How Spirulina, Chlorella, Raw Foods and Ionized Water Can Make You Healthier than You Have Ever Imagined In 90 Days or Less.
The Seven Components of Natural Health
By Bob McCauley
With a Foreword by Peter Ragnar and Introduction by Dr. Gabriel Cousens
2nd Edition, November 2011
Paperback, 232 pages
"This book is a winner." Gabriel Cousins
Health books require medical disclaimers because if you don't provide them you become liable in every way. But I don't have any problem stating that I know almost nothing about medicine and have no formal training in the health field. But then, what does it take to understand how to Achieve Great Health, a doctorate or a few letters behind your name? More than anything it takes understanding through experience and that is what I have done. These are simply my observations about how I became healthy. Anyway, medical disclaimers are necessary so here is mine:
This book is not intended in any way to serve as a replacement for professional medical advice. Rather, it is meant to demonstrate that aging can be slowed and even reversed and that great health is achieved when the most fundamental nutritional needs of the human body are met. If you feel the need, always consult a doctor or another medical professional when you have an illness or disease of any kind. We admit to knowing little if anything about medicine and therefore would never offer medical advice to anyone for any reason. Medicine is in one direction, health is in the other. The author offers health advice that is his personal opinion only.
What if you could tap the treasures of health wisdom from the world's experts? Imagine if you could ask them anything! Yes, anything and everything about how you could Achieve Great Health. Now, wait! This is more than just getting rid of diseases like cancer, heart problems, diabetes, arthritis, stroke, and silly ailments like the flu. This is about Achieving Great Health!
Very few people have ever had that privilege. My friend, Bob McCauley, is one of those rare people. As a talk show interviewer he has asked the world's experts everything you ever wanted to know about health.
After years of testing, using his own body as the laboratory and observing the results, Robert discovered the hidden formula. So, not only do you have a distillation of the Greatest Minds of Natural Healing, you have it in a simple form that you can use. Yes, you can Achieve Great Health in 90 days or less!
I certainly, don't mean to imply that all these great teachers agree on every point. Even Robert and I have a minor difference or two. But, what is presented within these pages is so important to your personal health that it's vital for you to get started today.
I feel so strongly that you will Achieve Great Health by following my friend's advice that I jumped at the humbling opportunity to write this forward. Please, don't let another minute pass without making a decision to Achieve Great Health.
With you in Achieving Great Health, Peter Ragnar
Achieving Great Health in 90 Days or less is one of the most inspiring live food and health book primers that I have seen. Bob McCauley distinctly understands the mystery of creating optimal vibrant health. He shares it through the medium of his own experience, which is the real foundation of healing.
He has isolated the fundamentals of health: becoming alkaline, raw foods, the use of super foods Spirulina and Chlorella, adequate hydration and ionized water, probiotics, exercise, and a positive mental attitude.
The power of healing is about the broad strokes, rather than the details or obsessing about health. This book is excellent for those making the transition into live foods. It helps people wake up into the practical reality of living a live food lifestyle. His discussion of live foods and the use of chlorella and Spirulina is one of the best I have seen. I personally also use the E3Live in addition to the other algae. The E3Live has the much needed long chain omega 3 DHA and EPA which is not available in the vegetarian world except for golden algae for DHA and purslane for EPA. It also stimulates stem cell production, and has an intensity of neurotransmitter precursors, which makes it particularly powerful for enhancing brain function.
Bob has a wonderful way with words to present the issues people face when they choose to be healthy. “Everyday when we awake, we do one of two things: improve our health or encourage disease.” The power of his health wisdom comes from his direct health experimentation over the years as well as from his role as a health talk show interviewer, which allowed him to tap into the wisdom of many of the worlds leading experts. With his background as a layperson, he as been able to beautifully distill this wisdom down into some simple principles that allow them to be grasped by the general public. The basic principle is that when we flow with nature and follow the natural laws the tendency toward disease will diminish. According to Bob, optimal health is the point where the body is totally regenerating itself, each organ is functioning to capacity, and biological aging has stopped or reversed. Disease cannot take root in a vibrantly health body and mind. A high functioning body in which the energy is freely flowing creates the preconditions for the light of the Divine to awaken.
I appreciate this book so much because he has summed up how to create high level wellness in one sentence and then simply, but eloquently takes the rest of the book to explain this one message. As he unfolds his message, we are treated to a delightful sharing of practical tips and insightful quotes that he has gathered over the years. He has simplified his approach into six components, which naturally detoxify and alkalize the body.
1. Hydrate the body
2. Introduce Spirulina and chlorella into your diet
3. Introduce probiotics
4. Introduce raw foods and build slowly until one reaches 100% raw
5. Minerals & Our Health
6. Daily exercise
7. Develop a positive mental attitude
I highly recommend this book to anyone starting out on the journey to health and look forward to carrying it in our Awakened Living Shoppe at the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center. This book, like Bob McCauley, is a winner.
Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MD, MD (H)
“Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.” ~ Mark Twain
If you are sick it is because you allow yourself to remain sick. By that I mean that the human body is capable of curing itself of any disease. Unless you are terminally ill, the average person can Achieve Great Health in 90 days or less. In most cases, even those diagnosed as “terminally ill” can turn their health around in several months if they are determined to live at any cost.
We get sick and prematurely age ourselves by turning our bodies acidic. We turn ourselves acid by living on a primarily cooked-food diet, not properly hydrating our body, consuming substances such as processed foods that barely resemble anything nutritious, while at the same time doing almost nothing to alkalize ourselves. When we become acidic we are wide open to disease of any and all kinds. If we are sick, our bodies are acidic. If we are seriously ill, our body pH is dramatically lower than it ought to be. This is a dangerous, sometimes life-threatening situation that cannot be ignored. But it can easily be remedied if we become resolute about changing our health.
The protocol for permanently ridding the body of disease and living in true health is quite simple. We should only consume Spirulina and Chlorella , Raw Foods , Ionized Water and probiotics. We must also exercise regularly and maintain a positive mental attitude . Health is as simple as that. The following pages describe exactly how we can Achieve Great Health in only a few months time. This protocol can be followed by anyone, regardless of your current health situation. The better shape you are in, the easier it will be. All it takes is the desire to do so and the determination to see it through.
I have not by any means attempted to answer every question about health in this book, nor cover every conceivable health topic. Rather, this book paints broad strokes about how we can be as healthy as we can possibly be. Although the details of how the body actually works are nice to know, it certainly is not necessary if we only want to be healthy. The details are provided merely to support the arguments I pose in this book. How many of us would drive if we had to learn to dissemble and repair a car? Mechanics would be our chauffeurs if that were the case.
To be healthy, we only need to know what belongs in the body and what does not. Once we have implemented the simple lessons outlined in this book, true health will most certainly follow.

“For most men life is a search for the proper manila envelope in which to get themselves filed.” ~ Clifton Fadiman
When I wrote my first book, Confessions of a Body Builder, Rejuvenating the Body with Spirulina, Chlorella, Raw Foods and Ionized Water (COABB), I was aware that I had not said everything about health I wanted or needed to. But I knew I had laid the foundation for the true road to Great Health. What I want to accomplish with this book is a further exploration of exactly what we need to do to Achieve Great Health, Perfect Health. The premise of writing this book was that I wanted nothing more than to seek the truth about how to be healthy; the following pages describe what I found.
Profound lifestyle changes are not easily implemented and that is what's required. Most of us are fundamentally resistant to change even though it is change that keeps us vital and invigorated, more than we ever realize.
I wrote this book for everyone, especially the average person who lives on a meat and potato, junk-food, fast-food, processed-food diet or perhaps likes to barbecue on the weekends. Many of us don't realize that the world of true health even exists, that it actually is a place you can take your life to if you chose. True health is found in the raw , not cooked world of food, and it is one seldom visited by most people.
As for the health conscious community at large, this book will make perfect sense to most of them because their minds are already open to new possibilities. Everyday when we wake, we do one of two things: improve our health or encourage disease. The choice is always our own.
Many questions have arisen about my health protocol since writing COABB and I have tried to answer them in this book. One of the most common questions has been: If I go with this protocol, how long will it take till I am healthy? The answer is 90 days or less, depending on how badly you want to be healthy. This can be achieved regardless of how sick you may be at the moment, short of being rived with some disease that has placed you at death's door. If you do not properly hydrate, detoxify and alkalize your body, you will never be healthy. It is simply impossible. Only algae, raw foods and Ionized Water can achieve this quickly, especially if you are an adult with a lifetime of accumulated toxic waste in your body that has completely acidified it.
What I mean by Great Health is robust health, the kind of health that only a few of us will ever experience. Simply moving to a Raw-food Diet will allow your body to remain healthy. But without the incredible rejuvenating, body-building nutrients of Spirulina and Chlorella, along with consuming Ionized Water and Probiotics , exercising daily and developing a Positive Mental Attitude, Great Heath is not possible.
This book is the culmination of my knowledge and experience with human health and how to get there. I am not a formally trained medical, health or nutritional professional in any way. What I know of health is what I have read, experienced and spoken with others about. I offer in these pages no medical advice, but rather guidance and ruminations about health. I know almost nothing about medicine because medicine does not lead to health. This book is essentially one person's opinion, that of my own. However, I challenge anyone to find flaw with the basic tenets of my health philosophy, which is that water and raw foods rule .
