
Kristen Suzanne's Ultimate Raw Vegan Chocolate Recipes

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Kristen Suzanne's Ultimate Raw Vegan Chocolate Recipes: Fast & Easy, Sweet & Savory Raw Chocolate Recipes Using Raw Chocolate Powder, Raw Cacao Nibs, and Raw Cacao Butter

By Kristen Suzanne
Paperback, 96pages
Publication date: 30 March 2009

Mounting evidence has shown that heat destroys many of the nutrients found in raw, living food, rendering it harder to digest and nutritionally diminished. Raw food is catching on! From Hollywood stars with personal chefs, to a host of chic new Manhattan restaurants, the Raw Food movement is sweeping the country as people learn about the dramatic health benefits derived by eating a vegan diet in which food is never heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit.Eating the world's healthiest food and enjoying lavishly indulgent and decadent food are not mutually exclusive! Why not? Because RAW CHOCOLATE is one of nature's most amazing superfoods!This book is the ultimate introduction to chocolate in its most pure, natural form. Using raw, dark chocolate (also called raw cacao nibs), raw chocolate powder, raw cacao butter, and raw cacao liquor, Kristen has released this much-anticipated collection of her favorite chocolate-based recipes -- both sweet and savory -- that is certain to make you look at this amazing ingredient in an entirely new way and open a whole new dimension in your enjoyment of delicious food. This Raw food vegan recipe book includes: 59 recipes, including: 30 Chocolate Desserts11 Chocolate Beverages11 Chocolate Snacks, Soup, Salad Dressing, Crackers & BreakfastA Raw Basics introduction to Raw food (with 6 basic must have recipes) for people who are new to the subject.Also includes links to food photographs at Kristen Suzanne's Web site,


Great book for Chocolate Lovers! by Debra
I was so excited to be able to get this book. I love her blog. So let me tell you about this book. I loved it. I can't wait to get my order of raw cacao powder and nibs so I can try some of these recipes. I am thinking I will be trying some with raw carob powder- just to get me by until my order gets here.

The book has 5 chapters. The first chapter is titled Raw Basics. It covers as it says the basics but also a list of equipment needed (or enjoyed as a raw foodie), ingredient descriptions, basic recipes for nut/seed milks and raw condiments. My favorite part of this chapter is her tips. I learned a lot. My favorite tip is for doubling recipes. I double, sometimes quadruple a recipe for my large family so this was good info.

The second chapter covers Raw Chocolate. You get a brief history of chocolate and learn why it is good for you. She also covers the different raw chocolate products available and other special ingredients. Chapter three covers chocolate drinks. I can't wait to try the Creamy chocolate vanilla milk , and the Chocolate holiday spice nog.

In chapter four she covers snacks, soup, salad dressing, crackers and breakfasts. A lot of great recipes to choose from. Several popped off the page at me: Chocolate powered oatmeal, Power packed trail mix, Chocolate chia crackers, Mesquite spiced chocolate brazil nut crumble and Chia chocolate pudding snack to name a few..

In the final chapter she covers desserts. Yum! How about Goddess cream cake , Chocolate pumpkin pie, Pure rush chocolate and Fun chocolate banana plant leather. It is hard to choose just one recipe that I can't wait to try.

I learned a lot about raw chocolate. Like how it is loaded with antioxidants. I also learned that pure chocolate has heart health benefits. "The flavonoids (organic compounds) found in cacao can help prevent clogged arteries and lower blood pressure." If you love chocolate like we do and are looking for healthy vegan recipes this book will deliver! Yes it is a raw book but I believe that even if you are not a raw foodie you can benefit from getting more raw food into your diet. Besides doesn't it make you feel less guilty eating chocolate when you know it is good for you? You will not be disappointed with this book.

Guilt-Free Chocolate! by H. R. Burton
I've really enjoy all the books I've gotten from Kristen, and this one is no exception! I love the fact that I can enjoy raw desserts and chocolate and not feel guilty! Instead I feel happy about the nutritious and delicious treats. As usual, Kristen comes up with great and unusual flavor combinations - i.e. pumpkin and chocolate. Chocolate Pumpkin Pie was the first recipe I tried and it was fabulous! The Chia Chocolate Pudding Snack is one of my new favorites, too. I really like that this book isn't all desserts, but there's smoothies, milks, snacks, crackers, breakfast goodies, and more. Who knew chocolate was so versatile?! I love the recipes in this book and definitely recommend it for anyone who loves chocolate!

Must-have for healthy chocolate-eaters by A. Bittinger
This book is amazing! I love reading Kristen's raw blog and had to order this. She has a lot of unique recipes that I haven't seen anywhere else, like chocolate chia crackers or mango brownies. There are even savory recipes with chocolate in them. This woman loves her chocolate! The recipes are easy to follow and have lots of tips about food prep. Raw food is fun to make and easy when you have great books like this.

Kristen has done it again! by Tushaun
Kristen Suzanne and chocolate are truly a winning combination. Kristen brings her usual creativity to her newest book...all about the wonderful world of raw chocolate. There are many recipe books that feature raw chocolate as a dessert or smoothie ingredient, and there are a number of delicious dessert and beverage recipes in this book as well. However, Kristen takes chocolate to another level with wonderful recipes for chocolate crackers, soup, and salad dressing...all raw, all vegan, all healthy.

In the southwest, chocolate is a part of the culture. The chocolate consumed here is not milk chocolate, or chocolate-covered marshmallows, but dark, rich, almost bitter chocolate...often combined with cinnamon and chiles. I was delighted to find that Kristen includes recipes with just those ingredients...the best way to enjoy chocolate, in my opinion.

I can't wait to see what Kristen comes up with next.

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By: Annie Padden Jubb and David Jubb
Paperback: 296 pages
Publisher: North Atlantic Books (September 16, 2003)

Life force foods are those found wild in nature and served uncooked. A life force diet is vegetarian, and mainly vegan, congruent with the philosophy that good food choices promote a sustainable future on the planet. This book applies life food principles to daily life. The authors explain how the LifeFood diet can strengthen the mind and body, and show how to make lotions, tinctures, and potions with food. With illustrations throughout and over 150 easy to follow recipes to maximize health and well being, this book features such dishes as Aztec Quiche, Emerald Broccoli Soup, Spicy Ginger Tofu, and Pina Colada Cookies.

Customer Review

This being one of the more niche books of the raw/living foods genre, it was not until I had been at least two years into it had I bothered to pick it up.

I was pleasantly surprised when I leafed through this gem. The recipes in here are out of this world. There are many little tidbits of information which are thrown in just for your information.

So, the beginning of the book is a preparation for your kitchen, what to have in the way of equipment and condiments that are frequently used. When that is out of the way, they jump right into the principles of what Lifefood actually is and some more information on why to choose Lifefood.

The recipe portion is quite expansive and inventive. I applaud Annie for her intuitive recipes and the massive abundance of flavour they bring to every meal. By far my favourite recipes have to be the "Sweet Thai Tomato Soup", which by the way I recommend with extra cayenne pepper, and the Teriyaki Pate, which is just fantastic on some sheets of nori with extra greens and cucumber or rolled up in a collard leaf.

The desserts are out of this world. Recipes like the "Phat Black Sorbet", which consists of dark cherries and other delectables, are just incredible and really make this book stand out.

The Lifefood fasts they outline are good and provide a solid platform for anyone to begin their experiences of purging, cleansing and fasting with. They are nutritional fasts, meaning you don't go hungry but are still giving your digestive system a rest.

The Lifefood fasts typically consist of a two week protocol where you consume only liquids (blended soups, smoothies, juices, sorbets, liquid salads and Lifefood beverages like Electrolyte Lemonade) for a period of two weeks while you do a couple liver Flushes and a couple Gallbladder flushes.

My personal experience with the Gallbladder flushes in incredible. I am so glad that I have done them. My digestion has improved immensely and my metabolism has gone up. I have already done two and am going to start the third one soon.

The other major cleanse this book outlines is a parasite flush. This regimine is an easy one that almost everyone should consider and consult their alternative healthcare practitioner (like a Licensed Accupunctureist, a Naturopath or a Chiropractor) with. I highly suggest it and have noticed great improvement since starting it.

Overall I believe that Annie Padden Jubb and David Jubb have done a wonderful job on this book. Their knowledge of recipe synergy, knowledge of colloidal physiology and overall understanding of esoteric herbalism makes me give this book a five star rating.

If you wish to get all you can out of this book, make sure you pick up David Jubb's other books "Secrets to an Alkaline Body" and "Jubb's Cell Rejuvenation - Colloidal Biology: A Symbiosis".

This may be one of the most important books you add to your library when it comes to overall understanding of your recipe choices and your health.

Sat Nam

Live Foods: Nature's Perfect System of Human Nutrition

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Live Foods: Nature's Perfect System of Human Nutrition

By George & Doris Fathman
Paperback, 142pages
Publication date: 14 March 2012
The Fathmans found renewed health following the teachings of Arnold Ehret. In this book they share their journey to wellness and offer priceless advice to the health seeker about the revitalizing power of natural, fresh foods. Over 192 recipes will help anyone looking for a healthful diet alternative and a gentle way to transition to a mostly raw vegetarian diet.

Customer Reviews

Informative! by George Benitez
Clearly in the tradition of professor Arnold Ehret, the Fathmans exemplify history and culture on raw foods.
Also they emphasis spirituality thus provide examples, the recipes are good for anyone transitioning to a mucous less vegetarian diet.
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By Renée Loux Underkoffler

Paperback: 512 pages

Eating raw isn't just for naturalists anymore. Today, health-conscious eaters are filling their plates with the foods nature has already prepared. And these foods go well beyond the sprouts, carrots, and celery typically associated with this type of diet.

In Living Cuisine, celebrated raw chef Renée Underkoffler shows how varied, exciting, and healthy raw-foods cuisine can be. She introduces the many benefits of eating raw and offers guidelines for incorporating this healthier regimen into one's lifestyle. She provides clear, step-by-step instructions for raw-foods processing techniques-juicing, sprouting, culturing and fermenting, dehydrating, and even blanching. This unique resource includes thorough information necessary for a foray into raw-foods living

This extensive volume provides a compendium of information on the chic raw foods movement. Underkoffler, a Maui-based restaurateur and workshop facilitator, devotes several hundred pages to descriptions of fruits, vegetables and the other essentials of a raw foods diet; the economic and social effects of eating raw foods; and the health benefits of adhering to such a diet.

There are more than 300 tantalizing recipes inspired by a wide range of ethnic and regional foods. These beverages, soups, salads, appetizers, side dishes, sushi, entrees, and desserts are all delicious and simple to prepare. Indonesian vegetable Pad Thai in Coconut Sauce, Golden Butternut Soup with Provençal Pesto, Pesto Stuffed Mushrooms and Crumble Apple Strudel Bundt Cake are all dishes that even non-raw converts might savour. Renée offers little tips to help soften the strict rules of eating raw. For example, she explains, "A wonderful secret of raw foods preparation is to serve soup in a warmed bowl. It allows the flavors to bloom a little bit more and keeps the soup warm without having to heat the soup to unhealthful temperatures upon serving." For readers who don't mind lukewarm bisque, or the significant effort that goes into preparing it, this book offers nice variety and valuable information.

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By Elysa Markowitz

A full colour recipe book with 150 Living Food Recipes through the Green Power/Green Life/Green Star/Solo Star Juicer/Z Star Juicer.

For those who own a Green Power/Green Life/Green Star/Solo Star juicer, a juicer that allows one to make not only juice, but soups, crackers, pates, and pies, this book is a gem. From her opening chapter, Getting Ready to Prepare the Food to her excellent section on Food Resources, Elysa is the ultimate guide. If you've just purchaseed or about to purchase one, this book is a must. The author demonstrates her expertise by offering step-by-step instructions in the use of this equipment. She also shows how one can enjoy versatility in food preparation with this single kitchen appliance.

This creative author does not limit her abilities to juices alone. Her book has many original recipes that beckon, such as her hearty entrees. Whata Walnut Loaf, Sprouted Nori Rolls, and Sunny Broccoli-Carrot Pate. Her desserts are equally elegant with Picky Pecan Pie, Carob Mint Pie and Key Lime Parfait.

What amazed us is that with her unbridled creativity, Elysa has adapted this machine's abilities to encompass the preparation of every course a breakfast, lunch, or dinner could require.

Looking through the pages, we were dazzled by the gorgeous photography, layout design, and food styling displayed on nearly every page. Many of the photos zoom in to show fruits or vegetables that are larger than life. The colors are brilliant and display Elysa's finished dish to perfection. Our only disappointment with the book is that it lacked a standard index so necessary for quickly locating a recipe by name. Living With Green Power is an outstanding book that ought to be a companion to the Green Power/Green Life/Green Star/Solo Star juicer.

We highly recommend this book to everyone buying a Green Star & Solo Star juicer.

Longevity Now

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Longevity Now: A Comprehensive Approach to Healthy Hormones, Detoxification, Super Immunity, Reversing Calcification, and Total Rejuvenation

By David Wolfe
Hardcover, 304pages
Publication Date: 22 November 2013

By best-selling author of Superfoods and Eating for Beauty.

Lose weight, boost your immunity, cleanse your blood and organs, and live longer and happier with this comprehensive five-part approach created by leading nutrition and raw food authority David Wolfe.

In Longevity Now, Wolfe exposes the number-one cause of all degenerative illness and aging: calcification. Caused by an excess of calcium and the presence of nanobacteria, calcification can be found in some degree in virtually every adult and even some children. It leads to a plethora of illnesses and manifests as achy joints, hardened arteries, cellulite, cysts, kidney stones, gallstones, dental plaque, cataracts, and bone spurs, among many other health problems. By breaking down calcification and removing parasites, heavy metals, and other "unwanted guests" from your system, you can reverse the aging process and eliminate the prospect of degenerative disease from your future.

Part 1 of the Longevity Now Program focuses on supplements to dissolve the buildup of calcium in your system, leading to freer movement, a clearer head, and a lighter step. Part 2 focuses on boosting your immunity, using a variety of supplements to make your body as resilient as possible. Part 3 focuses on rejuvenating each and every cell of your body with nutrient-packed supplements and superfoods. Part 4 focuses on using special electromagnetic grounding technologies to eliminate parasites and reconnect you with the rhythmic cycles of Earth's energy field. Part 5 focuses on deep-tissue bodywork and yoga, so that you can move blocked energy around and break up stagnation in typically unaccessed parts of the body.

In addition to all this, Wolfe offers abundant additional information to help you more fully live the Longevity Now lifestyle, such as foods to avoid, healthful alternative sweeteners, delicious recipes, and more tips and tricks to keep you on the path of rejuvenation, radiant health, and full-throttle vitality.


“Longevity Now provides a fine, in-depth approach to healthy hormones, immunity, and system-wide rejuvenation ... Beginners to advanced health and nutrition students will find this packed with detail and keys to living not just longer, but healthier!”
—Midwest Book Review

“In today’s environment of processed foods, chemical additives, and genetically engineered products…this book gives alternatives, both ordinary and obscure, that one could use to...lead to a longer life.”

Customer Reviews

Clear and Sincere, by Sam Buck
I've been following David steady for a while now and this is a great collection of everything he's been sharing with the world for so long. Calibrating at 576 this book is full of truth valuable to most people. With terms I've never heard before like "super-drug sugars" and considerate structuring of explanation for the vegan audience I really enjoyed learning a tremendous amount from this book. David doesn't shy away from what will undoubtedly make many people re-evaluate long held attachments derived from misleading mass information. As someone who has jumped into a lot of David's recommendations, buying supplements and superfoods, this book helps detail a lot of things I didn't understand fully enough. Immediately I find myself more aware of how to effectively use these products and plants he recommends in the future. Thank you David for not only a great book but a great stepping stone for us following in your footsteps. There are well over 22 books cited for us to explore further if we are struck to do so. I'm excited to read Longevity Now at least a couple more times to continue to build a better understanding of the good words within.

