Massage Oils & Balms


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Essential to an athlete's health and recovery, Sports Hero Unwind is a transdermal magnesium formulation enhanced with organic relaxing oils. Apply directly to sore aching muscles. Will also raise overall magnesium levels.
A deficiency of Magnesium is common in today’s world and both athletes and highly-active people use, lose and need it even more.

Sufficient Magnesium enables muscle relaxation and supplies ATP with a critical component to effectively boost energy and reduce oxidative stress.

Magnesium is an essential factor in overall health and metabolic balance and can make all the difference in competitive outcomes. Sports Hero’s Organic essential oils work synergistically with Magnesium to powerfully relax and release muscle tension and cramps.

Brightlight Massage Oils

We make up special blends of massage oils for both practitioners & others.  Please choose from our Brightlight selection below or contact us with your own requirements.

Our 1L oils are in dark brown glass bottles with screw tops.

Brightlight Massage Oil - Aphrodisiac: 1L

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Especially formulated as a powerful, stimulating aphrodisiac massage oil  creating warmth, intimacy, desire, passion and responsiveness.

Pure essential oils of Jasmine, Patchouli, Rose and Ylang Ylang lovingly blended with the Flower Essences of Hibiscus, Poison Oak, Pink and Sticky Monkeyflowers and California Pitcher Plant and pure cold-pressed Olive Oil.

Brightlight Massage Oil - Baby: 1L

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Especially formulated as a soothing and calming massage oil  to bring gentle release of birth and other trauma and to help bonding and nurturing after birth.

Pure essential oils of Melissa, Ylang Ylang, Lavendar and Neroli lovingly blended with the Flower Essences of Chamomile, Chicory, Mariposa Lily and Manzanita and pure cold-pressed Olive oil.

Brightlight Massage Oil - Cellulite: 1L

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Especially formulated as a powerful, penetrating massage oil as an aid to removing cellulite and tissue toxicity bringing increased energy and health.

Pure essential oils of Cypress, Juniper and Rosemary lovingly blended with the Flower Essences of Cayenne, Crabapple and Self Heal and pure cold-pressed olive oil.

Brightlight Massage Oil - Childbirth: 1L

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Especially formulated as a powerfully relaxing massage oil for easing the transition and increasing confidence at the time of birth. 

Pure essential oils of Jasmine, Lavendar, Myrrh and Rosemary lovingly blended with the flower essences of Mugwort, Shooting Star, Walnut and Yarrow and pure cold-pressed Olive Oil.

Brightlight Massage Oil - Cold Reliever: 1L

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Especially formulated as a powerful, pentrating massage oil to relieve the bronchial congestion and sore throats of colds.

Pure essential oils of Camphor, Cinnamon, Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Rosemary lovingly blended with the Flower Essences of Crabapple, Garlic and Self Heal and pure cold-pressed Olive oil.

Brightlight Massage Oil - Happiness: 1L

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Especially formulated as a delightful, uplifting massage oil inspiring happiness, harmony, balance and wellbeing.

Pure essential oils of Rose, Geranium and Neroli lovingly blended with the Flower Essences of Gentian, Gorse and Yerba Santa and pure cold-pressed olive oil.

Brightlight Massage Oil - Loving Embrace: 1L

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Especially formulated as a nourishing, stimulating, aphrodisiac massage oil infusing receptivity and loving attention.
Pure essential oils of Patchouli, Ylang Ylang and Cinnamon lovingly blended with the Flower Essences of Mariposa Lily, Chicory and Quince and pure cold-pressed Olive oil. - One of our best -sellers!

Brightlight Massage Oil - Muscular Release: 1L

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Especially formulated as a powerful penetrating massage oil for relaxing deeply-held muscular tension and aches.
Pure essential oils of Camphor, Cayenne, Lavendar, Balinese fire oil (a blend of 10 natural essential oils) and Lemon lovingly blended with the Flower Essences of Arnica and Dandelion and pure cold-pressed Olive oil.

Brightlight Massage Oil - Passion: 1L

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Especially formulated as a powerful stimulating aphrodisiac massage oil creating warmth, intimacy, passion and responsiveness.
Pure essential oils of Patchouli, Ylang Ylang and Cinnamon lovingly blended with the Flower Essences of Hibiscus, Poison Oak, Pink and Sticky Monkeyflowers and California Pitcher Plant and pure cold-pressed Olive Oil.

Brightlight Massage Oil - Pregnancy: 1L

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Especially formulated as a powerful, soothing yet uplifting massage oil for relaxation and bonding with the incoming child during pregnancy.

Pure essential oils of Jasmine, Melissa and Rose lovingly blended with the Flower Essences of Manzanita, Mariposa Lily and Star Tulip and pure cold-pressed Olive oil.

Brightlight Massage Oil - Rejuvenation: 1L

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Especially formulated as a powerful, stimulating massage oil to create vibrant youthfulness, dynamic wellbeing and zest for life. 

Pure essential oils of Myrrh, Patchouli and Rose lovingly blended with the Flower Essences of Aloe Vera, California Wild Rose, Olive and Self Heal and pure cold-pressed Olive oil.

Brightlight Massage Oil - Relaxation: 1L

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Especially formulated as a relaxing, calming and soothing massage oil to create peace, tranquillity and serenity.

Pure essential oils of Bergamot, Neroli and Patchouli lovingly blended with the Flower Essences of Chamomile, Elm and Morning Glory and pure cold-pressed Olive oil.

Brightlight Massage Oil - Tonic Uplift: 1L

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Especially formulated to ease nervous tension and rejuvenate tired or depressed spirits and bring peace.
Pure essential oils of Bergamot, Juniper and Rosemary lovingly blended with the Flower Essences of Lavendar, Nasturtium and Self-Heal and pure cold-pressed Olive oil.

Brightlight Massage Oil - Transitions: 1L

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Especially formulated as a soothing and releasing massage oil to bring calm and acceptance and ease transitions for both the dying and the living.

Pure essential oils of Rose, Neroli and Patchouli lovingly blended with the Flower Essences of Cayenne, Holly, Pink Yarrow, Rock Rose and Walnut and pure cold-pressed Olive oil.