My Journey to Perfect Health
“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.” ~ Robert Frost
I got my first warning sign that I was heading for physical ruin in 1992 after a stressful move from New Jersey to Michigan . I became quite ill over a 12 hour period and had to be taken to the hospital. It was likely a kidney or gall stone, but they never determined exactly what it was. It happened again one year later. I was on the road to the demise of my health. I was a lacto-vegetarian; I consumed dairy products , but no meat at all. I understand now that I was destroying my body with a cooked-food diet that was not providing me with any rejuvenating nutrients and was slowly acidifying every inch of me. I was dying prematurely as does everyone who lives on a cooked-food diet.
Most people don't make it to 50 before they're on some kind of medication, which is the first white flag they throw up as they surrender themselves, piece by piece, to disease, premature aging and unnatural death. Once you submit yourself to medicine, medical procedures, surgery and allopathic doctors, you are giving up and allowing yourself to become a health lemming. Your friends and family have diseases just like yours; thus you assume that disease is an inevitable part of life. Everyone else eats cooked foods, goes to a doctor and gets pills, so if you don't something must be wrong with you.
The truth I have discovered over the last eight years is that when you flow with nature and do the things that nature demands of all living things, disease does not exist and the idea of living a “long life” of only 90 years will disappear. Science tells us that the human body is built to live at least 120 – 150 years, yet it is rare for anyone to reach that age. If we can indeed rejuvenate ourselves at a cellular level, meaning that our cells are constantly provided with sufficient water and nutrients, the body itself can theoretically live indefinitely. There are many intriguing notions and possibilities in considering this principle. I will leave it to you to speculate on what those possibilities could mean for you, but the conventional notion of a lifespan will seem silly to you by the time you've finished reading this book.
I am in my forties and have the body I had in my twenties. I can run like I did when I was in high school. I have gotten stronger and more limber since moving to this health protocol . I have more stamina and endurance than anyone I know who is my age or older. I look like a person ought to look for my age, i.e. youthful, not what we are accustomed to seeing in people my age. All these things are quite special, but I am not special. Anyone can do what I am doing. Anyone can take their life to the next level and beyond. Anyone can stop putting walls in their path if they chose to.
Changing your life in a fundamental way begins with self respect. If you have that, you have the intelligence and integrity to realize that our many appetites put us in a painful, early grave and we only cheat ourselves out of God 's most precious gift, our health and therefore our lives.
The cure for all disease is found at your local supermarket in the produce section. The cure for any disease will never be found in a laboratory and that is hard to accept because science has always dazzled us; and for many has become the answer to all our problems. Three things must be accomplished if we expect to cure ourselves of any disease. We must hydrate, alkalize and detoxify the body. It is the recurrent theme of this book because it is the recurrent theme of health. This book will tell you exactly how to accomplish this so that regardless of what disease you may have, you can rid it from your body.
Attaining my current level of health has been difficult, although I can hardly begin to describe to you how wonderful I feel each day. I have come far, but my journey to perfect health continues because there are always areas of our lives we can improve on. If you have not heard of the raw food lifestyle, then come with me and discover the incredible world of fresh foods and raw dishes that will at first seem alien to you, but will one day become your close friends. Open your heart and hear the message of perfect health that nature offers us. You will not be disappointed with the results.
Perfect health is the point when the body is totally regenerating itself every moment, when biological aging has stopped completely and each organ of the body is functioning to its capacity. Few of us ever truly achieve this. I am not there yet and still have far to go. But considering where I was and how I felt then compared to how I feel now, this sure feels like perfect health. I can't wait to experience the real thing.
Summaries of Achieving Great Health
Water Summary
Spirulina and Chlorella Summary
Raw Food Summary
Book Summary
Water Summary
“Water is a colorless liquid that enables us to see the colors of the rainbow. It has no form but gives form to everything. It is billions of years old but can constantly rejuvenate itself. It is at the beginning and end of every cycle of life and history. It provides a constant interchange between the Earth and all the other planets in the cosmos. Every drop is a microcosm of the universe, carrying information from ancient eras and from worlds that we cannot yet understand. It is a liquid, a solid and a vapor. It is everywhere and in everything. It holds the key to our health, and we hold the key to the health of water.”~ Charlie Ryrie
You need to hydrate your body because there is nothing more important regarding human health than a properly hydrated body, which translates into sufficiently hydrated cells throughout the body. If the body's cells are not healthy, we cannot be healthy. Cellular health equals human health.
Ionized Water has four qualities that are perfect for the body's health: Antioxidant , Alkalinity, Hydration and Detoxification. Start slowly and increase the potency of the Ionized Water you consume until you are drinking 1.5 – 2 gallons per day. Drink it all day except around mealtime. An extra trip or two to the bathroom is an extraordinarily cheap price to pay for your most precious possession: your health. You are the only person who can consume enough water to start on the road back to the health you were born with, that which God intended you to have, not the body you have transformed it into from a lifetime of eating primarily dead foods that are acidic, dehydrating and void of any rejuvenating properties.