5.0 out of 5 stars A great book, by just seeking
I love and appreciate everything this man is. This book is just like him.......full of knowledgeable, clear and usable information for the benefit of one's health.

5.0 out of 5 stars cutting edge health and nutrition information, by barry weisband
What makes this nutrition book better than the others is that it isn't just a rehash of the same information - it is cutting edge

5.0 out of 5 stars longevity now, by Kim Williams
Finally a logical approach to living healthy longer. He uses common sense and tangible daily goals to improve hormone balance.

May Cause Miracles

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Mind Over Medicine: Heal Your Thoughts Cure Your Body

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Mind Over Medicine: Heal Your Thoughts Cure Your Body

By Lissa Rankin, M.D.
Paperback, 288pages
Publication date: 1 December 2014

A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERAS SEEN ON NATIONAL PUBLIC TELEVISION We've been led to believe that when we get sick, it's our genetics. Or it's just bad luck--and doctors alone hold the keys to optimal health. Therefore when Dr. Lissa Rankin's own health started to suffer, she turned to Western medical treatments, but what she found was that they not only failed to help; they made her worse. So she decided to take matters into her own hands. Through her research, Dr. Rankin discovered that the health care she had been taught to practice was missing something crucial: a recognition of the body's innate ability to self-repair and an appreciation for how we can control these self-healing mechanisms with the power of the mind. To better understand this phenomenon, she explored peer-reviewed medical literature and found evidence that the medical establishment had been proving that the body can heal itself for over 50 years. Using extraordinary cases of spontaneous healing, Dr. Rankin shows how thoughts, feelings, and beliefs can alter the body's physiology. She lays out the scientific data proving that loneliness, pessimism, depression, fear, and anxiety damage the body, while intimate relationships, gratitude, meditation, sex, and authentic self-expression flip on the body's self-healing processes. In this book, you'll find a radical new wellness model based on Dr. Rankin's scientific findings. Her unique six-step program will help you uncover where things might be out of whack in your life--spiritually, creatively, environmentally, nutritionally, and in your professional and personal relationships--so that you can create a customized treatment plan aimed at bolstering these health-promoting pieces of your life. You'll learn how to listen to your body's whispers before they turn to life-threatening screams that can be prevented with proper self-care, and you'll learn how to trust your inner guidance when making decisions about your health and your life. By the time you finish Mind Over Medicine, you'll have made your own Diagnosis, written your own Prescription, and created a clear action plan designed to help you make your body ripe for miracles.


What a pleasure it is to see the next generation of physicians waking up to what I call real medicine - the kind that acknowledges our true power to heal and be well.
-- Christiane Northrup, MD author of the New York Times bestsellers Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause

WOW! Just wow! That is how I feel about Lissa Rankin's work! Everything she says rings so true to me, and her voice, as a professional medical doctor, is just what is needed in today's drug dependent society. Bravo, Lissa for having the courage to speak out and share your truth. This world needs more like you!
-- Anita Moorjani

In her life, her work and her words, Dr Rankin demonstrates a new way to combine the brilliance of modern science with the wisdom of the heart.
-- Martha Beck, PhD author of Finding Your Way in a Wild New World

In this elegant and exhaustively researched book Dr Lissa Rankin offers compelling evidence both that human beings are far more than an assemblage of chemicals and electrical signalling, and that that the mind is the very best drug there is. Prepare to open yourself to an entirely new paradigm of medicine, health and healing.
-- Lynne McTaggart international bestselling author of The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond In Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself.

Dr Lissa Rankin lays out many remarkable examples of how the mind can affect the body.
--Daily Mail Online

If you want evidence the mind can heal the body, this book is for you.
--Natural Health

Customer Reviews

This book is a game changer for your health by Ken Jaques
My thoughts are that the material in this book truly leads us to shift our thinking about how we look at our health and illness, and REMEMBER the body's innate ability to help heal itself. It contains a wealth of information, as well as practical approaches for you to develop your own personal approach to your health and happiness. I would go so far as to suggest that this book should form part of a curriculum for students from early ages where subconscious beliefs and programming are first formed, right through to medical school. Anyone diagnosed with a health condition, anyone "worried" that they might be predisposed to a condition, or anyone simply looking to maintain their existing good health can benefit from reading this book.

Meditations on Medication by Terry MacDonald
It's never too late to change your perspective on what health and wellness means. If you read this book today, get ready for some incredible revelations. The information Dr. Rankins presents may not all be new news, but its powerfully expressed and the time is right. People, like myself and most likely anyone reading this, are searching for answers on how to live healthy and simply. The answer of course is that we have everything we need inside us it just takes an eloquent author to tell us that! A book that has helped me realize the power of self-expression to self-heal is Art and Healing by Barbara Ganim.

What makes Mind Over Medicine so different from the other books is that she provides information that is grounded in scientific study from mainstream medical journals in accessible language. She challenges the Western medicine culture without disparaging it. Instead, she advocates the power of positive thinking, proactive self-care, and seeing wellness with an open mind. I wish there was an index, but she organizes her case well into three sections:
1) Evidence of mind-body connection
2) Areas in the body where the mind can create healing, which includes the real physiology/mechanics of what goes on in the body
3) Methods to change your belief systems and habits to a personal health prescription

Miracle Juices: A Pyramid Cooking Paperback

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Miracle Juices: A Pyramid Cooking Paperback

By Charmaine Yabsley & Amanda Cross
Paperback, 127 pages
Publication Date: 1 December 2009

Wholesome and invigorating juices are the ultimate all-in-one health drink. Drinking one or two glasses of fruit or vegetable juice a day will give you all the vitamins and mineral you need -- the easy way!

Miracle Juices contains over 40 nutritious juices recommended to combat specific ailments such as asthma and high blood pressure. Quick and easy to prepare, each juice is guaranteed to boost health and vitality. With nutritional analysis for every recipe, detailing the vitamin, mineral and calorie content of your chosen beverage, you can be sure that each miracle juice is helping to maintain a balanced and healthy diet.

Customer Reviews

Love this book
By Flalp

Great juice combinations, especially the Magnificent Seven. Helpful nutritional information is provided for each recipe, as well as a great juicing plan, so you don't have to think too much about what to follow.

Terrific book!
By Brigid Bielecki

I love this book because if gives you wonderful recipes for healing your body from all different health problems. It also gives nutritional information and calories on each juice.

By Maria

Great book. Have used it everyday since I got it both hubby and I. Would recommend to any one to buy.

Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World

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Mycelium Running: How Mushrooms Can Help Save the World

By Paul Stamets
Paperback, 256 pages
Publication Date: 15 October 2005

Mycelium Running is a manual for the mycological rescue of the planet. That’s right: growing more mushrooms may be the best thing we can do to save the environment, and in this groundbreaking text from mushroom expert Paul Stamets, you’ll find out how.

The basic science goes like this: Microscopic cells called “mycelium”--the fruit of which are mushrooms--recycle carbon, nitrogen, and other essential elements as they break down plant and animal debris in the creation of rich new soil. What Stamets has discovered is that we can capitalize on mycelium’s digestive power and target it to decompose toxic wastes and pollutants (mycoremediation), catch and reduce silt from streambeds and pathogens from agricultural watersheds (mycofiltration), control insect populations (mycopesticides), and generally enhance the health of our forests and gardens (mycoforestry and myco-gardening). 

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll find chapters detailing each of these four exciting branches of what Stamets has coined “mycorestoration,” as well as chapters on the medicinal and nutritional properties of mushrooms, inoculation methods, log and stump culture, and species selection for various environmental purposes. Heavily referenced and beautifully illustrated, this book is destined to be a classic reference for bemushroomed generations to come.


As a physician and practitioner of integrative medicine, I find this book exciting and optimistic because it suggests new, nonharmful possibilities for solving serious problems that affect our health and the health of our environment. Paul Stamets has come up with those possibilities by observing an area of the natural world most of us have ignored. He has directed his attention to mushrooms and mycelium and has used his unique intelligence and intuition to make discoveries of great practical import. I think you will find it hard not to share the enthusiasm and passion he brings to these pages.
--From the foreword by Andrew Weil, MD, author of Eating Well for Optimum Health

“Stamets is a visionary emissary from the fungus kingdom to our world, and the message he’s brought back in this book, about the possibilities fungi hold for healing the environment, will fill you with wonder and hope.“
 --Michael Pollan, author of The Botany of Desire
“This is the kind of book I love: highly factual and practical and mixed with the spiritual content that sets the great writers apart from all the rest.“
--John Norris, former deputy commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration and founder of the Bioterrorism Institute
“This is the first book to give the Kingdom of the Fungi its proper place in the scheme of things. It is the most important book on nature that I’ve seen in years.”
--Gary Lincoff, author of National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms
“A paradigm-changing book. Stamets’s visionary insights are leading to a whole new understanding of how mushrooms, scarcely seen and rarely appreciated, regulate the earth’s ecosystems.“
--John Todd, founder and president of Ocean Arks International
“This visionary and practical book should be an instant classic in the emerging science of how to use nature’s wisdom and fecundity to rescue the earth and ourselves from the unwelcome consequences of human cleverness.“
--Amory B. Lovins, chief executive officer of Rocky Mountain Institute
“This gospel of fungi contains crucial pragmatic solutions showing us how to work with nature in order to heal nature.”
--Kenny Ausubel, founder and co-executive director of Bioneers
“In his respectful and casual way, Paul brings depth and clarity to the complexity of fungi and its place in the natural order, all the while engaging us in fungi knowledge for healing our planet.”
--Guujaaw, president of the Haida Council, Haida Nation
“Stamets’s best work to date, Mycelium Running provides a wealth of information showing how fungal mycelia and mushrooms can profoundly improve the quality of human life. Should be mandatory reading for government policy makers.”
--S. T. Chang, professor emeritus, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Customer Reviews

Super Valuable Information
By Jeff Gee

Last summer I attended one of Paul's seminars at Fungi Perfecti. Living near by it was easy to attend however I had absolutely no knowledge of mushrooms other than eating Portobellos et al., and reading a little about the possibility of plugging stumps and logs. In fact, at the seminar I felt a bit out of place amongst all of the others who had particular goals and agendas for being there. I figured a bit of education could help me understand this whole mushroom thing. When I left I was completely blown away by all of the possibilities that mycelium offer and by Fungi Perfecti's excellent presentation of this data. Most all of what Paul and his staff taught in this seminar is in this book.

This fascinating book is a treasure trove of effective low tech methods for 'running mycelium'. Paul describes everything from gardening techniques to soil restoration to health care application using typical gourmet mushrooms (oh what Oyster mushrooms can do) and many other species. As a scientist, he backs his data with reputable references. He also uses language that may be challenging to those not educated in the biological/medical sciences. However, not unlike Dr. Andrew Weil's publications, it is nearly impossible to simplify this type of information without giving all audiences from foresters to backyard gardeners to medical practitioners enough information to help everyone understand how powerful this natural filter in soil is regardless of their educational background.

Mycelium Running has very high quality color photos, detailed 'how tos' anyone can follow and specifics describing the chemistry of this powerful ally in its myriad of uses. This is a wonderful text that hopefully will assist us in restoring our battered environment and ailing health one backyard and human body at a time. For what it is worth, this is perhaps the most important and interesting book I have purchased in years. Now I have piles of card board stacked around my property successfully running all kinds of mycelium from spent mushroom kits. I expect to further the `running' using the techniques from this book to build more productive gardens and help keep Rue Creek running clean.

Because of Fungi Perfecti and Mycelium Running's superb information, I have truly become 'beshroomed'. I now go out of my way to educate friends, relatives, neighbors and co-workers alike of the beneficial effects of growing better gardens, managing yard waste (instead of burning), mitigating damage by clear cut logging, cleaning up polluted soil and water ways, removing termites and ants (cannot wait to get an off the shelf solution for this!), alternative/supplemental solutions for treating disease/cancer and every day use for maintaining good health. All of this is painstakingly described in this book; simply amazing.

Paul and his staff are the type of people who do wonderful things for humanity. So wonderful, it makes me want to start a new career and open a natural healing center. Because of Mycelium Running, it would seem there is high probability of significant grassroots restoration of earth and human body. Do yourself a huge favor and spend the money to get this book; it is worth its weight in gold. Next thing you'll find is that you'll be running mycelium in some way, shape or form. It is that easy. Kudos to Paul, Dusty and FP staff for your dedication and hard work!

By Bruce Parfitt

One of my students recommended this book and I had no idea what I was getting into. A book on fungi that I can't tear myself away from? Yes, it's true. Stamets has made mushrooms his life's work. He knows them like no one else. He presents information based on real science, yet he writes in an easy-to-follow conversational tone. And anyone with a bit of patience can grow fungi using the methods Stamets describes. The things he and his colleagues are doing with mushrooms and tree fungi will astound you. A common mushroom that eliminates diesel fuel from contaminated soil! A tree fungus that out-competes (controls)American Chestnut blight! Erosion control, sewage treatment, enhancing forest health and human health... the list is long and truly inspiring. I am eager for warmer weather so I can get outside and start my own experiments with fungi. And perhaps best of all is the fact that most of these incredibly useful organisms are also edible gourmet delights! This is my first book by Paul Stamets. I am now ready to buy his earlier works (as well as a good field guide to mushrooms and other fungi).

The most comprehensive mushroom/fungi book out there
By Michael Afentoulis

Paul Stamets truly knows the material and has some great insights into the world of growing mushrooms. He succinctly describes how the science of the relatively unknown 5th kingdom (fungi) can be applied to mycoremediation to help unpollute the planet. Even though this sounds like a heavy subject, the material is understandable for people with little scientific or fungal knowledge and helps anybody understand hwo they too can get closer to mushrooms.

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2005, 248 pgs., softcover, full-color photographs throughout the entire book.

Finally, the truth about chocolate!

No expense was spared to bring you Naked Chocolate, an extraordinary raw foods / superfoods book. Naked Chocolate is the product of years of research into superfood nutrition. Absolutely stunning full-color presentation.

David Wolfe, America's leading nutrition guru, and Shazzie, the UK's most progressive health educator, have teamed up to bring you Naked Chocolate!

Yes, raw, organic chocolate is good for you. In fact, David Wolfe and Shazzie demonstrate it is the best food ever. In these pages, you will discover the astonishing truth about the world's greatest food.

Chocolate grows on trees! All chocolate comes from cacao beans - the seeds of the cacao fruit, which grows on a jungle tree. Cacao beans taste like dark chocolate, because they are dark chocolate! David Wolfe and Shazzie introduce the phenomenal, enlightening power of cacao beans engulfed in the magic of chocolate! And they show us how to use extraordinary chocolate recipes to achieve higher and higher states of pure joy!

Naked Chocolate contains over 60 original, enticing, mouthwatering chocolate recipes.

Learn and experience how chocolate - The Food of the Gods - allows you to:

* Eat more while losing weight
* Heal and soothe your heart
* Increase your sensuality, love life and beauty
* Double your joy
* Nourish your intellect
* Attract prosperity into your life
* Experience the world's most wonderful aphrodisiacs
* Create the most outrageous beverages, desserts, cakes, ice creams and other fantastic tasty delights

Special Notice:
The recipes in these pages allow you to find that perfect alchemical potion that causes all heaven to break loose.

Warning: Reading this book may cause you to have the best day ever!

