Activated Walnuts Plain - Raw Planet Organic

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Walnuts are renowned for their fatty acid profile and high omega 3 content. They are also a significant source of protein and dietary fibre. Activated walnuts have a crisp, crunchy the texture making them a delectable treat!


Activated Walnuts - Organic - Plain - Raw Planet - 250g $17.90
Activated Walnuts - Organic - Plain - Raw Planet - 500g $33.90

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Health Benefits

Walnuts are reputed to be a source of antioxidants and ALA (alpha linoleic acid Ð omega 3). This is important as cellular health and metabolic processes rely on quality omega 3 fats for optimal function. Vegetarians and vegans are often deficient in this essential fat, which makes walnuts a good alternative for people who choose to avoid animal products. Studies into the benefits of omega 3 fatty acids have shown that regular consumption supports lowered blood platelette aggregation (thinner blood) reducing the risk and incidence of heart disease among study participants

In addition to heart health consumption of Omega 3's may help loose weight. Omega 3 fatty acids have been shown to lower blood triglyceride levels (fat circulating in your blood) suggesting more efficient metabolism of other fats by our livers.  Consumption of walnuts has also been shown to lower cholesterol.

In addition to healthy fats, walnuts are a good source of protein, averaging about 17%. Walnuts are rich in the amino arginine. Arginine is responsible for vasodilation which supports efficient blood flow and arterial elasticity. In Chinese medicine walnuts are considered to be a kidney tonic. They are reputed to be beneficial for the brain, skin and digestive system.