Raw Family: A True Story of Awakening

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Raw Family: A True Story of Awakening

By Victoria, Igor, Sergei, and Valya Boutenko
Paperback, 109pages
Publication date: 1 March 2000

This 109-page paperback book was written by the entire Boutenko family, capturing each of their unique perspectives. Filled with humorous anecdotes and heart-warming insights, this book is a delightful adventure.

        33 recipes
        Letting the body lead
        Living by faith
        Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail
        Photos from the Boutenko photo album


People of all ages can benefit from this book! -- Robyn Lee, e-zine VegetarianTeen.com

Raw Family book has such amount of depth, sincerity ,and heart... This is the stuff that films are made of! -- Karen Knowler, Get Fresh! Magazine, U.K.

Customer Reviews

Read it in one sitting, couldn't put it down! by Melanie
I've read quite a bit lately on raw foods, and this book is different from them all. I finished it in one sitting because I couldn't put it down. The Boutenko's welcome us into their lives and share their journey from dire illness to raw foods as a family.

Written in such a way that each family member's voice is included, this book chronicles their introduction to raw foods in 1994 when Sergei, then in 3rd grade, was diagnosed with "incurable" juvenile diabetes. Following her instincts, his mother Victoria refused to put him on insulin, instead beginning to research the effects of diet on health.

Amazingly, the whole family went raw together a short time afterward, and this story includes all the thoughts and feelings, all the changes they experienced as a result of their live food diet. Reading it does something that other more technical raw food manuals and cookbooks cannot do: it allows the reader to actually see what life might be like as a raw fooder.

Though the Boutenko's and their children were experiencing health problems due to their diet and lifestyle which strongly influenced their desire to go raw and encouraged them to stick with it, their story offers hope that making the transition with older children is indeed possible.
This is an inspiring book, and it includes a small recipe section and some before and after photographs of the family. A gem!

Excellent book by "jonkatzlawyer"
This is an excellent book for inspiring people to try a raw foods diet. Excellent prose are not needed to accomplish this; all that's needed is the heartfelt words of the authors. Here's the benefit I've derived from this book and the Boutenko family: After 13 years as a vegetarian (usually at least 10 pounds overweight the whole vegetarian time - rarely overweight that much before becoming a vegetarian, except for the year before), the most effective route for me has been the 100% raw foods route. I've lost ten pounds in 15 days on this diet, and plan to stay with it to shed several more overweight pounds. I include 3-4 times of 1/2 hour - 1 hour of exercise (Stairmaster, t'ai chi, one round of weights minimum every other day). I had the benefit of being convinced to try this raw foods diet without intent when (1) meeting the Boutenko raw family and (2) knowing a trustworthy acquaintance who knows well and vouches for the reliability of the Boutenko's claims (e.g., that the mom shed away her 280 lb. frame on raw, her son lost his juvenile diabetes, her husband lost his serious thyroid condition, and her daughter lost her asthma). I'm doing a simple raw diet. To make it easier to eat raw all day rather than going frustrated with a lack of time or recipes, I have not used any machinery (juicers, dehydrators, blenders, food processors). Besides, summer is a great time for an abundance of delicious raw foods at reasonable prices (including tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados, bananas (year round), the broccoli family, summer fruits (melons, plums, nectarines). In colder weather, there remain numerous vegetables, citrus (I eat citrus daily), dried fruits, winter fruits, raw nuts, and transported tropical fruits. In this short time, I'm feeling better overall. My body feels cleaner. I don't feel the sniffles that I often had a few times a week for at least an hour. My cravings for un-raw food are slim to none. Jon Katz,

Awaken Yourself and Those You Love by Surya Peralta
I love this book. I found it inspiring, truthful, concise, and obviously born of a mothers love. My husband, a lifelong meat-and-potatoes man, read this book and literally became a raw foodist overnight. This book taught him in one read what I had been unable to in 7 years. This book very well may inspire you and your family to become healthy, happy, and harmonious. Beautifully sincere and possibly life altering book!

A Little Treasure by Marjorie Roswell
This book is a treasure. First of all, it's just a good read: It's an engaging narrative with a good story behind it. Secondly, it'll make you smile. Thirdly the few recipes in this book are AWESOME, especially the generic salad dressing. Fourthly, the book is a fast read. Finally, this book is a story of transformation (Four transformations, actually: in mom, dad, son and daughter) that can inspire us on our own path to health.