Table of Contents:

- David
- Shazzie
- Cacao's Properties

Part I: Cacao
- Legends of Cacao
- Theobroma Cacao
- A Brief History of Chocolate
- Money Does Grow On Trees

Part II: Scientific Properties of Chocolate
- Chemical Composition of Cacao
- Magnesium
- Antioxidants
- Methylxanthines: Theobromine and Caffeine
- Phenylethylamine
- Anandamide (the Bliss Chemical)
- Neurotransmitter Modulating Agents
- Tryptophan

Part III: Exotic Properties of Chocolate
- Aphrodisia
- Nobility
- Nature's Prozac (Anti-Depressant Properties of Cacao)
- Tryptamines, Phenylalanines, Lactones and Cannabinoids
- Chocolate as Medicine
- Chocolate and Pregnancy
- Chocolate Yoga
- Overcoming Chocolate Addictions

Part IV: Chocolate Alchemy
- Curing by Contraries
- Naked Chocolate
- Organic Food
- The Ancient Chocolate Drink
- Cacao's Best Friends
- Other Old and New Friends of Cacao
- What to do with Cacao Beans
- The New Cacao Beverage
- The Recipes

- Chocolate for the Skin
- The Chocolate Religion
- Finding the Best Chocolate
- A Secret History of Chocolate

The Last Bits
- References
- Credits
- Shazzie's Projects and Resources
- David Wolfe's Projects and Resources
- About the Authors

"Naked Chocolate is fantastic! I love it very much. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you a million times." - Dr. Patrick Flanagan, Inventor of Crystal Energy, MegaHydrate and the Neurophone, voted one of America's top 10 scientists (at the age of 17!) 

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The inspiring manifesto of the raw food movement! This is the book that launched David Wolfe and Stephen Arlin. Read, be inspired, go RAW! Now available for the first time in New Zealand without expensive shipping from overseas. Viva la Raw!

Here's what Nature's First Law (David Wolfe's Company) has to say about this book:

"This book is designed to take the reader on a voyage of self-discovery. The authors: Stephen Arlin, R.C. Dini, and David Wolfe present a complete philosophy of natural nutrition. They combine logic with emotion in an effective call to action. They describe that a raw-food, fruit-based diet is the path which will lead humanity out of the present chaos into a bountiful future.

The authors blast away at civilization's conventional feeding patterns using a compelling stream of descriptive language guaranteed to charge your emotions and electrify your senses. The writing will move you. After turning the last page, you will know "why" and "how" to achieve The Raw-Food Diet. The Laws of Nature are unchanging, and thus the insights found within these pages are timeless and very much needed for a troubled world." 

Oxygen to the Rescue

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Oxygen to the Rescue: Oxygen Therapies and How They Help Overcome Disease, Promote Repair and Improve Overall Function

By Pavel Yutsis
Paperback, 224pages
Publication date: 27 January 2006

Throughout the world -- in China, Japan, Cuba, Canada, Russia, and most of Europe -- healing therapies using oxygen, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide have been common for treating a wide array of diseases, including cancer, HIV/AIDS, and arthritis. Yet in the United States, where the mainstream medical community is dependent upon funding from the pharmaceutical industry for research and physician training, these highly efficacious and relatively inexpensive therapies have been largely ignored. Dr. Pavel Yutsis, Medical Director of the CAM Institute for Integrative Therapies, has been using these biooxidative techniques for more than twenty years, from the beginning of his career in his native Russia. In Oxygen to the Rescue, Dr. Yutsis explains the difference between oxygenation and oxidation. He describes the four main types of oxygen therapy: -- Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) -- Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy -- Ozone Therapy -- Photoluminescence -- or ultraviolet radiation of blood (UVIB), and discusses conventional uses versus experimental/controversial uses for each, as well as the means of administering these therapies.For example, HBOT is typically used by mainstream medicine to promote healing of burns and skin grafts, as well as to treat carbon dioxide poisoning and smoke inhalation. Hydrogen peroxide delivers oxygen to the blood and makes it possible for the body to use oxygen more effectively. It regulates sugar, enhances immune system function, and helps cells produce energy. Oxygen to the Rescue provides both the findings of scientific research and anecdotal evidence demonstrating that these underused therapies deserve to be acknowledged among frontline medicine in the UnitedStates.

Customer Reviews

GREAT BOOK, by L. Garcia -
My friend gave this book back in 20011. After reading this book and ordered 35% H2o2 from Amazon from a company name THE ONE MINUTE MIRACLE. The product is amazing how it works and it's amazing the thing it cures. Since I been using this product I feel great.

You need to make sure you only buy this product from a real company and not from people trying to sell not the real stuff. I suggest everyone to buy this book and to order from the company I mentioned above. They really have a great product and also a super good customer service.

Thank you to both Oxygen To The Rescue and to The One Minute Miracle.

5.0 out of 5 stars Oxygen To the Rescue, by Michael Monji "Tree Whisperer" (Bakersfield, CA)
Oxygen is the key to life, and without enough of it in your body you will get sick. In order to stay healthy your saliva pH has to be
7.2-7.4 on a daily basis. This was confirmed in 1931 when Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel in Medicine for the discovery for the cause of cancer.

5.0 out of 5 stars I recommend this book because it's a very important topic, by pedrilo
I recommend this book because it's a very important topic, Paul Harch's book covers more ground, though both books are highly recommended.

Hbot and ketogenic combined is probably the most powerful protocol for anyone struggling with dis-ease,
Makes my list of most important topics/books on health.

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By Olin Idol N.D, C.N.C

Infants and young children have special dietary needs. This book discusses these unique needs providing practical advice to ensure nutritional requirements are met.

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By Dr N W Walker

An easy and effective diet based on the body’s’ need for vital, life-giving enzymes found only in natures pure foods.
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By Tonya Zavasta

Paperback - 453 pages

When a beautiful young girl turns your head—Wow! When a radiant fifty years young woman turns back the clock—How?

Here are the ready-to-use secrets on acquiring superior health and a youthful glow, while avoiding the unattractiveness of aging.

Quantum Eating is the gate to health and longevity. Questions about aging which have baffled thinkers and scientists for centuries are answered in clear, straight talk mingled with attainability and hope. This truly mind-energizing book is filled with fresh insights that challenge our most basic assumptions.   

This book addresses vital, fascinating topics: the quantum body we occupy…raw foods as concentrated sun energy…the circadian rhythms of vital organs…should we sun-block the sunlight?…breathing for optimum weight…oxygen therapies…and many more. It explains how you can be malnourished while eating a lot of healthy foods, how you can be dehydrated while drinking a lot of water, how you can be shortening your life by using certain supplements and how you can be aging your body by eating at night. This book is candid, intimate, and intellectually illuminating—on the very edge of new science.

Quantum Eating exposes the limits of the mechanical thinking and materialism that dominate most modern anti-aging research. Quantum Eating is about stepping away from a three-dimensional view of the human body and into the multi-dimensional world of healing possibilities. It offers rare optimism about aging. An easy, natural “elixir of youth” can be achieved without being a slave to traditional medicine.

Life is a grand adventure. This book offers a way for us to reach for an optimum level of well-being in order to live the grandest life we can. Pour these new ideas into the chalice of your life, and watch it overflow with pure joy and vitality!

"Dear Tonya,
Congratulations on your book! I couldn't put it down, it's revolutionary, brave, radical, and well-written!"-
Victoria Boutenko, author of 12 Steps to Raw Foods and Green for Life

"Tonya, I want to say how much I loved your book: this is by far the best of your books! I am amazed at your ability to use wit, humor, and word plays in English though it is not your native tongue. Most of all, I really thought there was not much else for me to learn about raw eating! But I got a real paradigm shift from your writing about 'heavy water.'  You have indeed dared my husband and I to take this raw diet to a higher level!!!"-
Susan Schenck, author of The Live Food Factor

"Wow! Quantum Eating is amazing! One of the best books on raw foods and living life simply and most healthfully. You are a sheer genius. I am recommending Quantum Eating to absolutely everyone. Congratulations on your research and insights! Would it be alright if I quote you on a couple of things, like the circadian rhythms and perhaps dry fasting?"- Karen Ranzi, author of Creating Healthy Children

 I have been glued to your new book! I have read your first two books as well. This new one is sooo cutting edge! I don't want it to end and will read again when I finish. I have been about 95% raw for about 2 years and I guess have not gone completely 100% because I am still cooking for my family. Your writings have been such an inspiration to me and I really sense your passion for this lifestyle. I am excited to start implementing what I have learned from Quantum eating!- Marissa Valdez

I just finished reading "Quantum Eating," and am now re-reading it out of sheer fascination with the quality of information there.  It is truly a masterwork with intriguing ideas and should be required reading for every raw-fooder out there. I found the caliber of your information outstanding and of great use. So many raw-food books repeat things that most of us already know. But your book repeatedly broke new ground. - Starr Spencer

Quantum Soul Clearing: Healing the Scars Life Leaves on the Soul

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Quantum Soul Clearing: Healing the Scars Life Leaves on the Soul

By Michelle Manning-Kogler
Paperback, 144pages
Publication date: 8 November 2012

Quantum Soul Clearing - Healing the Scars Life Leaves on the Soul, is a 3-step Spiritual Technology that frees you from painful thoughts, feelings and beliefs, so you can create a life of joy, peace of mind and empowered living!
With the Quantum Soul Healing Process you can: 
-    Release and heal old emotional traumas and wounds
-    Feel deeply spiritually connected
-    Create more financial abundance
-    Find true peace of mind and self-acceptance
-    Eliminate the causes of conflict in your personal relationships, with yourself and others
-    Release the emotional roots of physical pain and disease
-    Empower yourself to create the life you truly desire.

Customer Reviews

Amazing Results So Far, by CurrencyChick
I had such a profound experience after listening to a process Michelle did on a call that I decided to buy the book. I have done many clearing statements, but this addressed so many different aspects of an issue that I wanted to try it. The book gives you the ENTIRE process, I don't know many teachers that are willing to offer this. I had a list of possible blocks to success that she talked about on her call and I wrote them down. This week I have been doing 2 per day. The results are that my productivity has increased 1000 fold. I feel excited again, my creativity is through the roof, and I have been able to take action on these ideas. Before I would get the idea and then had a hard time moving forward, I would be stuck and this created a viscous cycle of self sabotage. I feel the cycle is being broken. I have been working on this for years, and I am so grateful to be moving onward and upward!

Absolutely brilliant, by Lee Heather
I have brought literally dozens of books from amazon over the years but have never gotten around to writing a review - however this time I decided that this book would be an exception. It's quite brilliant. I am a professional counselor and am always looking at different methods of personal development and have come across a lot during my years of counselling. This process is simple and powerful. I have used it on myself a dozen or so times since buying the book and it worked wonderfully well. I would say that it is better for people who have some basic spiritual knowledge to begin with or it may seem too 'new age' for the masses but never the less it works so well and I have recommended it to my spiritually inclined friends. Easily five stars. Hard to fault. Using this technique you could easily change major aspects of your life in a fairly short time. If I could ask for any improvements in the book it would be to include a little more information about changing beliefs around finance and money but this is being somewhat pedantic. Great book.

The most amazing books I have read!!! 10 stars, by Phoenix (Great State Of Maine)
I bought this for my IPad, read thru the book and proceeded to do the exercises with absolutely amazing results! The concepts in the book are explained in a way that I understood why I needed to do them. So often we are told to do something "this way" without explaining why and often the results are minimal or we go on with more questions that before. I will reread again and again and continue to do the exercises until I need to do them no more. I am totally impressed with this book and can't wait for more from this author!

Get this book if you want to break free of patterns that keep repeating, by Laura Steward
I had the pleasure of working with the author 1-1 and then read her book. It is rare to read a book that actually gives you all the steps you need to do the work the author guides you through when you work directly with her. Manning-Kogler stands out in the crowd with this book for her gift to all those who cannot, for whatever reason, afford or have the time to work with her directly.

If you cannot understand why you are unable to move forward in a specific area of your life, this book shows you it may be something that requires more than just willpower. The author takes you step by step through an easy to implement process that will release you from whatever may be stopping you. I have always thought that all it took was setting your mind to something and you can move forward. Working with Michelle directly and then via her book showed me that it really doesn't have to be as hard as we often make it and that sometimes there is more to what is stopping us than willpower alone can overcome.

Using her Quantum Soul Clearing process has enabled me to have more peace, more abundance and opened more possibility in my life. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is struggling or anyone who just wants a life filled with more abundance and ease.

Quantum-Touch 2.0 - The New Human: Discovering and Becoming

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Quantum-Touch 2.0 - The New Human: Discovering and Becoming

By Richard Gordon & Vickie Wickhorst
Hardback, 216pages
Publication date: 18 February 2013

"Quantum-Touch 2.0--The New Human" endeavors to significantly enlarge the possibilities of what humans can be and do. In clear, step-by-step instructions, the reader will learn to easily demonstrate that human limits are as yet unknown. Readers can learn to do healing on multiple people at once to reduce their pain in minutes, work on multiple conditions at once, help people shift their own beliefs with the use of energy, and work across time and space. Readers will even learn to safely and visibly adjust the posture of multiple people simultaneously without touching. Science assumes that we are separate, and that our thoughts don't affect the outer reality. This notion is something that each of us can now clearly demonstrate to be untrue. The originator of the Quantum-Touch energy healing method and a popular workshop leader and speaker at conferences and holistic health institutes, Richard Gordon has been developing and refining Quantum-Touch since the publication of his best-selling "Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal." Gordon shares his discoveries in this new book, which takes Quantum-Touch to a far more powerful level. To enrich the book with scientific insights and commentary, Gordon sought out coauthors Vickie Wickhorst, PhD, and Chris Duffield, PhD. As academics investigating the convergence of science, technology, and the power of the human energy field, Wickhorst and Duffield serve as perfect guides to help readers, even skeptical ones, uncover their own process of discovery. This book is a must for all world travelers!


"Quantum-Touch 2.0 is probably the most important new publication in the world—a life-transforming book that changes everything."
Cecilia L.W. Chan, PhD, Founding Director, Centre on Behavioral Health, The University Of Hong Kong
“QT2 can change the world and how we look at everything. This is empowering and paradigm changing. Not only can I do this—I am this.”
Allan Sachey, DDS
“Quantum-Touch 2.0 is real healing! This book will change the world. It brings hope for humanity to thrive and not just survive. I am integrating this work as a new protocol in my practice.”
Prudence Hall, MD
“Quantum-Touch 2.0 is true energy medicine. This technique is cutting-edge, and it is easy to learn. I have seen it produce immediate results. Once this information goes global we will experience a major decline in all health challenges.”
Howard Elkin, MD
“QT2 is an exciting voyage of discovery. Prepare yourself for miracles!”
––Dawson Church, PhD
“Quantum-Touch 2.0 is brilliant and a must-read! The techniques are simple and effective. The results are profound. Richard’s vision of the future is thrilling, and sure to have worldwide impact.”
––Linda Steele, PhD, Clinical Psychologist
“This groundbreaking book provides a beautiful and simple technique that truly heals people. Quantum-Touch 2.0—The New Human teaches us invaluable information about our natural human abilities and powers at a time when humankind needs it most.”
––Dr. Rick Jenkins, MD, Diplomat of the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology

Customer Reviews

Am I prejudiced? by Cris on
You may consider me prejudiced because I'm a Quantum-Touch Level I instructor. But I'm not prejudiced and I'll tell you why I'm not. I'm an instructor because doing the simple and powerful techniques has so far helped me to eliminate 5 of the 7 medications that I was on. (I'm on half-doses of the last 2 and intend to eliminate them as well while under my doctor's care.) I'm an instructor because this stuff works and I want everyone to know about it. I'm an accountant in my day job and I teach QT LI workshops in my "spare time" because I want everyone to know that they can feel better, too.

I took this workshop in 2011 with Richard Gordon and was further blown away with Quantum-Touch Level II. Again, the techniques are still so simple that anyone can learn and so powerful that everyone can be successful. I'll say it too, "Wow, wow, wow!" Get the book, practice the exercises, and prepare to be astounded at what's possible.

One of the BEST books to read and keep EVER!! by Anna
I would give this book 50 stars instead of 5 if I could! :)

If you are interested in improving your health (physical, mental, emotional), changing your life to make it more exciting and full, discovering your amazing hidden abilities that we ALL have, this book is for YOU! This book might be the best investment you will ever make in your life!

