If we all know how to eat healthier, then why don't we?
Why do we sometimes read for the refrigerator door when we're not really hungry?
What are the origins of life-long food cravings, patterns, and preferences?
How can we transform destructive eating patterns and become free of compulsive eating?
What can be done to form healthier habits for life in children?
In this intriguing documentary, Valya interviews health experts, authors, teachers, psychologists, children and people on the streets.
The second half of this film looks at the reasons why children, loved ones, and friends often respond to diet-related advice with resistance and even defiance. This section is dedicated to working with the defensive reaction, and communicating in a kind, loving manner that supports positive growth and change.
Valya Boutenko has been a raw foodist for 15 years and is a certified raw food chef. She has recently graduated from Southern Oregon University with a Bachelor of Arts. Valya has been researching ways of inspiring children to eat healthier. She is th eco-author of the books Raw Family, Eating Without Heating, and Fresh as well as the producer of the award winning documentary Reversing The Irreversible. Valya is a student of The Work of Byron Katie and of Marshall Rosenberg's Nonviolent Communication.
Running time: 50 minutes