Agave Syrup - Blue Raw Planet Organic & Raw Amber in a glass bottle - Mexico

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Agave Nectar has been used for centuries as a flavouring though native populations have also been aware of its health benefits and used it medicinally. The Aztecs used a mixture of agave nectar and salt as a dressing for wounds and a balm for skin infections and agave's use as a folk remedy persists today.

Scientific studies have confirmed agave's remedial properties. Agave nectar applied to the skin has been found effective against pyogenic (pus producing) bacteria such as Staph aureus. The tradition of adding salt to the nectar has been found to further boost its anti-microbial property. Agave nectar has also been proven effective against enteric (intestinal) bacteria.

Organic Blue Agave nectars are species-specific made exclusively from Central Mexico's renowned Blue Agave plant. Blue agave (Agave tequilana var. Weber) a member of the Amaryllis family is a slow-growing plant that spreads runners from a 'mother' plant. Grown to USDA Organic Standards the agave is cultivated and processed without chemicals or genetic modification.

After growing for 5 to 7 years a mature blue agave stands several feet tall and its carbohydrates are concentrated in the plant's core. The blue agave's treasure is held in the pina (so called because it resembles a pineapple after the leaves have been trimmed away).

Farmers hand-cut the blue agave with a simple razor-sharp blade. (A skilled farmer can cut and trim a 100- pound blue agave pina in less than 5 minutes.) The field trimmings are left behind to restore the soil and reduce erosion.

The fibrous blue agave pina is taken to the mill where it is pressed and its inulin-rich juice is collected and cleaned.

Inulin a dietary fiber made up of complex carbohydrates is not sweet by nature. Exposing (or hydrolyzing) the inulin to heat transforms it into sweet nectar. When making the Light Blue Agave nectar the juice is heated to a higher temperature for a short time. However when making the Raw Blue Agave nectar the process is lower and much slower: the juice is warmed to a lower temperature and the low heat is maintained for nearly twice as long. In this simple process the inulin becomes fructose a slowly metabolizing sugar found in many fruits and vegetables. Filtering determines the blue agave nectars' flavour and colour. This amber syrup is unfiltered.