I've been studying and working with subtle energies for over 20 years, but the first Richard's book "Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal" and this one "QT2" for me are by FAR the most powerful in terms of getting miraculous results! Richard's techniques are so simple to learn and yet so powerful!!!

Here is what separates QT books from others on energy healing subject:
1) You don't have to have any special abilities! NONE!
2) You don't need to be even slightly familiar with energy or alternative healing AT ALL!
3) You don't have to believe in "all this weird stuff" WHAT SO EVER! If you are a skeptic, it's even better!
4) You can and SHOULD prove to YOURSELF that this works! And you can start getting results very quickly. All you need to do is to read the book and follow the instructions! Yes, this is very easy and simple, but the results can and SHOULD blow you away!
5) It is very easy and fun to read and very enjoyable to follow the instructions! And it WORKS!

This is THE BEST "HOW TO" book on energy healing and empowering yourself with knowledge and tools for living much healthier, more exciting, and richer life.

I also highly recommend to read his first book "Quantum-Touch: The Power to Heal" where you can get better understanding of the "basics." The techniques in the first book are incredibly powerful! But don't be fooled by the word "basics." You will learn and discover a LOT in that book! And it WORKS!:) Enjoy!!

Wow by Kindle Customer
This book is utterly amazing. I have studied the concept of energy healing for about fifteen years or so. I have read many books on the subject. I have been going thru a very crucial period in my own life for the last 13 months so I was really ready for this book and what it offers. I have used it for a little more than one day and already had some really fascinating results. I can barely put it down. I am sure I will continue to reread and explore. Thank you Richard.

UPDATE: After using this with some pretty good success for awhile now, I have an opinion as to what may possibly be happening. The energy of the heart is a NOW moment. The pain, blockage, stiffness, etc. is stored in the body with a link to a past/future moment. If the body is really made of the NOW moment love energy, then linking a place where there is a confused signal back to its pure connection is like a reset. Much like rebooting a computer to refresh its function, re-establishing the harmony is like reminding a sore spot, "hey, you are not the painful confusion, but rather, you are this pure power...simple, yet profound, when one allows it.

I understand the idea of running energy, but when applying it to myself, I kept tripping over the actions. To me, if we really are at our core this magical energy, then what am I doing the "sending part" for. However obscure, isn't the heart energy already there at the intended spot? So instead, when working with myself, I get as centered in the heart energy as I can and use the idea of a color, whatever surfaces at the moment, then I turn my focus to the intention and the place I perceive as blocked, etc. In observation, the sheer hint of color will appear there to as I send my love. It works for me.

Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds

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The Nine Factors That Can Make a Real Difference - Surviving Cancer Against All Odds

By Kelly A Turner

Hardcover, 288 pages, 8 May 2014 or CD Audio Book, 1 July 2014, 9 hours & 22 minutes

Discover the nine keys that can unlock your pathway to dramatic healing.Kelly Turner, Ph.D., a researcher and psychotherapist who specializes in integrative oncology, gives the reader the results of her research on over a thousand cases of Radical Remission--people who have defied a serious or even terminal cancer diagnosis with a complete reversal of the disease. The results of this study, which focused on seventy-five factors, include astounding insights of the nine key factors that Dr. Turner found among nearly every Radical Remission survivor she has studied and an explanation of how the reader can put these practices to work in his or her own life.Every chapter of Radical Remission includes dramatic stories of survivors' journeys back to wellness. The realization that the possibilities for healing are more abundant than we had previously known gives people concrete ways to defy the overwhelming prognosis of terminal cancer. This is a book for those who are in the midst of receiving conventional cancer treatment, who are looking for other options because that treatment has done all that it can, or who seemingly have no options left but still feel that the future holds the possibility of hope.Kelly Turner's Radical Remission shows that it is possible to triumph over cancer, even in situations that seem hopeless. Encompassing diet, stress, emotions, spirituality, and other factors that profoundly affect our health and well-being, Turner's discussion of how our choices can cause the seemingly miraculous to happen will open your eyes to what is possible when it comes to lasting healing.

An important book for all cancer patients. Radical Remission is filled with hope, science and possibilities. (Kris Carr, New York Times bestselling author)

Never before has anyone with Dr. Turner’s credentials dared to research the million dollar question: why do some patients get better from seemingly “incurable” illnesses? Dr. Turner has uncovered the holy grail those who want to optimize their chances for cure have been seeking. Bravo, Dr. Turner! (Lissa Rankin, MD, New York Times bestselling author of Mind Over Medicine & host of the National Public Television special Heal Yourself: Mind Over Medicine)

This book is filled with important information for everyone, whether struggling with cancer or not. She is giving the world a gift at such an important time as so many are feeling like they can’t take their lives into their own hands. Kelly empowers us all to do exactly that. (Colleen Saidman, cofounder and codirector of Yoga Shanti)

Kelly Turner delivers the message people addressing cancer -- or seeking to prevent it -- need to hear. Turner’s book gives you the support you need -- from science, tradition, and common sense -- to make powerful lifestyle changes that will tip the scales in your favor. (Pamela Miles)

“Radical Remission is a treasure trove of BIG TRUTH about the incredible healing power available to each and every one of us!” (Christiane Northrup, M.D., ob/gyn physician and author of the ,New York Times bestsellers Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom and The Wisdom of Menopause)

“Radical Remission shows how we can shift the odds of remission in our favor. What I like most about this book is balance. Turner does not ask anyone to abandon conventional therapy, but instructs us on how to add healing factors that are often overlooked.” (Larry Dossey, MD, author of One Mind: How Our Individual Mind Is Part of a Greater Consciousness and Why It Matters)

Radical Remission is a personal and deeply moving exploration of the power of the human spirit and innate wisdom of the body to overcome catastrophic illness. Persons with cancer and their families and friends will find it especially helpful. (Andrew Weil, M.D.)

Kelly Turner is studying phenomena that is the very research and story sharing that will step us forward into solving the cancer plague. Kelly Turner writes as an accomplished scientist and as a compassionate human being to inspire us to question deeply the roots of our illnesses. (Rodney Yee, author of Moving Toward Balance)

Customer Reviews

A very important book and a very important mission
By Kelley Eidem

As the author of the book "The Doctor Who Cures Cancer," I believe "Radical Remissions is a big step forward towards creating critical mass. Turner points out in her book that not one doctor she asked who had personally witnessed a Radical Remission had tried to publish the case as a classic case study. She also points out that there are over 1,000 reports of "spontaneous remissions" that have been reported in the medical literature, but that they weren't being pursued by researchers as to the commonalities among them. Turner has done that!

She asked the right questions, "Why did each of these people experience a spontaneous remission? What it spontaneous or was it something they did?" She found out that their remissions were due to something they did.

Turner also highlights how it is by focusing on the anomalies that new discoveries are made. Whether it be Dr. Revici's discoveries, the discovery of penicillin, etc, it is almost always in the exceptional case where the discovery is made. The book then goes forth to expand on the 9 biggest commonalities that she uncovered so that cancer patients can try them for themselves.

Turner continues to collect more cases to help verify her findings. In her book, she calls her findings a hypothesis. She wants to see more attention devoted to her data to confirm and expand her findings. We can be sure that the cancer industry will close ranks and not follow through on Turner's goal just as they have for the past 100 years. But the book and her continued mission is a GIGANTIC step towards greater awareness about the real ways to cure cancer.

Finally a book which uses research which supports non-medical invasive cures
By Christopher Steele

As someone who is always interested in alternative remedies outside of medicine, I purchased this book in hopes to learn more about the subject. The book was so much more than I expected in that not only was it well researched, but was written in such a way that it did not feel like an academic reading. Highly recommend.

A Treasury of Inspiration
By Paxdieta Books

RADICAL REMISSION shows that true healing often involves more than medical treatments.
Kelly Turner shows that transformation of the mind, the heart, the emotions, nutrition
and relationships are also essential. Her book contains a treasury of inspiring stories
and clear analysis, showing that inner transformation can produce positive changes
leading to true healing for body, mind and spirit. Recommended for all readers interested
in personal growth and development, not just cancer patients!
(Sarto Schickel, Author of Cancer Healing Odyssey)

Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine

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Gabriel Cousins

Paperback, 544 pages
Other Information:  illustrations
Published In:  United States, 17 November 2003

Because of our acid-producing diets, environmental pollution, antibiotics, excess oestrogen in the environment, and personal and world stress, candida and fungal infections are rampant today. Medical researchers have found that a high-fat, high-sugar diet, combined with environmental pollutants and stress, can lead to a buildup of toxins in the body collectively known as chronic degenerative disease. Here holistic physician Gabriel Cousens provides a dietary regimen that may help reverse this process by introducing whole, natural, organic, and raw foods into the diet. These restorative "live" foods can eliminate dangerous toxins, reverse chronic disease and bring back health and vitality.

Rainbow Green Cuisine presents the first sophisticated, gourmet international cuisine to be based on highly edible natural organic live food, along with a relatively low-sugar and low-mycotoxic approach.

This eclectic cookbook shares 250 delicious vegan recipes from chefs at the Tree of Life Cafe. Dishes include Avocado Salad with Rosemary, Green Dragon Broccoli, Raw-violis, Lavender Milk, and Carob Coconut Cream Eclairs. International entrees, juices, and aromatherapeutic remedies are also featured.


"Gabriel Cousens, M.D., has once again contributed to the much-needed re-education of humanity. The research and practical advice, along with the recipes from the Tree of Life Cafe in Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine, help people awaken to a new understanding and regain control of their internal environment."
 - Christopher Yashpal Jayne, N.D.

"Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine describes the holistic healing process of biological alchemy. It is a gift for us in how to live in these biologically toxic times."
 - Richard Harvey and Mary Huston, Directors of Life Works

About the Author

Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. is an internationally celebrated spiritual teacher, author, lecturer, world peace-worker, and physician of the soul. He is the world’s foremost physician promoting live-food nutrition for physical health and spiritual growth. He received his M.D. degree from Columbia Medical School in 1969, and completed his psychiatry residency in 1973. As a leading researcher and practitioner in the field of rejuvenation, he specializes in the healing of many chronic degenerative diseases. To the healing process he also brings experience as a homeopathic physician (M.D. (H)), Diplomate in Ayurveda, family therapist, and live-food nutritionist

Dr. Cousens is also a Doctor of Divinity (D.D.), a Rebbe who has received rabbinical initiation, a student of Ecstatic Kabbalah since 1986, a certified Senior Essene Teacher in the Kabbalistic tradition, a recognized Yogi, a four-year Sundancer adopted into the Lakota Nation, and the White Buffalo Spirit Dance Chief.

He is the author of a number of titles, including Conscious Eating (hailed by many as the “Bible of Vegetarianism”), Spiritual Nutrition, Depression-Free for Life, Sevenfold Peace, and Tachyon Energy: A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing, co-authored with David Wagner, the creator of the Tachyon process. Dr. Cousens presents seminars worldwide on many topics including health and nutrition, psycho-spiritual healing, meditation, and spiritual awareness.

Dr. Cousens founded and directs the Tree of Life Foundation, Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, and Tree of Life Health Practice in Patagonia, Arizona. He is a frequent guest on popular radio talk shows, and has published articles in health journals and popular magazines on a number of health, nutrition, and social topics.

Raw & Simple

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Jules Barber
First Edition 2015
Spiral Bound with colour photos - 60 pages.

Raw food is fast growing in popularity in NZ.  Summer's here - and it's the perfect time to eat raw and healthy.

Jules, one of NZ's foremost raw health educators. has compiled 50 of her favourite easy to create raw recipes for affordable everyday enjoyment using ingredients readily available in New Zealand.

All recipes are vegetarian and gluten, dairy and sugar-free. For everyone who desires to be healthier and who yearns to dance on a healthier planet this book offers delicious simple raw recipes to help you embrace your raw spirit.

Whether you’re a seasoned raw foodie or a curious newcomer, you’ll discover plant-based savoury dishes and sweet bites for all.

About Jules
Inspired by a passion to assist people to live full, vibrant and joyful lives, Jules has been involved with natural and transformational healing for many years. Working with groups and individuals, she encourages self-awareness, self-responsibility and personal power through exploration of our physical, mental and emotional states of being. A nutritional guide specialising in raw food and detoxification, Jules facilitates fasting and rejuvenation retreats in New  Zealand and overseas, teaches classes, offers individual nutritional and wellbeing consultations and provides raw culinary services.


Raw Chocolate

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Raw Chocolate

By Matthew Kenney and Meredith Baird
Hardcover, 144pages
Publication date: 15 April 2012

Now you can enjoy one of the great tastes and textures in raw--raw chocolate. Raw chocolate can be made without a lot of fuss and with great results. This book features truffles, fudge, buttercups, fruit, smoothies, bonbons, and more. With cacao beans and health-promoting ingredients like goji berries and maca, raw chocolate is even healthy for you!

Matthew Kenney is a chef, restaurateur, caterer, and food writer. He has appeared on the Today show, the Food Network, and numerous morning and talk shows. Matthew splits his time between New York and Maine. Meredith Baird has been an integral part of the Matthew Kenney team since 2008. She assisted in writing and developing recipes for Everyday Raw Desserts and Everyday Raw Express, as well as helping with the Matthew Kenney Restaurant and Academy. She lives in New York. No-fuss healthy options for the world's sweet tooth.


Experience one of the great tastes and textures in the raw food world—raw chocolate. Raw chocolate is expensive to buy, but can be made without a lot of fuss and with great results. And with cacao beans and health-promoting ingredients like goji berries and maca, raw chocolate is good for you, too.

This book features all flavors and types of chocolate: truffles, fudge, buttercups, dipped fruit, smoothies, bonbons, and more. Learn to make raw chocolate that is as beautiful as it is delicious with Matthew Kenney and Meredith Baird’s Raw Chocolate.

Matthew Kenney is a chef, restaurateur, caterer, and food writer. He has appeared on the Today Show, the Food Network, and numerous morning and talk shows. He is also the author of a number of cookbooks including Everyday Raw, Everyday Raw Desserts, and Everyday Raw Express. Matthew splits his time between New York and Maine.

Meredith Baird has been an integral part of the Matthew Kenney team since 2008. She assisted in writing and developing recipes for Everyday Raw Desserts and Everyday Raw Express, as well as helping with the Matthew Kenney Restaurant and Academy. She lives in New York.

Adrian Mueller grew up in Lucerne, Switzerland, and currently resides in New York with his wife and son. As a photographer, his aim is to create images that connect with a viewer’s personal memories, to ensure an emotional and lasting impression.

Jessica Acs is a researcher and creative director residing in Toronto, Canada. Passionate about natural foods, nutrition, and wellness, she believes the practice of a mindful lifestyle is first expressed through our everyday food choices.

Customer Reviews

A Chocolate Work of Art! by M. Falso (Los Angeles, California)
This book is beautifully written, photographed and inspiring. It's edgy and modern, with sophistication and flair. There are so many creative recipes and wonderful gourmet flavor combinations. I really appreciate the stunning photography and modern flavorings of these chocolate confections. I'm also glad that there are other chocolate-inspired recipes that are beyond the bonbons, bars, buttercups and truffles (for instance, fudges, marzipan, gianduja, buckwheat nib cereal, smoothies, and drinks, just to name a few). I'm excited to try many of these creations.

Personally, I was so happy to see a recipe for white chocolate! I've made 3 recipes from the book and they have all turned out better than expected. My only issue with any of the recipes thus far is the white chocolate base. While the flavor is spot on, the use of coconut flour in the chocolate makes for a very gritty texture. However, I like it so much that I continue to make it regardless.

My only issue with this classic book is that there are some gaps in information about ingredients, for instance, like chocolate liquor/paste. I personally know what it is and how to use it, there is no explanation for what it is, how to use it, and why to use it. Another part that is missing from this book is actual processing of the raw chocolate and how it is made, especially raw cocoa butter, raw cocoa powder, and the raw cocoa bean.I know that it is not the intent of the book to show you how to make chocolate from bean to bar, but it would really make the book a more complete all-around raw chocolate book. This does not detract from this beautiful book, but I believe it would only benefit the inclusion of this information.

