By Louise Elliott
For anyone who’s ever wondered what makes one fruit more superior to another, this is the book with all the answers. Proved throughout time and ancient cultures to be health-giving and medicinal, Superfruit treatments are as age-old as they are modern gold!
The coined term ‘Superfruits’ describe fruits with extra-special health benefits, as well as potential therapy for common illnesses and serious conditions, such as cancer and heart disease. Fruits such as Goji, Noni, Pomegranate, Acai and Mangosteen are claimed to have superior nutritional attributes compared to your average fruit in the bowl, but to what extent?
Without over-inflating the promises, author Louise Elliott highlights the philosophy ‘Let the farm be your pharmacy’ in her scientific exposé of natural plant-based medicine, with some grinding facts about the dismal extent of Western health.
Good news though, for those seeking a new lease on life - the drinking of Superfruit Juices can energize your body, repair your cells, prevent illnesses, and give your whole family a vitality edge!
It’s my aim for you, by reading this book and understanding the hows and why’s of drinking Superfruit juices, that you will seek out and receive the wonderful benefits available and the share this knowledge with your family and friends.
How did the debacle start where wholesome, natural treatments were dismissed for chemical medicines? Why is there a moral division as to who has the right answers: orthodox or alternative medicine? And why can’t two roads meet?
Prior to ‘modern medicine’, mankind had only its natural surroundings to derive healing remedies from – and mostly, people survived! The Medicine Man, the Elders and the grandparents knew the secrets; they had the power to care and people sought their wisdom.
As mankind matured, they learnt how to derive the actual medicinal component from the plants, through concoctions, balms and crude extraction methods Emerging scientists, Doctors and the ‘Amazing Fix-It-All Potion’ caravan entrepreneurs possessed the secrets. They too had power to care, but also the power of ‘share’ – the latter with a price!
Today pharmaceutical companies are very much wealth driven. If a natural therapy or substance is not patentable, then frequently drug companies will contradict its validity – that is, until the medicinal component has been extracted, mimicked, altered, synthesized and reproduced. Then they have the financial interest to begin supporting it.
Unfortunately doctors are targeted by pharmaceutical companies, where a financial incentive or gift is awarded for the prescription of their medicine. Obviously not all Doctors are so easily romanced, however a prescription for a natural alternative treatment certainly does not have the same multinational power to flatter.
I believe Drug prescriptions can sometimes be replaced by non-drug, natural alternatives. Yet as GP’s have a duty of care to their patients, they will always prescribe what has been approved by their authorities.
As new research emerges, confirming the efficacy of naturally derived, medicinal treatments, it is only a matter of time until patients will have the option for ran alternative therapy, as will doctors have the proof to prescribe.
Currently the public is readdressing the age old wisdom concerning natural plant therapies. As being revealed by modern science, potent healing properties already exist in everyday fruits, vegetables and herbs, and there are extraordinary benefits obtainable from Superfruits too.
In my career as a Health and Fitness Consultant, I quickly changed from merely instructing people to get fit, to actually educating them why they should get healthy. For when clients were simply instructed to “eat this food” or “exercise as shown”, they became disempowered, causing long-term reliance on the trainer.
Once a person understands the value of food and deliberate movement, this informed knowledge becomes a powerful tool to make positive lifelong and self-empowered changes.
It’s my aim for you, by reading this book and understanding the hows and why’s of drinking Superfruit juices, that you will seek out and receive the wonderful benefits available and the share this knowledge with your family and friends.
There are other Superfruits that are not listed in this manuscript, but are currently being tested by science and exposed by cultural application. I’ll endeavour to research them and add the knowledge to further reprints of this book. But for now, why not get out there with a questioning mind, and… Live informed, be empowered and thrive!
About Louise Elliott
Louise Elliott grew up in the Gold Coast hinterland on sprouts-and-Vegemite sandwiches, goat milk and “green” drinks. Apart from tastebud malfunction, she now enjoys coaching others about healthy, holistic lifestyles.
Preferring to address herself as a ‘balanced health-nut with an achievable lifestyle standard’, Louise’s approach to health education is as politically-irreverent as it is wholesome.
With a passion for kids and families, she has developed seminars that tackle health issues in a humorous, easy-to-understand manner. Children love her crazy antics and learning about complex topics, like the Human Immune System, with army hats and tinsel wigs!
Whilst adults are amazed with hilarity how conditions like Osteoporosis can be tackled by ‘banning the toilet’ - who would have thought? University accredited in Science (Human Movement Science), with further tertiary qualifications in exercise and nutrition, Louise writes for Australia’s health magazine, Options, concerning various health topics.