Hydration is the first step toward reversing chronic illnesses and strengthening the immune system . It is our first defense against disease and the very keystone of human health.
There is a certain calm and stillness that only water offers. It is impossible to sit by tranquil waters and not feel at peace. Herman Melville mused that “ Meditation and water are wedded for ever.” He could not have been more right. We came from the sea.
Spirulina and Chlorella Summary
“They are ill discoverers that think there is no land, when they can see nothing but sea.” ~ Sir Francis Bacon
The most powerful foods on earth are Spirulina Pacifica and Chlorella Pyrenoidosa. They compliment one another in many ways because they are completely different foods with different nutrients. Spirulina is an extremely pure food, 95% digestible, extremely high in the Vitamin B-complex, iron, calcium and essential fatty acids such as Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA), which is excellent for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis or bursitis. Spirulina is an excellent food to consume before a workout because of the explosive energy it provides to the body.
Chlorella has incredible anti-cancer properties. Its unique fiber is great for the digestion, as well as heavy metal and synthetic toxin removal. It has large amounts of nucleic acids (RNA/DNA ), which, along with amino acids (protein), are the building blocks of our cells. Chlorella can even be used topically on cuts, scrapes, infections, even serious wounds, as can Spirulina .
The second step in Achieving Great Health is to add these superfoods to your diet. Start slowly, gradually increasing them until you reach a dosage of at least eight grams of each daily. (See Appendix: Spirulina, Chlorella & Water Dosages .) You can never consume too much Spirulina and Chlorella as long as they are raw and their enzymes are intact. As you increase your dosage, gradually reduce your intake of protein from traditional sources, such as meat , fish, eggs, soy and dairy products . Algae is best consumed with each meal because of its high protein content, the highest percentage of any foods known with 18 different amino acids that are in the proper ratio to one another. Protein must be consumed with everything you eat for proper digestion and nutrient absorption. Most vegetarians lack sufficient protein in their diet.
Great Health will be nearly impossible to achieve without these two powerful whole foods at the center of your diet.
Raw Food Summary
"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go." - William Feather
Only a raw foodist has the ability to Achieve Great Health, perfect health, the kind of health most people only dream of. If you remain on a cooked-food diet, you will never truly be healthy even though the outward symptoms of disease may not manifest themselves for years to come. Disease always resides in the body of the cooked foodist whether the symptoms are there or not.
Everyone wants to be healthy. No one wants to be sick or even divulge they ever get sick. Sadly, most will remain sick because of their refusal to leave the cooked-food world behind and start putting in their body what naturally belongs in it, that which can only make them healthy. Only what comes from nature will ever make us healthy. There is no substitute for nature because it is God 's ever-moving hand. And no matter what man creates to try and make himself healthy, it will only end in failure. God's temple can only be properly served and maintained by the raw foods that are produced by God's creation, that which we call nature .
Book Summary
“The credit belongs to those people who are actually in the arena . . who know the great enthusiasms, the great devotions to a worthy cause; who at best, know the triumph of high achievement; and who, at worst, fail while daring greatly, so that their place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat."~ Theodore Roosevelt
The body can cure itself of any disease. If you are sick it is because you allow yourself to remain sick. Hydration, alkalization and detoxification are the three keys to preventing and curing us of any disease. Nothing is more important to the body than water and there is no better water for the human body than Ionized Water . It is a powerful antioxidant, as well as extremely alkalizing, hydrating and detoxifying. Fasting with water is the healthiest thing we can do for the body.
Spirulina and Chlorella are the two most powerful whole foods in the world. They are perfect proteins and have the broadest array of nutrients of any foods. We should replace our traditional animal protein sources, meat , fish, eggs and dairy with these two nutraceuticals, which, like all raw foods, provide the body with the proper nutrition so the body can heal itself.
Probiotics ( acidophilus and bifidus ) are friendly bacteria that help the body assimilate nutrients and keep the digestive tract clean and alkalized. They are crucial to human health and should be consumed with everything we eat.
All cooked foods are acidic, poisonous and addictive. We eat them because we like their taste and because we have been conditioned all our lives to believe they are healthy for us. Raw foods are alkaline and rejuvenate the body by providing the body with nutrients that have not been either destroyed or chemically altered by cooking. Cooking is the greatest destroyer of our health. Raw foods contain enzymes which are responsible for every movement, action or thought of the human body and mind. Without enzymes, life would not be possible.
Regular vigorous exercise is essential if we wish to achieve robust health. We should work each of our 650 muscles every day. Cultivating a positive mental attitude is also critical to our health. Self-doubt can destroy your efforts with the force of split atoms. Have faith in yourself and what you can achieve and a hero that others will want to follow will appear in your mirror one day. Great Health gives us confidence, vigor, purpose and even more importantly it gives us hope.