5.0 out of 5 stars Amazed at success of recipes, by Kibster
My friends now think I'm a raw chocolate chef! These recipes make it easy. While this isn't a beginner's book,I found the recipes straightforward and easy to follow. (The best part about working with raw chocolate is that you can always eat your "mistakes"). The only thing I wished for was a product source list; I did have a little trouble at first finding some of the ingredients.

Overall: fun book, fun recipes.

5.0 out of 5 stars Valentine's Day Goes Raw, by vickiechip
This excellent entry in the authors' series of raw books is a Valentine's Day must. The raw chocolate bon bons are beautiful. Who knew what could be done w/ Cacao Paste. One point to make is the authors don't provide a source for that product but no matter, your local Whole Foods or Earth Fare have it in stock. It's not as exotic as it sounds.

5.0 out of 5 stars FANTASTIC BOOK!!, by rwfdie
I love everything about this book! The pics are beautiful and so inspiring. The recipes range from simple to more
challenging-(Fudge to bon bons) and directions are spot on. Such an ode to chocolate.
HUGE VARIETY!!! Thank you for making this book!!!

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By A.T Hovannessian

George Malkmus writes: “One of the most influential forces in moving me to a raw food diet. Unable to locate a source I have decided to reprint this book. It is a classic and a must read for all desiring a long, sickness-free life.
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Raw Family Signature Dishes:: A Step-by-Step Guide to Essential Live-Food Recipes

By Victoria Boutenko
Glossy paperback - 160 pages
Publication date: 27 July 2009

Discover the joy of raw cooking in this new primer for simple, delicious recipes from raw food pioneer Victoria Boutenko. Presenting her family's most treasured dishes with easy instructions and hundreds of photographs, Victoria walks budding chefs through every step of preparation with encouragement and enthusiasm. Mouthwatering recipes include jams,scones, soup, crackers, nut milk, truffles, chocolate cake, and more.

While the raw food diet is the fastest growing alternative approach to eating because of its health benefits, preparing raw food dishes is so new that many people don’t know where to start. With 500 color photos, this friendly, step-by-step guide gently walks readers through recipes to create amazingly delicious and nutritious meals. Victoria Boutenko and her family are known worldwide as the Raw Family, living on a raw diet and teaching classes since 1994. Throughout the years they have perfected scores of scrumptious recipes with the idea of not only spreading the gospel of the diet’s health benefits, but also making the raw foods lifestyle realistically possible and enjoyable.

Mouth-watering rather than medicinal, simple rather than complicated, the recipes presented here include jams, scones, soup, crackers, nut milk, truffles, chocolate cake, mousse cake, and more. Complete, illustrated directions make it simple for both avid raw foodists and novice cooks alike to embrace the diet favored by Woody Harrelson, Demi Moore, Donna Karan, and other celebrities.


 "The Boutenkos have done it again. This excellent visual step-by-step guide makes raw food easy and approachable for anyone. A valuable kitchen resource."
—Ani Phyo, author of Ani’s Raw Food Desserts and host of Ani’s Raw Food Kitchen Show

"One of the most helpful resources one could ask for in raw food preparation, whether you are a beginner or skilled raw food chef."
—Alyssa Cohen, author of Living on Live Foods

"I love the delicious, creative food of the Boutenko Family. In fact, their journey into eating raw was a key inspiration for me to start my own company. . . . Raw Family Signature Dishes will be front and center in my library."
—Lara Merriken, founder of LÄRABAR

"Only someone with the vast teaching experience that Victoria has could understand so deeply what it is that people want and need in order to succeed at a raw food lifestyle. Absolutely brilliant."
—Nomi Shannon, author of The Raw Gourmet and Raw Food Celebrations

"Tried-and-true recipes that are delicious enough to eat week after week without having a lot of fancy equipment, expensive ingredients, or culinary expertise."
—Cherie Soria, Living Light Culinary Arts Institute

"Another cool book from the Boutenkos. Rawsome!"
—Chef Juliano, author of Raw: The Uncook Book and owner of Juliano’s Raw restaurant

“A unique and different un-cook book than any I've received so far.”
—Weekly Revvellations

Raw Family: A True Story of Awakening

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Raw Family: A True Story of Awakening

By Victoria, Igor, Sergei, and Valya Boutenko
Paperback, 109pages
Publication date: 1 March 2000

This 109-page paperback book was written by the entire Boutenko family, capturing each of their unique perspectives. Filled with humorous anecdotes and heart-warming insights, this book is a delightful adventure.

        33 recipes
        Letting the body lead
        Living by faith
        Hiking the Pacific Crest Trail
        Photos from the Boutenko photo album


People of all ages can benefit from this book! -- Robyn Lee, e-zine

Raw Family book has such amount of depth, sincerity ,and heart... This is the stuff that films are made of! -- Karen Knowler, Get Fresh! Magazine, U.K.

Customer Reviews

Read it in one sitting, couldn't put it down! by Melanie
I've read quite a bit lately on raw foods, and this book is different from them all. I finished it in one sitting because I couldn't put it down. The Boutenko's welcome us into their lives and share their journey from dire illness to raw foods as a family.

Written in such a way that each family member's voice is included, this book chronicles their introduction to raw foods in 1994 when Sergei, then in 3rd grade, was diagnosed with "incurable" juvenile diabetes. Following her instincts, his mother Victoria refused to put him on insulin, instead beginning to research the effects of diet on health.

Amazingly, the whole family went raw together a short time afterward, and this story includes all the thoughts and feelings, all the changes they experienced as a result of their live food diet. Reading it does something that other more technical raw food manuals and cookbooks cannot do: it allows the reader to actually see what life might be like as a raw fooder.

Though the Boutenko's and their children were experiencing health problems due to their diet and lifestyle which strongly influenced their desire to go raw and encouraged them to stick with it, their story offers hope that making the transition with older children is indeed possible.
This is an inspiring book, and it includes a small recipe section and some before and after photographs of the family. A gem!

Excellent book by "jonkatzlawyer"
This is an excellent book for inspiring people to try a raw foods diet. Excellent prose are not needed to accomplish this; all that's needed is the heartfelt words of the authors. Here's the benefit I've derived from this book and the Boutenko family: After 13 years as a vegetarian (usually at least 10 pounds overweight the whole vegetarian time - rarely overweight that much before becoming a vegetarian, except for the year before), the most effective route for me has been the 100% raw foods route. I've lost ten pounds in 15 days on this diet, and plan to stay with it to shed several more overweight pounds. I include 3-4 times of 1/2 hour - 1 hour of exercise (Stairmaster, t'ai chi, one round of weights minimum every other day). I had the benefit of being convinced to try this raw foods diet without intent when (1) meeting the Boutenko raw family and (2) knowing a trustworthy acquaintance who knows well and vouches for the reliability of the Boutenko's claims (e.g., that the mom shed away her 280 lb. frame on raw, her son lost his juvenile diabetes, her husband lost his serious thyroid condition, and her daughter lost her asthma). I'm doing a simple raw diet. To make it easier to eat raw all day rather than going frustrated with a lack of time or recipes, I have not used any machinery (juicers, dehydrators, blenders, food processors). Besides, summer is a great time for an abundance of delicious raw foods at reasonable prices (including tomatoes, cucumbers, avocados, bananas (year round), the broccoli family, summer fruits (melons, plums, nectarines). In colder weather, there remain numerous vegetables, citrus (I eat citrus daily), dried fruits, winter fruits, raw nuts, and transported tropical fruits. In this short time, I'm feeling better overall. My body feels cleaner. I don't feel the sniffles that I often had a few times a week for at least an hour. My cravings for un-raw food are slim to none. Jon Katz,

Awaken Yourself and Those You Love by Surya Peralta
I love this book. I found it inspiring, truthful, concise, and obviously born of a mothers love. My husband, a lifelong meat-and-potatoes man, read this book and literally became a raw foodist overnight. This book taught him in one read what I had been unable to in 7 years. This book very well may inspire you and your family to become healthy, happy, and harmonious. Beautifully sincere and possibly life altering book!

A Little Treasure by Marjorie Roswell
This book is a treasure. First of all, it's just a good read: It's an engaging narrative with a good story behind it. Secondly, it'll make you smile. Thirdly the few recipes in this book are AWESOME, especially the generic salad dressing. Fourthly, the book is a fast read. Finally, this book is a story of transformation (Four transformations, actually: in mom, dad, son and daughter) that can inspire us on our own path to health.

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by P Erica Palmcrantz by Ermela Lilja

* Paperback: 22.3cm x 27.5cm, 176 colour pages
* Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing; Original edition (March 18, 2010)

Raw food is more than a diet. It’s a lifestyle and a movement. The stories of weight loss, increased energy, healthy-looking skin, and better digestion are seemingly endless. However, many people are turned off by the difficulty and unpleasantness of eating only (or even primarily) foods cooked below 104 degrees Fahrenheit. With dozens of recipes accompanied with beautiful, full-color photographs, Erica Palmcrantz and Irmela Lilja prove that eating raw foods can be simple, inexpensive, and delicious. No one should have to sacrifice time, money, or flavor to enjoy the astounding health advantages of going raw. Learn how to soak and sprout vegetables and nuts to increase the nutritional value, what types of kitchen tools are best for preparing raw food, and which foods to have on-hand for use in raw recipes. From creative salads to spicy burritos to chocolate mousse, every recipe will broaden your raw-food horizons. Complete with recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, desserts, and side dishes, Raw Food is an innovative approach to a wholesome way of eating.

About the Authors
Erica Palmcrantz is a raw-food educator and has been a high-raw vegan for almost four years. She lives in Gothenburg, Sweden with her husband Sam Aziz and their daughter Saga. For Erica, raw food is first and foremost about vitality and energy.

Irmela Lilja is a health and human resources journalist. She is a vegetarian whose diet includes a high percentage of raw foods. She lives in Stockholm with her daughter Ebele.

Raw Food Cleanse

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Restore Health and Lose Weight by Eating Delicious, All Natural Foods - Instead of Starving Yourself

Author: Penni Shelton
Format: Paperback
Number of pages: 156
Width: 130 mm
Height: 200 mm
Thickness: 20 mm
Publisher: Ulysses Press
Publication date:  4 February 2010

Cleanse Without Being Starved or Deprived

Follow the delicious and hunger-satisfying raw-food diets offered in this book and you will lose weight, gain energy and feel vibrantly healthy while clearing your body of toxins. "Raw Food Cleanse" offers four customized plans that provide you with everything needed for an easy and powerful detox, including:

Follow the delicious and hunger-satisfying raw-food diets offered in this book and you will lose weight, gain energy and feel vibrantly healthy while clearing your body of toxins. Raw Food Cleanse offers four customized plans that provide you with everything needed for an easy and powerful detox, including:

•toxin self-assessment
•day-by-day programs
•mouth-watering recipes
•real-life success stories

•3-Day Energy Boost Cleanse
Give your body an all-natural weekend to start your Monday feeling great.

•7-Day Rejuvenation Cleanse
Enjoy a week of delicious raw foods to thoroughly refresh your system.

•14-Day Deep Detox Cleanse
Go longer to experience better skin and hair, a clearer mind and a slimmer body.

•28-Day Total Reset Cleanse
Give the body a full recharge with an intense, nutrient-packed month of raw foods.

Customer Reviews

"I received this book in eager anticipation and was not disappointed. I have found the recipes in this book delicious and satisfying. Green Beauty and Pico de Gallo are just a few of my favorites. I can make the Chia Custard Shake and feel totally full when I need something in the middle of the day. Ruby's Smokin' Hot Tomato Soup is so good. Wonderful book. I would highly recommend this to anyone wanting to incorporate healthy and tasty alternatives to their diet." SaderMom

"Penni Shelton has created this wonderful book, in part, through the experience of real people in real life following her program. And I have to say, I think that alone makes it an excellent resource for raw food info ... because we're all looking for real results. Penni's writing style is also warm and encouraging ... she's just a delightful and inspiring writer.

This book is organized around 3, 7, 14 and 28 day cleanses. But in this case, a "cleanse" is neither harsh nor strict with so many raw food recipes. The recipes are easy to follow and the dishes are visually stunning and delicious.

I really enjoyed the real life stories of people who've already done this program. They're genuine and open in telling about the changes that have happened in their health and their lives after following this way of eating and living.

I would highly recommend this book to anyone interested in a genuine and uncomplicated introduction to the amazing health benefits a raw food lifestyle can help create." Lisa Viger

"The Raw Food Cleanse is an easy guide for anyone who is interested in upping their health game which features a test group of people who actually participated in a trial cleanse. The information is clear and encouraging for newbies to the raw movement as well as seasoned followers. There are juice feasts of various lengths so you can test the waters or dive in for a long term fast. In any case, there are a multitude of delicious recipes to create for during your fast and a bevy of taste titillating recipes for post cleanse. I have alot of raw food recipe books and the recipes in this book are not overwhelming as some of the books I have. Even if you are not gung ho about cleansing I would recommend it merely for the recipes. It is the perfect affordable choice for anyone who wants to increase their intake of fruits and vegetables in a easy yummy creative way!!"  A. Harper

About the Author
Penni Shelton has a powerful story of healing from her debilitating condition of IBS, through embracing a diet rich in raw and living foods. Her story of life transformation first appeared in Carol Alt's book, The Raw 50. Penni is an award winning blogger at Real Food Tulsa, an avid health food and lifestyle writer, and she currently stays busy running her international web community, Raw Food Rehab. Penni lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her husband, 2 children and 3 dogs.

Raw Food for Real People: Living Vegan Food Made Simple

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Raw Food for Real People: Living Vegan Food Made Simple

By Rod Rotondi
Paperback, 208pages
Publication date: 3 December 2010

Luscious, Eco-Friendly Food to Support Your Health and the Planet

Many have touted the health and energy benefits of raw foods, but few have
presented recipes and instructions for making raw food appealing — and satisfying — to everyone. Chef Rod Rotondi demonstrates that going raw isn’t hard — in fact, it’s fun, easy, and more delicious than you’ve ever imagined. You will learn all the fundamentals of preparing your own raw foods at home, including setting up your raw kitchen, transitioning to raw foods, sprouting, dehydration, and raising your kids on raw foods. Best of all, he offers a wealth of recipes for smoothies, breakfast, appetizers, soups, salads, dressings, entrées, and decadent desserts. Rod demonstrates that the best — and utterly delectable — way to go green and get healthy is to eat fresh food in its natural state.

Includes contributions by the foremost authorities on raw-food nutrition:
* Brian Clement, MD
* Gabriel Cousens, MD
* Compton Rom Bada
* Robert O. Young, PhD


“The ultimate no-cook cookbook.”

“True beauty begins from the inside, and eating living foods is the best makeover for any age. Rod makes raw delicious and easy. Your inner and outer beauty depend on it!”
— Bobbi Brown, Bobbi Brown Cosmetics

“Rod’s expertise and passion for raw food are inspiring. He gives delicious options for making raw a powerful choice for your and your family’s health.”
— Mariel Hemingway, actress and author of Mariel’s Kitchen

“Man has evolved back to the original concept that food has energy and food can heal in its raw form. Rod Rotondi’s Raw Food for Real People has made it possible for everyone to eat this way. If you, too, want to become evolved, I suggest reading Rod’s book, as it will enlighten you as it has me.”
— John Salley, talk show host, actor, and retired professional basketball star

“Whether you are ready to go 100 percent raw or 80 percent or just want to begin to dabble in the raw-food experience, Rod is the perfect guide. His recipes are easy to follow, and he can lead you gently into a tasty and healthy culinary lifestyle. There is enough variety to satisfy every palate. Bon appétit — this book is a treat!”
— Laura Ziskin, motion picture producer and cofounder and executive producer of Stand Up To Cancer

Customer Reviews

Simple Gourmet Recipes, by  Lucie
This is an excellent book which contains information about numerous benefits of raw food, dehydration, sprouting charts, many SIMPLE gourmet recipes...
Rod has a great talent to explain the raw food concepts in few words with lightness and good sense of humor. I have gifted more than ten of these books to my friends and family and everybody loved it!

