Animal Health

Wheatgrass For Cats & Other Animals

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When hemp was being classified by the New Zealand Food Safety Association, scientists testified that having hemp in people's diets would improve longevity, reduce the incidence of conditions like diabetes and heart disease, and would generally improve health, but the politicians didn't want a bar of it because they have a 'War on Drugs' to fight and they only wanted bad things to be associated with the cannabis plant (hemp is the non-drug variety of cannabis).  The politicians won out mostly!

* The only hemp seed product that we can sell for human consumption in New Zealand is hemp seed oil. 

* Uncrushed hemp seed is not allowed to sold at all either for humans or animals in New Zealand. (In the USA & many other countries sale of all hemp products as human food is legal). 

* However it is legal to sell crushed hemp seeds &  hemp seed meal to you to feed your animals!

This means we can sell crushed hemp seeds and hemp seed meal for animal feed only, even if it is made to human food-grade standard and would be perfectly safe (beneficial even) for you to eat. This regulation only effects the point of sale - it is legal for you to consume crushed hemp seeds & hemp seed meal. 

Our hemp products are grown without chemicals on the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand.

This is a raw hemp high protein powder suitable for vegans, vegetarians and anyone who wants to boost proteins in their diet without having to consume whey or soy proteins. This protein powder is an amazing product. With a total complete protein of approximately 45% this is the best of the of seed & nut based complete proteins.

This hemp protein powder is a lovely green in colour has a sweet, light, nutty flavour and is fine enough to add to any baking, drink, meal or product. You will not find a better quality anywhere else and this is the best price hemp protein powder available.

Absolutely perfect for your morning smoothie. It is more easily digested and tastes amazing. If you are looking for more proteins in your diet, eating hemp protein powder is a great to do it.

Hemp Protein Powder: 45% Protein: Chemical Free: NZ

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New Seasons Hemp in Stock Now!
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Grown naturally without chemicals on the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand, these pure food-grade crushed hemp seeds are the by product of making hemp oil. The whole seeds are first crushed to expel the oil and these crushed seed flakes are what remains of the seeds. 

They have a delicious nutty flavour and can supplement any feed mix.

For pets, horses, fish, birds or animals of any kind!

New Seasons Crushed Hemp Seeds in Stock Now!

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Our new hemp seed flour is a medium-ground animal grade quality product.

Grown naturally without chemicals on the Canterbury Plains of New Zealand, hemp seed flour is made from the pure milled food-grade hemp seed flakes above. 

This hemp seed flour is not recommended for human use. We recommend the 30% and 45% hemp protein powder above for humans.

It can supplement any feed mix for pets, horses, fish, birds or animals of any kind!

We are pleased to offer the high quality culinary hemp seed oil, created from the finest locally harvested hemp.

Hempseed oil is a miracle of nature. Its unique properties offer fantastic nutritional, health and skin-care benefits...and good taste has never been so fabulous.

Rich, nutty and delicate in flavour, this oil contains the only naturally-occurring and perfectly balanced nutritional balance of Essential Fatty Acids, Omega 6 and Omega 3. Hempseed oil is just now coming on the market and supercedes all existing oils that have been used to obtain EFAs in the past (ie flax seed oil, evening primrose oil and borage oil) - what's more, it's the first delicious edible oil to accomplish this.

Hempseed Oil - Raw Planet - Pure Cold-Pressed Extra Virgin - Mild - Organic - Uncertified - In dark glass bottle

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Hempseed Oil - Pure Cold-Pressed Extra Virgin - Tasty - Organic - Uncertified - In dark glass bottle

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This oil has a stronger nuttier flavour.

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Cannabinoids: Potential Anticancer Agents

Download research .pdf file here