Sedona 9 tray Dehydrator by Tribest

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Special Price: $749.90 including GST & freight anywhere in NZ

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Unique Raw & Health Food Friendly Features

The Sedona nine tray digital food dehydrator from Tribest is designed with health-conscious individuals in mind. The Sedona Dehydrator introduces ground-breaking features to ensure the highest quality of retained nutrients and taste in dehydrated fruits and vegetables :

    Overheat Protection Feature keeps Raw Food from being Overheated!
    Clear, Natural-colored BPA Free Trays & Mesh Screens
    No Black Coloring Chemicals Used for food-contacting parts
    Teflon Free, BPA Free drying sheets available (Poly-propylene or Silicone)

Upgraded User Friendly Features
Enjoy a simple, yet intelligently designed interface. The operation of the Sedona is extremely easy with clearly marked controls and an easy to read digital display. The placement of the controls, hinges, glass panel, and the LED display are carefully designed to maximize efficiency and ease of use. The Sedona is extremely quiet during operation and manages the heated air in the drying compartment evenly and accurately.

    Built-in Timer Up To 99 Hours
    Digital Display and Setting for Easy Control
    LED Light Display for Dark Environment
    Front Control Panel for use and placement under kitchen cupboards
    On/Off switch : No need to pull the plug to turn off unit every time
    Clear Glass Door to see results without opening unit
    Automatic pause & resume function when the door opens & closes
    Convenient front-mounted pull-down glass door
    Elegant and aesthetic design
    Temperature mode selection for °F or °C
    More tray room with 1" clearance
    Debris Catching Tray for easy cleaning
    Convenient, detachable power cord

There are 3 solid sheets available for the Sedona:

Polypropylene: $20 for a set of 3Silicone:  $25 for a set of 3

Teflon: $35 for a set of 3
We have compared all the sheets & find the silicone sheets are the easiest to use as they are the easiest to remove sticky food such as crackers from.

Eco Friendly Features
The Sedona Dehydrator operates much quieter than its competitors with higher efficiency. Dual Fan Technology allows you to operate each of the Sedona's two 300 watt computer-controlled fans and heating elements in the two drying compartments together or independently of each other. Discrete control over the two drying compartment allows the Sedona to operate at at 600 watt or 300 watt power, depending on your needs.

A separate heat sensor monitors the current temperature of each independent fan-heater set within its own compartment which improves the efficiency and overall quality of the dehydration process.

Energy Efficiency with Dual Fan Technology
Closed Tray for Dividing Drying Chamber in Half
Quiet DC Motors for Lower Noise Pollution
Night-mode function for Even Quieter Performance
Non-Styrofoam Corrupad Paper Packaging Material Used

With the Sedona food dehydrator by Tribest, you can accurately and efficiently dehydrate your favorite food and vegetables utilizing the latest in digital dehydration technology. From, apples to bananas, to mushrooms and your favourite dehydrated treats, you can set Sedona to meet all your dehydrating needs.

Sedona is the advanced solution to dehydration - offering you all the options you require to make the dehydration process as simple and as convenient as possible. With Sedona, you can set the timer up to 99 hours or to continuous mode for up to 150 hours of worry-free uninterrupted operation. Because Sedona utilizes two independent heating mechanisms, the distribution of heated air is evenly circulated dehydrating your foods evenly. Sedona offers you the ability to dehydrate a little or dehydrate a lot.

Dehydrate up to 9 trays of fruits and vegetables or divide the machine into two 4-tray chambers for smaller batches of your favourite dehydrated recipes.

Sedona Dehydrator with 2 Fans

Sedona’s two fans can easily be adjusted to reduce the fan speed for quiet operation, offering you a convenient way to continually dehydrate during the evening hours without the added noise and distraction.

Sedona also offers you a convenient way to monitor your foods with a see through a tempered glass window at the front of the unit.

With the Sedona dehydrator, you can be confident that the temperature you set on the digital control panel is the temperature that is maintained inside the dehydrator because it microprocessor controlled.

Sedona Dehydrator Loaded with Raw Foods

The Sedona Food Dehydrator is engineered to last.  The 5 year warranty is your commitment to you that your dehydrator will provide years of trouble-free operation.

Tribest have been offering small appliances for healthy lifestyles for over 20 years.  The Sedona dehydrator is their latest product that allows you to lead a healthier lifestyle.

Included with the dehydrator are over a half-dozen raw dehydrator recipes so you can enjoy recipes like: Sprouted Grain Tortilla, Basic Squash Flax Tortilla, Garden Crackers, Easy Flax Crackers, Marinated Vegetables, Sweet Sedona Cookies and Easy Fudge Brownies.

The control panel on the dehydrator allows you to see the temperature inside the unit as well as the digital countdown timer.

Sedona Dehydrator Loaded with Raw Foods
Sedona Dehydrator Control Panel

You allows you to control all of the functions of the dehydrator, such as:

    POWER Switch - turn the unit off an on.
    F/C Button - Display temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius
    TEMP window - displays the actual temperature inside the dehydrator or will show you the temperature you set.
    TIMER window - Shows the number of hours left on the count-down timer or will show you the hours you set on the timer.
    SET button - Enables you to set the temperature or time.
    UP/DOWN button - for setting the temperature or timer
    TRAY button - allows you to save energy and run the full dehydrator or half of the dehydrator
    MODE button - allows you to select day or night mode.   (day mode runs fans at full speed, night mode runs fans at a slower speed)
    START/PAUSE button - Used to start or pause operation.

Items included:

    Sedona Dehydrator
    9 BPA Free Plastic Open Trays
    9 BPA Free Plastic Mesh Screens
    1 BPA Free Closed Tray (divider)
    1 Detachable Power Cord
    1 Operation Manual


    15.25" x 13" tray size
    Tempered Glass Door on Hinge
    Microprocessor Controlled
    Dual 4.5" Fans
    Digital Adjustable Thermostat 86 degrees to 155 degrees
    1" space between trays
    Built in Timer 1 to 99 Hours or Continuous
    Horizontal Air Flow
    120 Volts 60 Hz 600 Watts
    17" Wide x 14.6" High x 19.7" Deep
    Weight 24.3 pounds
    Model SD-P9000



Item Name


Item Description

9 Tray Food Dehydrator

600-watts max., Made in Korea





Unit Net Weight

23.4 lbs (10.6 kg)

Unit Dimensions

17(W) x 19.7(D) x (H)14.6 Inch (H)

433(W)x 500(D) x 370 mm (H)

Tray Size

15.25in. (L) x 13in. (W) x 1in. (H)

Tray Area

14(L) x 11.5 Inch(W) x 9 = 1449 sq Inch


Single Unit in a Carton

Shipping Weight

32 lbs. (14.5 kg)

Shipping Size

20.1in (W) x 23.2in. (D) x 16.2in. (H)

510mm (W) x 590mm (D) x 410mm (H)


9 BPA Free Plastic Open Trays

9 BPA Free Plastic Mesh Tray Screens

1 BPA Free Plastic Closed Tray (Compartment Divider)

1 Detachable Power Cord

1 Operation Manual

Power Rating

AC120V, 60Hz, 600W for the USA and Canada

AC220V-240V. 50/60Hz, 550-650W for European and Asian countries

Please note: We recommend this dehydrator for people who want to dehydrate fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds.  We do not recommend this dehydrator for people that want to dehydrate meats for jerky.  Both the Sedona and Excalibur dehydrators perform well on lower temperatures with the sedona performing better at lower temperatures and the excalibur performing better on higher temperatures.