The Book Lives up to its Title!, by lynda taylor (Victoria, BC Canada)
This is a practical recipe book for people who want to have raw food and a life! The author gives clear instructions and provides some personal anecdotal information that make it all sound manageable. His recipes yield really good meals.

Excellent, by Sharon Watson
Great info for beginners Love this app gd info for those new to raw food life style..thank you raw food is necessary for my healthy heart thank you from the bottom of my heart for this app!!!!!

Great book, by E. Bolduc (Carmel, CA)
Amazing book. Easy to understand. Makes eating raw a fun adventure with great recipes! I got as a gift for my mom.

Raw Food: Life Force Energy

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By Natalia Rose

Paperback: 288 pages

According to top nutritionist Natalia Rose, the secret to a beautiful lean body, youthful radiant skin, abundant energy, and a state of natural bliss is Life Force Energy. If we can properly harness and increase our Life Force Energy through simple dietary and environmental principles, we can experience radically improved levels of health, beauty, and happiness.

With Raw Food Life Force Energy's more than seventy irresistibly fresh and energizing recipes, you'll see amazing results, including:
• Effortless, abundant weight loss
• Glowing, healthy skin
• Markedly increased energy
• Fewer colds and flus
• A more positive attitude and increased mental acuity
Natalia Rose offers a new vision of how to honor and revitalize our bodies and become powerfully attractive inside and out. Raw Food Life Force Energy shows us how to break out of our destructive, energy-draining patterns of poor eating, unsuccessful dieting, and stressful living to lift ourselves to a whole new stratosphere of well-being.

About the Author

Natalia Rose works with some of the world's most health- and body-conscious men and women. Her private practice is in the heart of midtown Manhattan, where she is sought after by a wide variety of clients, including models, actors, socialites, and media personalities—primarily women ages 23 to 52. She has been in private practice for more than ten years and also served as the nutrition director for the Elizabeth Arden Spa on 5th Avenue and the FrÉdÉric Fekkai Salons and Spas.

Arriving Soon

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By Jennifer Cornbleet

    * Paperback: 128 pages
    * Publisher: Book Publishing Company (TN) (July 17, 2009)
    * Language: English
    * ISBN-10: 1570672369
    * ISBN-13: 978-1570672361
    * Product Dimensions: 8.7 x 7.9 x 0.4 inches

Jennifer Cornbleet is a nationally recognized raw food chef and instructor, and a faculty instructor at the Living Light Culinary Arts Institute. She offers classes, hands-on workshops, and consultations nationwide. Her first book, Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 People, has already sold over 100,000 copies. A companion DVD, Raw Food Made Easy, is also available. Her second book, Raw For Dessert, provides recipes for delicious cakes, cookies, pies, tarts, ice creams, and candies.

Customer Reviews

As the author of a raw food book myself, I have read nearly every raw book out there. The great thing about Jennifer's book is the simplicity of her recipes. I can whip up one of her dishes in ten to twenty minutes (depending on my familiarity with it) and often that includes the clean up time.

In this book, each recipe has a handy listing of ingredients, a list of equipment necessary, and an "ahead of time" section. Many times I have decided to make a recipe when I realized I couldn't do it because I was supposed to have sprouted some seeds or soaked some nuts overnight. With this recipe book, we are warned of what preparation should be made ahead of time.

At the beginning of the book is a handy listing of ingredients to have handy at all times in your cupboard. These range from the norm (ex: spices) to the obscure (ex: agar flakes, a vegetarian substitute for gelatin). There is also a list of kitchen equipment, serving ware, and even techniques (ex: tips on how to open a coconut and cut certain fruits).

Jennifer starts out giving recipes for the "basics." These are items that will later combine in different recipes and include yummy frostings and creams (such as "Vanilla Cashew Cream"), sauces (like "Caramel Sauce", and crusts (like "Chocolate Cookie Crust"). Next comes a chapter for each of the following categories of desserts: fruit desserts; sorbets, ice creams and sundaes; cakes, cookies and bars; pies and tarts; creamy desserts; and candy. There are stunning colored photos sprinkled throughout to motivate us to get going!

People who have little experience eating raw will be amazed: These recipes will make their cooked counterparts seem so tame.

I just made the spice cake with vanilla cashew cream for a topping, a huge hit with my husband. I can't wait to make the key lime tart, coffee ice cream, chocolate candy cups, pine nut caramels and summer fruit trifle. The monthly raw food potluck group is going to love me!
You don't have to be a vegan to love this book. I LOVE it because we camp and backpack a lot and like making desserts that require no cooking.

The nice thing about the book is it has a huge variety of all season desserts, that even a non vegan would like. Love how the author begins on page 4 by listing all the ingredients that will be listed somewhere in the recipes, which allows a person to plan well for future dessert making. Starting on page 7 the equipment needed is listed and explained. The only thing I would have liked would have been substitutes that could be used. Like with a blender. Someone could invest in a food processor and use their blender blade, and a food processor is a multi use machine that takes up less kitchen space. And a food processor with a variety of blades can also do the job of a mandoline. A mandoline can be a tad pricey if you want one that will last.

And while I did invest in an Excalibur dehydrator, one need not buy a food dehydrator, since a mesh cookie cooler rack set on the oven rack and the temp set at 200* can dry food slow over night or all day. Same with page 10 where she says for dish's that one needs plates that are white and of various sizes. Use whatever plates you have .While I have no problem acquiring items like Agar flakes, agave syrup, carob powder, rose water,spy lecithin powder, and whole vanilla beans, some people in more rural areas or those without access to health food and natural food sections may have more difficulty.

The Chocolate Cake with Fudge Frosting on page 74-75 was excellent. The Jumble Berry Upside Down cake on page 72 is great since you can use pineapple, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, which makes this a very in season dessert. Try the Ginger Spice cookies on page 81 are cookies kids and adults would love.

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By Bryan Au

Paperback: 162 pages

Over 80 Raw Organic Living Recipes that are all under 10 minutes and $10. Totally innovative, new recipes that are all unique, fast, easy, modeled to look and taste just like cooked, baked, deep fried comfort and junk foods but it is Raw Living Organic Bliss!  It only looks and tastes like your favorite comfort and junk foods but it is an adventure into "Super Foods", high vibrational cuisine that will amplify your Yoga, Creativity, Beauty, Anti-Age You Naturally and Rejuvenate You! Reveals the all natural Fountain of Youth, to ignite your Spirit and Re-energize your Soul! Fast, quick, easy, fun all RAW IN TEN MINUTES! Health is your ultimate Wealth so share the gift of health with your friends, family and loved ones with RAW IN TEN MINUTES, with up to the minute information about nutrition, health and more!

About the Author
I am the founder and CEO of Raw Organic Saving The Planet LLC, an organic raw food and ecology company with a national TV Show Series, Eco Organic Clothing line for Men, Women & Kids and instructional Raw Organic Food DVDs. Our mission is to create more access, education and awareness about the Raw Organic Gourmet Cuisine and how to protect the environment. We want to empower people to help save the World and reverse Global Warming in the most fun, delicious and fashionable ways possible. It is a company that is meant to heal people and the Earth using traditional business models but in a entirely Raw Organic and Eco way. That is healing everything on all levels from within, using the system to heal itself and to return back to nature. I have found it is much more joyful and more success is gained from working within the system to heal and create positive change. Lets use our collective enlightenment and knowledge to manifest the true joy and peace that we know we can! We already are everyday, it has begun and is getting stronger. It all starts with each individual decision and the great transformation is already happening. I see it everyday in the media and worldwide. I would like people to know about all the very real Raw Organic and Eco choices that they have and how much happiness, joy and vitality that it will add to their lives. I have seen how people blossom into natural leaders and educators, then they help spread the true knowledge and education to others so that they can all benefit. This is my healing mission and path in this life, but I also want to create opportunities for others on the same path so that we can all grow and succeed together in health, wealth and spirit!

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By Kate Wood

Paperback: 244 pages
1st edition edition (October 15, 2008)

Raw foods are enjoying increasing popularity as more and more people discover that a diet based on fresh fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, and juices leaves them looking and feeling great. Raw foods provide the vital energy and strength people need to maintain health and counteract the environmental and social stresses of 21st century life. And, with this new book of raw recipes from a leading advocate of the raw lifestyle, adopting a diet that truly nourishes the body and mind couldn't be easier.

Raw Living delivers more than 150 outstanding recipes and shows how raw foods offer a simple and sustainable way of eating that can be incorporated into everyone's existing diet and lifestyle. An extensive introductory section covers all aspects of the raw lifestyle. From tips on feeding a family on raw, to how to improve one's love life with raw foods, to complementary holistic techniques to ensure long-term health and vitality, author Kate Wood shares the wisdom and insights gleaned from her fifteen years experience with raw foods.

All the recipes are easy to prepare and deliciously enticing. Recipes include Red Pepper Ketchup, Thai Pumpkin Soup, Sweet Potato Satay, Beetroot Burgers, Lebanese Cauliflower Crackers, Gorgeous Goji Pudding, Banana Creme Pie, and Chocolate Brownies.

This book is a wonderful addition to the kitchen of all those interested in raw foods, from beginners to experts.

About the Author
Kate Wood is one of the leading raw food promoters in the UK. She has fifteen years of experience in raw eating, and is raising a family of three boys on a predominantly raw diet. She is former editor of Get Fresh!, the world's most popular raw food magazine, and author of the best-seller Eat Smart Eat Raw. She also runs Raw Living, one of Europe's leading suppliers of raw foods, superfoods, and kitchen equipment.

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By Lionel R Murray

Paperback: 164 pages

Lionel reviews evidence from a wide range of sciences & argues that cooking both destroys health-giving constituents and produces new toxic substances.  Then he reveals the many benefits of a raw food diet.  The book gives advice on moving to a raw food diet & provides information about useful books, equipment, organisations and websites.

The authour is a retired organic chemist who has published in a wide range of academic journals.  He believes that mainstream science could make a significant contribution to the fight against western diseases firstly by recognising existing scientific knowledge about cooking and raw food, and secondly, by extending that knowledge with modern research methods.

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By Kate Magic Wood

Paperback: 250 pages with lots of colour photos
Publisher: Rawcreation Limited; 1 edition (April 1, 2008)

Kate Wood is a shinning star in the world of Raw Food. In this her fourth book she is concentrating on the use of superfoods in her recipes.


This book is soooo lush in its color photography and whimsical nature I just cannot help smiling! I have not yet tried the recipes but if they are as good as her other books you will be charmed!

The book is a perfect size with very clear to read recipes. There is a colour photo for EVERY recipe!!!

This book as well as her others are very different from the typical American raw food book. Being from the U.K. there is an entire different feeling to her books where American raw books (I have over 30) are often repeats of a theme.

Table of Contents

What is raw Magic?
About the recipes
Dips & dressings
Salads & savories
Crackers, breads & birgers
Puddings & breakfasts
Cakes & biscuits
Sweets & spreads
Magic resources

Raw Magic - an extract

There are some foods that have the power to change your life. There are certain foods that when you eat them, your body is in heaven, your cells start singing, your mind becomes ecstatic. "Yes," they cry in unison, "Yes, these are the foods that I have been waiting for. These are the foods that I have been craving, that my body has been missing my whole life." Sometimes, it is a particular nutrient you have been lacking. But more often with these foods it is their synergistic properties. They have a magical energy which comes not only from the nutritional combination they contain, but from the way they are grown, the lands they are from, their history. Many of them are sacred plants in their countries of origin.

There are many amazing foods I have omitted from this book, foods that are more commonly recognised as superfoods: vegetables like broccoli, kale and cucumbers, fruits like cranberries, blueberries and grapefruit, sprouts like lentils, sunflower or alfalfa. I was tempted to include avocadoes and olives, buckwheat and oats, all foods I eat on a daily basis. But these are foods that most of us are familiar with, and if you are not then there are plenty of books out there that do cover them. This book is about the new breed of superfoods which are unique to the West in the 21st century. Never before have we had access to such a wide variety of plant foods. Some of them we are accustomed to in different forms, like cacao; others have been around for a few decades now, like Spirulina; some are widely known in their country of origin, but novel to the UK, like goji berries; and some others are utterly brand new to us, like purple corn. When I was a child, avocadoes and kiwis were considered exotic, now they are standard fare in every shopping basket. I believe that such is the potency and vitality of the foods in this book that as people catch on to them, they are going to revolutionise the way we eat, shop and live.

These foods are transformative foods. By eating such high potency foods they change the very nature of our reality. They affect our consciousness and raise our energetic level to a degree that has profound implications on all areas of our lives. It is not possible to eat these foods on a daily basis and not feel altered. We live in a culture which is intrinsically false; fuelled on junk food, media lies, false gods and political whores, we have forgotten how to be our true selves. These foods help us realign, connect with who we really are, and tune into our higher selves. It becomes increasingly harder not to live in our power when we eat this way, and this can be a hard adjustment to make in a world where the individual is fundamentally disempowered. Revealing our inner core is usually painful, as we let the masks of self-deception slip away, we have to let go of people and life situations which have been holding us back and preventing us being fully who we are. It is a scary thing to do, to step into our truth and reclaim our birthright when we have been taught our whole lives to avoid truth at all costs, to keep up the facades and not rock the boat. But the more of us who make these choices, the easier it becomes. And the more we attract into our lives people who have made the same choices and appreciate us for who we honestly are.

Rocking the boat is what we are here to do! Isn't it exciting and exhilarating when you stand up for what you truly believe in? Our time has come, and the old ways are not working anymore. Paradigms are crumbling and new ones are rising in their place. As we understand eternal truths, we see the world for what it is, and understand how desperately things need to change. We align with our higher purpose, the divine intelligence, and see what our life's path is. What mission have we been given? What is our role here at this time? It is to wake the world up, to guide humanity through the massive shifts and changes that are taking place. And of course, that starts with ourselves. We must awaken ourselves, and we must keep the balance between being fully awake i.e. masters of our own reality, knowing that we create everything with our own energy, taking full responsibility for our lives as a manifestation of our own inner state of being; and between being of service, helping to awaken the sleeping masses, and doing everything we can to help people through these times. And you know what the best part is? It's fun. Believe it or not, the universe actually wants us to be happy, it doesn't want us to suffer. And the more we work with the universe, the happier we become, the less we suffer.

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By Matt Monarch

What the Raw Food Advocates Don't Preach

When I first read about becoming a Raw Foodist, I couldn’t wait to start. And I didn’t. Overnight I abandoned my bachelor’s diet of burgers, Subways, chicken patties, and burritos for raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. I couldn’t wait to experience increased energy, glowing physical perfection, and a longer healthier life.

After I took the big leap, many unexpected changes started happening; things I hadn’t read about like the negative physical side effects and the incredible spiritual dimension of being Raw. Within these pages are details that raw food advocates don’t preach and have not written about. In honest detail, Raw Spirit prepares you for the world you could be walking into if you choose to become Raw, or if you are already.

The second half of Raw Spirit is an extensive interview with Dr. Fred Bisci, PhD, 40 year raw food pioneer, and Master Nutritionist. Included is Dr. Bisci’s Intermediate Healing Diet, a protocol similar to what he gives clients who want to heal from dis-ease. Although I feel 100% Raw is the optimal diet for the human body if done correctly, it may not be for you. This intermediate diet, containing some cooked foods, can be adopted as your daily diet for health and healing; or it can be used to transition safely and easily to your new Raw Lifestyle.

