman, the owner of a chain of stores and afflicted with untreatable liver cancer. He began to do much, but by no means all, of the Gerson program, and was subsequently able to extensively travel the world with his family. He lived years longer than expected, with a high quality of life confirmed by all who saw him.
Looking only at these two patients, wanton critics of Gerson's method might think that, without complete and unequivocal cure, there is little to crow about. Such a view is unproductive, for neither of these patients followed the Gerson program completely. It is a tough sell, even to a person with a terminal diagnosis. Why is this?
Ignorance and arrogance make a bad combination, and "modern" medicine has been guilty of both for decades. Political physicians did not heed Dr. Gerson. In fact, they publicly condemned him. The news media, and some so-called "consumer" websites, have been their willing accomplices. The misinformation they spew to this day is fraught with fabricated frights of natural therapies, while in the same breath they spew forth the wonders of pharmaceutical drugs. When is the last time you saw a favorable mention of the Gerson program in the newspaper or on TV? Since pharmacological doctors have no sure-fire cure for cancer (an understatement if there ever was one), they might at least back a winning horse. According to peer-reviewed research, conventional chemotherapy contributes 2.3% to five year survival in Australia and a mere 2.1% in the US. (Morgan, Ward and Barton. Clinical Oncology, 2004. 16: 549-560) The Gerson approach has been shown, for over six decades, to significantly improve both quality of life and length of life in the sickest, the most hopeless, of cancer patients. Many people have been completely cured on the Gerson therapy. Not all, but many. Far, far more than with chemo.
Some years ago I watched a video tape of a Gerson patients' "reunion." On stage were people from all walks of life, and most were advanced in age. One after the other they spoke of the cancer they were diagnosed with three, ten, or twenty years ago. All were recovered. Dr. Gerson was the reason. You cannot watch such an event and fail to be moved.
Charlotte Gerson is 87 now (2009) and fit as a fiddle. I've met her many times. She glows with energy and vivaciousness and life. But what is much more important, so do the vast majority of Gerson patients. I urge you to watch this movie.
5.0 out of 5 stars Common sense cure -how brilliant!, by Veronica Olson "notjustanydoll" (USA)
This documentary reveals a simple truth to healing ourselves. You are what you eat...eat to live...food is the best medicine...all of these well-known conepts, when put into practice, really work! I have a relative who was cured of cancer through the Gerson Therapy in Mexico. She is in her ninties now!
thanks Garrett!
5.0 out of 5 stars WARNING this movie may cause EXTREME WELLNESS, by Organic Nutrition Chef "Denae Joy"
Dr. Max Gerson saved my life. PLEASE WATCH THIS MOVIE. IT could save the life of someone you know or may know in the future. The Gerson Therapy is saving people from having their testicles, eyes, prostates, removed and discarded. And after all that the patient still has a severe metabolic breakdown, and just maybe they'll throw in a little chemical cocktail for an expensive, sickening finish. PLEASE BUY THIS MOVIE! For the sick and the suffering. This movie will change your life if you let it. TOO ALL THE DR. GERSON HATERS>>> TOO BAD COMMON SENSE ISN't COMMON. I personally know many cases of true wellness caused by the content of this Movie. Thank you for reading.