EziDri Ultra FD1000 Dehydrator

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We use this dehydrator in our house and at our retreats. It comes with 5 trays and 1 mesh liner and 1 teflex liner and additional trays, liners and spacer trays (great for essene bread and dried flowers) are available - see below.

You can also use this dehydrator to make your own delicious raw yoghurt.

We recommend this model as it, along with the Excalibur, allows you to choose the temperature. The thermostat can be set from 30 degrees to 70 degrees Celsius. We reccomend setting the temperature at 40 degrees to preserve the living enzymes.

The EZIDRI ULTRA FD1000 is designed for bulk food drying and preserving all your favourite fruits and vegetables. The Ultra FD1000 has the capacity to dry up to 30 trays of produce or up to 15 trays of puree, for roll-ups, at one time. Features that will appeal to the more serious enthusiast. This exceeds the capacity of the 9 tray Excalibur.


A detailed instruction / recipe
book comes with all units.


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Model: Ezidri Ultra FD1000
Voltage: 230-240V AC
Frequency: 50Hz
Watts: 1000w
Temp Control: Variable Control 30°C to 70°C
Materials: Food Grade: ABS Plastic Polycarbonate
Safety Features: Element: Thermal Cutout
Motor: Thermal Cutout
Certification: AS/NZS3350.2.9-1996
IEC 355-2-9:1993

Guarantee: 2 years