Raw Spirit has much to offer:

Those who want to heal through diet;
Those who want to stay Raw, but keep falling back into cooked food;
Those who are Raw and may run into future problems;
Those who are Raw and feeling confused and rejected;
Those looking into Raw. What they can expect.

Table of Contents

Forward, by Paul Nison

Part I - Raw Spirit

I Belong On Another Planet
Physical Changes
How do I do the Raw Diet Right?!?
Too Much Fruit
This Too Shall Pass
Dreaming About Food
Over Eating
Eating Disorders
Medical Drugs, Recreational Drugs, Cigarettes, and Alcohol
Systematically Under Eating
Late Night Snack
Dangers in the Long Run
Eat Nuts
Spiritual Rebirth
Sex and the Raw Diet
My Diet

Part II

Interview with Dr. Fred Bisci

Here are the questions that Dr. Fred Bisci answers in this book, Raw Spirit.

Not many people understand what happens to their body on a cellular level when they improve their diet. Do you feel that understanding this concept would result in much better health amongst the Raw Food community?

Can you talk a little about how someone can become cleaner on a cellular level?

Why is it bad to go back and forth from a Raw Food Diet to a cooked food diet?

Why is it necessary to leave something out of our diet completely if we want to heal? Why can't we cheat just a little bit every once in a while?

What is the order of food groups that one should leave out of their diet from first to last?

I mention in this book that a raw food eater is more sensitive to polluted air than a cooked food eater. Do you feel your health is suffering because you are a Raw Foodist living in NY air pollution?

Why do you think Dr. Norman Walker lived to be such an old age?

What kinds of problems can someone run into who eats too much fruit?

How much fruit is too much?

You have mentioned that long term raw food eaters can run into problems if given pharmaceutical or intravenous drugs. Why is this?

You have been on a raw diet for over four decades. Have you ever encountered a problem with medical drugs?

Do you feel that raw food eaters should be raising their newborn babies Raw?

I don't know anyone that is a bigger animal lover then you. How do you recommend someone raise his or her pet?

How do you feel about the use of alcohol?

How do you feel about the use of marijuana?

Do you feel that colonics are important?

Do you feel that one needs to do colonics to be successful on a raw food diet?

I have talked to you about how I have had gas and waste problems ever since I became Raw. Is this normal?

Even when I am eating really well, feeling emotionally okay, and have been eliminating fine, inevitably after two weeks, gas and waste build up in my system and I need to do a colonic.

I do colonics a couple times per month. Is it bad to do it this many times?

Is it possible to do too many colonics?

How do you feel about Bernard Jensen's psyllium and bentonite cleanse?

After I did the psyllium bentonite cleanse I started to experience the energy fields that I mention in this book for the first time. Can you comment on that?

How do you feel about the aluminum content in bentonite clay, one of the major ingredients of Bernard Jensen's cleanse?

Do you think this Bernard Jensen's cleanse would drastically improve someone's health and level of cleanliness?

When I was eating cooked foods, I ate everything and anything and never had any noticeable digestive problems. Why, now that I'm Raw, must I contend with annoying digestive upsets (gas) whenever I eat bad food combinations?

Some people say that you shouldn't mix too many types of fats at one meal. How do you feel about that?

What are your thoughts on Hyperbaric Medicine?

Why do you feel that raw food eaters seem to be dying at the same age as cooked food eaters?

Why are those that have been eating a raw diet for many decades at more risk of running into serious complications compared to others?

Why are eating nuts so important for a raw food eater in the long run?

You have been on a Raw Diet for 40 years. It would be very hard for you to go back to eating foods that are not raw. If you could do it all over again, would you add any other foods into your diet?

How about adding raw goat's milk or raw cheese to your diet?

How old do you think someone could live in this day and age if they committed to an optimal Raw Diet?

Do you feel that eating once a day is a big key for longevity?

Do you feel that systematically under eating is a big key in longevity?

Do you feel that exercise is key to longevity?

Do you think that drinking vegetable juice is necessary to succeed on a Raw Diet?

Does the body of a raw food eater handle stress better?

Do you believe that Breatharianism is possible?

Do you feel that supplements are necessary for a raw food eater?

I have heard you say that many spiritual things happen to the person that becomes a 100% raw food eater. Can you talk about any of those spiritual experiences?

What has a Raw Diet done to your brain (memory)?

Do you feel that men should conserve their sperm?

Can someone eliminate all of his or her Sexual Transmitted Diseasess (STD's) on a raw food diet?

Is a raw food diet the best way to deal with degenerative diseases?

What is your diet like? How many times a day do you normally eat?

About the Authour

Matt Monarch is a 100% Raw; his diet consists of only raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

After five years of eating a 100% raw food diet, Matt was inspired to write a book called Raw Spirit. He wanted to share information that he thought needed to be out there. Currently, Matt lives in Ojai, California.

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By Matt Monarch

The Key to 100% Raw Vegan Longevity

Have you been reluctant to eat 100% raw because you are afraid of doing it wrong?

It is true that many long-term raw vegans suffer from deficiencies, health and dental complications. Most Raw Pioneers are dying between the ages of 80 and 93. If the raw diet is so amazing, why aren't we living decades longer than cooked food eaters?

Raw Success is the key to longevity on a 100% raw vegan diet. With information that has never before been introduced, these new concepts mark a turning point for the raw lifestyle!

# Understand how to succeed with a 100% raw food lifestyle
# Find your Optimal Raw Diet: not too extreme, not too lax – just right for you
# Protect yourself from the detrimental effects of the environment

The information revealed in Raw Success will open your eyes wide to the truth.

It is my intention that this book serves as a complete guide to your Raw Success. Thus, for those just beginning, I have included the popular article, How to Go Raw, which outlines steps for transitioning to a raw lifestyle. My hope is that these pages add years of vital living for the person new to raw, as well as for the Raw Food Pioneers that have been on this journey for many decades.

About the Authour

Matt Monarch is a 100% Raw; his diet consists of only raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds.

After five years of eating a 100% raw food diet, Matt was inspired to write a book called Raw Spirit. He wanted to share information that he thought needed to be out there. Currently, Matt lives in Ojai, California.  

Rawmazing Desserts: Delicious & Easy Raw Food Recies for Cookies, Cakes, Ice Cream & Pie

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By Tonya Zavasta
Paperback: 128 pages
Publisher: BR Publishing; 1st edition (September 18, 2008)

Admittedly, facial exercise is a controversial topic. I found that, while long-term practitioners rave about the benefits, most dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons are against the program. Well, that's understandable, I thought. It's called a conflict of interest. Doctors are also not in favor of my 100% raw foods lifestyle. Since most of what I do to stay in great health goes against a doctor's advice, I decided that was probably a plus for the exercises. What intrigued me was that people who practice facial exercises generally look better than others of the same age. Many of them do not even follow healthy lifestyles - at least, not to the degree that I, and others like me, do. Everyone agrees that we all need to exercise for health and improved self-image. But our ideal picture does not include droopy eyes, eye bags, double chins, no lips, and a jawline that looks like that of a melting cartoon character. You probably work out. Yes, we want ripped abs, a slim waist, and well-toned thighs. But what about the part of us that we look at most closely every day? Your facial muscles, as much as or even more than body muscles, can sag, bag, droop, and go all-over wrinkly. While many are concerned with their facial complexion, we don't talk much about exercising the face. Not enough, at least. Facial exercises don't receive as much publicity as those which emphasize other areas, but they are just as beneficial.

Cosmetic surgery often requires cheek implants to plump up the face. Why? Because facelifts drag the face backward. While this eliminates sags, it pulls away the fullness of youth. Occasionally, cosmetic surgeons suggest the addition of exercises after a surgery, but generally, they ignore the benefits because exercise doesn't cost thousands of dollars. Surprised? You shouldn't be! A young person s epidermis continuously develops to accommodate new growth in both musculature and skeletal structure. The challenge is to make our mature skin respond like young skin. The raw foods diet is our only chance. On raw foods, our system works as efficiently as a much younger person's. If you have any doubts about using facial exercises, look around at your yoga, Pilates, or gym class.

The phenomenon I explored in my first book, Your Right to Be Beautiful, is getting more pronounced than ever. People with thirty-year-old bodies have faces that look decades older. You've seen bodies reshaped by exercises, haven't you? In the same way, you can actually reshape your face. Exercising your facial muscles is not nearly as pretty as yoga or Pilates. I think that's one reason I postponed even trying them. But I know for a fact now that they will definitely beautify your face just as other exercises improve yoyour physique - but facial exercises work much faster and more dramatically. Imagine a rubber band that is permanently stretched. Then you'll have a good image of the way muscles have weakened, lengthened, and drooped in your face. As muscles weaken, they make the whole face sag. So what's the good news? These flabby muscles can be shortened by facial exercises that ultimately lift and firm your face.

Exercises shorten loose, slack muscles, making them firm and taut, and helping to diminish the fat around those muscles. Your facial muscles are the only muscles in your body that insert (or attach) to skin at one end rather than being attached to bone at both ends. Toning your facial muscles will directly affect the appearance of your skin. Through facial resistance training, you can build muscle, stretching the epidermis and reducing wrinkles. Facial exercises also strengthen and tighten the understructure of your face and neck. Droopiness, flabbiness, furrows... you can say goodbye to all of them.


Before doing the Rawsome Flex exercises, I could not even stand to look at myself in the mirror. I am not exaggerating. Even though my skin looked pretty good, having been a raw eater for over 7 years, I was dismayed by my sagging jowls and drooping eyebrows. I was beginning to look my age - and I hated it! But after about 4 weeks of doing the exercises daily, I noticed that every time I would meet someone I hadn't seen in a month or more, they would remark, 'WOW, you look so GREAT!' or 'What have you been doing? You look fantastic!' I had not received such a flood of compliments since going raw 7 years ago. I am too busy in the AM to do the exercises, so I decided to do 40 minutes at night along with my yoga and trampoline routine. I just watch my Netflix shows and the time goes fast. This way I don't feel guilty about watching TV because I am multi-tasking. (I have gone through all seasons of Desperate Housewives and am now on Brothers & Sisters--I love it without the commercials!) I also do the exercises during a movie if the person next to me doesn't mind. With the "chin push ups" and "upper jaw builder" exercises, which use spoons as weight lifting props, I soon graduated from a very heavy tablespoon to 2 of them. But today I had to go out to Home Depot and get some serious weights (crown bolts for a dollar or two) because the 2 heavy spoons are too easy. I have been doing these exercises for 6 months and I swear they have wiped about 5 years off my face! Thank you, Tonya! --Susan Schenck, author of The Live Food Factor, The Comprehensive Guide to the Ultimate Diet for Body, Mind, Spirit & Planet

Dear Tonya, I have been researching and using different forms of facial exercises for a long time as most of my work involves natural healing and natural beauty too! actually deserve to charge a whole lot more than you do for it. These exercises are very powerful and I felt the effects straight away, how clever to use the [...] too. In love and in health. --Dr. Marilyn Golden, Sydney, Australia

About the Author

Facing several reconstructive hip surgeries to enable her to walk, author Tonya Zavasta sought a way to offset the devastating effects of anesthetics on her health and appearance. Using the same determination and intelligence that allowed her to achieve advanced degrees in engineering and mathematics, she immersed herself in scientific data on health and nutrition. She became more and more convinced that the solution to her lifelong quest for beauty and health was to be found in raw food lifestyle or the Rawsome Diet as she calls it. Tonya has been following the raw food lifestyle since 1997. The raw food lifestyle not only helped her to sail courageously through troublesome times, brought her general health and appearance to an all time best, but also opened a new chapter in her life. Firmly believing that the roots of under-performing and under-achieving lie in feeling and looking less than your best, she is now on a mission: she wants every woman to look and feel beautiful.

In her seminars, Tonya Zavasta- a dynamic motivational speaker--delivers unforgettable messages about the possibilities available in personal transformation. Through her own example and lifestyle, she demonstrates how to transform yourself from sick and weak to vigorous and youthful, from plain to beautiful, and from insecure to self-confident. Tonya Zavasta is a raw foods expert, lecturer, and the author of seven books on the Rawsome Diet and lifestyle, including Your Right to Be Beautiful, Quantum Eating, Rawsome Flex, and Raw Food and Hot Yoga. With her math/science background, Tonya's creative thinking reaches from quantum physics to cellular biology to the salad bowl. Her tireless research has led her to understand and harness raw foods' beautifying powers. Tonya, now in her early 50s, is walking testimony of the power of raw foods to reveal the natural beauty within us all. Radiating health in every sense of the word, she teaches raw eating the world over. 

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By Rhonda Malkmus

344 pages of recipes and information including: What are we feeding our children? (From birth to adults). 

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By Serene Allison

This book has 143 pages with a wonderful variety of uncooked recipes to inspire you to follow your desire for a better life of abundant energy and abounding health.

It is the ideal book for those wanting to learn about raw food recipes.

Reverse Aging

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Reverse Aging

By Sang Whang
Paperback, 123pages
Publication date: 1 January 1998

Not science fiction, but a scientific fact! This book is the first common sense scientific explanation of the aging process and "how to" reverse it. The nutrients that we deliver to our cells burn with oxygen and become acidic wastes after giving energy to our body. The body tries its best to get rid of these acidic wastes through urine and perspiration. Unfortunately, our lifestyle, diet and environment prevent our body to get rid of all the wastes that it generates. Gradually, these leftover acidic wastes accumulate somewhere within our body. Since acid coagulates blood, the blood circulation near the waste areas becomes poor, causing all kinds of degenerative diseases to develop. The author defines the aging process as the accumulation of non-disposed acidic wastes within the body. According to this theory, the reduction of accumulated wastes is re verse aging. This book explains how some of the adult degenerative diseases are caused by too much acidic wastes, and describes the various scientific devices and methods to reduce these wastes without any harmful side effects. These devices and methods are being wid ely used in Japan. Alkaline water makers (water ionizers) have been in existence in Japan for more than 40 years. Many in the alternative health industry of water ionizers, magnet and far-infrared devices regard this book as the most comprehensive and up-to-date reference book of its kind in the English language. It is a "must read" for all who are health-conscious.

Customer Reviews

Great book, by Texas rose bud "texasrosebud" (Southern Indiana)
A very good book on the subject. very helpful information on reversing aging and giving a much better quality of life. I had total knee replacement on one knee and needed it on the other. After getting my system ph right, I am able to get around better than I have for years, without any medication to help! Not considering the other knee replacement.

Excellent, by Susan J. Morgan
This book was purchased for a relative - reading it before sending it on - worthwhile information for those interested

Great review of the science behind alkaline diets by Michael M.
This was one of the first books I picked up after reading Dr. Young's "The pH Miracle", which had left me with more questions than answers. What I loved about this book was the way Mr. Whang explains - in plain English anyone can understand - the chemical and physical science that makes alkaline diets work.

If you're looking to understand the science behind alkaline diets, this book is a must-read. Mr. Whang doesn't approach alkaline balance like most other authors who just tell you to eat this and not eat that. In the first few chapters of the book, he gives the reader the essential understanding of how the human body works - from a chemical perspective. He doesn't make assumptions or rely on annectodal data - he shows the reader how the laws of physics and chemistry affect the chemical reactions inside the human body.

Armed with this information, he then tells the reader how the basic elements of foods (minerals, calcium, phosphorus, etc.) affect the pH of the body. This is the key understanding when it comes to figuring out which foods are acidifying and which ones are alkalizing.

His approach is very straight forward, clear, and matter-of-fact. He then goes on to show how an acidic lifestyle and diet affects the body, how the body tries to maintain its chemical integrity, and what the resulting strain does, in terms of reactions, diseases, etc. Mr. Whang's description of diseases and how they come to be is also very interesting. He goes through a long list of diseases, gives specific reasons for each of them (from an alkaline diet point of view) and tells the reader how to reverse them. He goes a step further in his description of non-medicinal health improvement devices that are mainly used in other countries. Again, giving scientific reasons why and how they work to alkalize the body.

What is missing from this book is a good description of what to do on a day-to-day basis to become alkaline. He only mentions drinking alkaline waters. Nonetheless, I think Mr. Whang's book is excellent. If you're serious about getting healthy through an alkaline diet, you must to read this book (and also find another book that gives step-by-step instructions for what to do).

Now Only
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The New Science of Colloidal Biology

By Annie Padden Jubb and David Jubb

Paperback, 228 pages

This book provides a scientific explanation for cancer through an analysis of the blood. The Jubbs explain how LifeFood nutrition - a diet rich in vegetarian foods found wild in nature and served uncooked - can detoxify and rejuvenate the body. Included are four herbal formulas for making colloidal medicines for proper hydration. These alkaline beverages can be readily absorbed to purify "dirty blood" - acidic and full of toxins - making the body inhospitable to cancer. "Secrets of an Alkaline Body" is informatively illustrated and includes testimonials from clients who have successfully cleared cancer from their bodies using the Jubbs' techniques. 

Simply Dehydrated - by Jenny Ross

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Product Details

Hardcover: 228 glossy colour pages
Publisher: Choison Publishing (2013)
Product Dimensions: 9.2 x 7.4 x 0.9 inches

Discover the simple joy to dehydrating and unlock the door to delicious and healthful treats.

In Simply Dehydrated, Jenny Ross provides basic guides and techniques to dehydrating so that you can start incorporating dehydrated foods into your daily lifestyle.

Enjoy all the benefits of dehydrated foods, while you create fresh pure foods in your own kitchen and move toward superior health and vitality.

Well written and easy to read this book has been written with the Sedona Dehydrator in mind and the recipes can be used in any dehydrator

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By Elysa Markowitz

Personal blending can be so much fun. Discover that not only can you create yummy mouth watering smoothies but also whip up delicious tasting recipes such as dressings, pestos, sauces, soups, sorbets, and more! 

Soak Your Nuts: Karyn's Conscious Comfort Foods

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Soak Your Nuts: Karyn's Conscious Comfort Foods

By Karyn Calabrese
Paperback, 192pages
Publication date: 8 May 2013

Karyn Calabrese is Chicago's premier vegan and raw restaurateur and champion for holistic cooking. Her latest cookbook is divided into two sections: one features popular cooked recipes from her restaurants, and the other focuses on her favourite raw recipes.


"To call Karyn Calabrese's food exceedingly healthy is beside the point. It is, but more importantly, everything she touches in the kitchen becomes magically delicious. It's one of the reasons I live fifty feet from one of her restaurants. My wife and I are avid fans, not only of her restaurants but also of Karyn's holistic approach to life. Just look at her-enough said, right? To distill good nutrition and high sensuality into your cuisine is the true definition of culinary artistry. Run-don't wait-to buy this book. Three cheers, Karyn. You are the best."
-- Charlie Trotter, author and chef-owner, Charlie Trotter's.

"How I wish I could sit at Karyn's table every day to be nourished sufficiently. I know that eating this way is what provides and prolongs superior health and vitality, but beyond that is the fact that this food tastes so good. Now I can eat like this at home. Thanks Karyn."
-- Angela Bassett, Academy Award nominee and actress

Customer Reviews

Would purchase from same bookstore again., by Karla Nuss
The book arrived in just over a week in excellant shape. It had been highly recommended to me by my best friend, and now we are sharing our favorites from the book. I highly recomment it to others that are trying to lose weight, lower glucose or cholestrol, or just start a healthier life style.

Healthier Eating, by Terry R.
I purchased a copy so I would not mark up a friend's book I was perusing. I like that Karyn give options for those of us who are starting and want to change to healthier eating, however, find it difficult to go it 100% right away. I was surprised to find I had many of the herbs and groceries she uses in her recipes as I have started to change my eating habits. Thanks.

5 stars for me. I love it!, by Mazell Burns
The recipes are easy to follow and are delicious!! The recipes don't overwhelm you with a laundry list of ingredients either.

Karyn does it right!, by Cindy A
I love her and she totally inspires me to be my best and do my best. She is so beautiful for 60+ yrs and counting. I watch her videos as well on youtube and so I had to invest in her book and recipes. I found them to be easy to make and she makes it easy to want to make them. Great book for good recipes and inspiration that we all can be in great health like Karyn!

Spirit Junkie

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Gabriel Cousins

Format: Paperback, 628 pages
Other Information:  illustrations
Published In:  United States, 01 July 2004

Dr. Cousens shares an exciting new paradigm of the meaning of nutrition and assimilation in Spiritual Nutrition. His practical, comprehensive approach to spiritual nutrition presents a diet system that is based on the relationship of the colour of the food eaten to the corresponding rainbow colours of the human chakra system. The book discusses some of the major nutritional questions that are important in empowering individuals to develop personal diets that are appropriate to their lifestyles and spiritual practices.

When we eat, can we feed the soul as well as the body? Can a diet have impact on spirituality? Spiritual Nutrition empowers readers to develop personal diets that are appropriate to their lifestyles and spiritual practices. Drawing on 14 years of clinical experience and research, Dr. Gabriel Cousens discusses nutritional issues that can help answer these questions, including raw vs. cooked food; high vs. low protein; the concepts of assimilation and fasting; alkaline/acid balance; attitudes about food; nutrients, energy, and structure building.

In addition, Cousens shares his new dietary system of "spiritual nutrition" that is based on the relationship that the color of the food has to corresponding colors of the human chakra system, hence, the "rainbow diet." For true nourishment, he strongly promotes the connection of diet to meditation, fellowship, wisdom, and love.


 "[This book] will become a standard for ages to come, against which all other books will be measured and put into perspective of relative importance. The author leads us beyond the limited precepts of nutrition into the realms of Divinity."
 - From the Preface by Viktoras Kulvinskas

"...arguably the best book on diet from both a health and a spiritual point of view ever to see print."
 - Meditation Magazine

"Dr. Gabriel Cousens is a true Yogi. This book is a cosmic how-to book that focuses on methods to spiritualize the physical body, thus creating a vehicle for Enlightenment, here and now."
 - Sharon Gannon

"This is a stunning advance over similar books in the field. It opens up the real possibility that nutrition has finally entered a new age. Better yet, this effort draws from both the best and most recent science and the eternal roots of esoterica, a full meal for the most critical reader."
 - Lee Sannella

"...probably the most detailed description ever written of the role of diet and Kundalini in the transformation of body, mind, and spirit."
 - Barbara Marx Hubbard

About the Author

Dr. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. is an internationally celebrated spiritual teacher, author, lecturer, world peace-worker, and physician of the soul. He is the world’s foremost physician promoting live-food nutrition for physical health and spiritual growth. He received his M.D. degree from Columbia Medical School in 1969, and completed his psychiatry residency in 1973. As a leading researcher and practitioner in the field of rejuvenation, he specializes in the healing of many chronic degenerative diseases. To the healing process he also brings experience as a homeopathic physician (M.D. (H)), Diplomate in Ayurveda, family therapist, and live-food nutritionist

Dr. Cousens is also a Doctor of Divinity (D.D.), a Rebbe who has received rabbinical initiation, a student of Ecstatic Kabbalah since 1986, a certified Senior Essene Teacher in the Kabbalistic tradition, a recognized Yogi, a four-year Sundancer adopted into the Lakota Nation, and the White Buffalo Spirit Dance Chief.

He is the author of a number of titles, including Conscious Eating (hailed by many as the “Bible of Vegetarianism”), Spiritual Nutrition, Depression-Free for Life, Sevenfold Peace, and Tachyon Energy: A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing, co-authored with David Wagner, the creator of the Tachyon process. Dr. Cousens presents seminars worldwide on many topics including health and nutrition, psycho-spiritual healing, meditation, and spiritual awareness.

Dr. Cousens founded and directs the Tree of Life Foundation, Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center, and Tree of Life Health Practice in Patagonia, Arizona. He is a frequent guest on popular radio talk shows, and has published articles in health journals and popular magazines on a number of health, nutrition, and social topics.

Sprouts The Miracle Food

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The Complete Guide to Sprouting

By Steve Meyerowitz.
Illustrated by Michael Parman
Paperback, 224 pages
Publisher: Sproutman Publications, 2008

Let the Sproutman show you the joys of indoor organic gardening. Learn how to grow delicious baby greens and mini-vegetables -- just one week from seed to salad. This guide can make anyone a self sufficient gardener of sprouts that are bursting with concentrated nutrition. Includes the most comprehensive nutrition charts on sprouts in print, plus common questions and answers, Seed Resource section, illustrations, photo's & charts.

From the Back Cover of Sprouts The Miracle Food:

The Agriculture of Tomorrow is Here Today?

Our grandparents bought their food from the local farm. Today, it flies in on airplanes after being sprayed with chemicals, irradiated, and genetically altered. It's enough to topple the Jolly Green Giant....or give him cancer. Can we keep our food pure, fresh, local, and available year round- Yes! For the price of beans! As the world population multiplies, the kitchen of tomorrow will grow food in addition to preparing it. Why wait? The secrets to creating self-sufficient, organic meals are just pages away.

The Kitchen of Tomorrow Will Grow Food in Addition to Preparing It.

Your friends & family will delight in eating fresh, organic young vegetables in the middle of the winter. Sprouts are baby plants at their most nutritious stage. They're bubbling with enzymes and phyto-chemicals. You can feel their vitamins! Twice the protein of Spinach! Four times the protein of lettuce. Flavours like succulent buckwheat lettuce, hearty baby sunflowers and spicy garlic chives. Introduce them into your kitchen and bring sunshine to your diet. No green thumb and no soil necessary. It's easy. It's fun. This book shows you how.


"God Bless Ann Wigmore and Viktoras Kulvinskas, Prophets of Health and Spirit, Whose Teachings Have Given Birth to a New Generation of Healers"

About the Author

Steve was pronounced "Sproutman" by Vegetarian Times Magazine in a 1979 feature article that explored the why's and wherefores of his 100% sprout diet. While over 2 decades time, most diets change, Steve is still a big "believer" in healthy diet and lifestyle.

Steve got interested in natural foods after a 20 year effort to correct chronic allergies and asthma with conventional medicine. He made dramatic changes in his diet and within two months of eating a strict "living foods," vegetarian diet, his lifelong symptoms vanished. He continued to practice a 100% raw foods diet (nothing cooked, packaged, canned, frozen, or processed) for five years. During that time, he also experimented with other extreme diets such as fruitarianism (just fruit), juice fasting for as long as 100 days, and briefly, breatharianism (no food, no water).

Steve's innovative kitchen gardening techniques and the cuisine he developed from them, gave rise to a "School for Sprouts." He began teaching indoor gardening 12 stories above the streets of New York City. He called his no-cooking school, The Sprout House, since so much of his cuisine included vegetables from his kitchen garden-sprouts. Steve invented two home sprouters, The Flax Sprout Bag and a tabletop greenhouse called, Sproutman's Kitchen Garden Salad Grower. He also supplied his growing kits and a full line of organic sprouting seeds via mail order.

Steve has since sold the mail order business and he and his family now breathe fresher air in the Berkshire mountains of Massachusetts. Much of the information from his teaching years have been related in his books. He has the most popular books on sprouts, including Sprouts the Miracle Food, Sproutman's Kitchen Garden Cookbook, and Wheatgrass Nature's Finest Medicine, to name a few. But he also has other books on subjects such as fasting and raw juice therapy.

Steve has been featured on PBS, the Home Shopping Network, TV Food Network, and in Prevention, Better Nutrition, and Organic Gardening magazines. In 3 minutes on QVC, 953 people ordered his Cookbook and Kitchen Garden Salad Grower. You can visit him at

Editorial Reviews

"This is definitely the complete guide to the seeds and tools necessary to cultivate hundreds of pounds of food. ... A book overflowing with information. There is an integrity of good health here. And Meyerowitz writes with just the right pent-up passion to make converts of us all." -- Book Reader Magazine, July 1997

Meyerowitz is definitely the Sproutman. We never knew there were so many sprouts --- so many flavors and textures. ... The medicinal properties of these little plants, not to mention their prodigious nutrition does indeed make them a miracle food. -- Healthy Times Magazine, March 1998

This guide can make anyone a self-sufficient gardener of sprouts that are bursting with concentrated nutrition. And no one says it better than the man of greens himself--the Sproutman. --Natural Foods Merchandiser, January 1998

Super Immunity

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Super Immunity: The Essential Nutrition Guide for Boosting Your Body's Defenses to Live Longer, Stronger, and Disease Free

By Joel Fuhrman, M.D.
Paperback, 304pages
Publication date: 31 December 2013

In Super Immunity, world-renowned health expert and New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Live Dr. Joel Fuhrman offers a nutritional guide to help you live longer, stronger, and disease free.

Dr. Fuhrman doesn’t believe the secret to staying healthy lies in medical care—rather, the solution is to change the way we eat. With more than 85 plant-based recipes, a two-week menu plan, and lists of super foods that boost immunity, Dr. Fuhrman’s proven strategies combine the latest data from clinical tests, nutritional research, and results from thousands of patients .

Fans of Alejandro Junger’s Clean, Mark Hyman’s Ultraprevention, and T. Colin Campbell’s The China Study will appreciate Dr. Fuhrman’s practical plan to prevent and reverse disease—no shots, drugs or sick days required.


“This book proves that eating high nutrient dense foods is the best path to building a super immune system, leading to a healthy long life with a “sound mind” and the recipes are superb.” (Dr. Rudy Kachmann, Neurosurgeon, Kachmann Mind Body Institute)

“Super Immunity should be the book everyone is talking about. I encourage you to buy it, read it, and apply it so you can join the conversation on true health.” (Wayne S. Dysinger, MD, MPH, Chair, Department of Preventive Medicine, Loma Linda UniversityPresident, American College of Lifestyle Medicine)

“Super Immunity is a much needed book that contains the key to ending the cycle of sickness that plagues many of our lives. This is enlightened medicine, at last!” (Dr. Alejandro Junger, New York Times bestselling author of CLEAN)

“Super Immunity”is a fantastic read that scientifically explains the origins of Western disease and lays out viable solutions to our unhealthy lifestyles. I will definitely be recommending this book to my patients!” (Garth Davis MD Star of TLC's "Big Medicine", Medical Director of Bariatric Surgery at Memorial City Hospital, Houston, Texas)

“When it comes to diet and health, the scientific evidence shows that one size really fits all. Super Immunity offers everybody the most sensible, most effective dietary approach to become and stay truly healthy.” (James Craner, MD, MPH, FACOEM, FACP Occupational & Environmental Medicine, Reno, NV Assistant Clinical Professor, University of California San Francisco School of Medicine)

“Super Immunity expertly yet succinctly combines the latest nutrition and scientific research, plus a handful of anecdotes from Fuhrman’s patients, into 170 pages of air-tight, irrefutable advice on how to get and stay healthy, even in an increasingly toxic and processed world.” (VegNews Magazine)

Customer Reviews

Keeps Getting Better, by azmissdaisy (Scottsdale, AZ USA)
Dr. Joel Fuhrman is the one true voice to listen to when it comes to diet and nutrition. He is thorough in his research and with the success stories of his patients is proving that his beliefs are not only sound but work. When you read his words you just know that it all makes sense. I love Eat To Live and and am thrilled with Eat For Health and thought what could be new in Super Immunity? Let me just say- LOTS. He has done it again!

After reading this book, I feel like I have a clear picture of where disease comes from, what to do to prevent it and how to go about reversing it in it's tracks. Every thing from colds and flus and what to do about them, including a thoughtful and scientific overview of vaccines, so that people can make their own INFORMED decisions about these, to where cancer comes from and how to halt it's progression and even prevent it.

Cancer is not something that strikes people out of the blue or a rogue gene that needs tons of money to investigate. It is instead a direct result of processed and packaged foods being introduced and accepted as food in our society along with the lack of nutrients that the body needs for protection. If you are not eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables and super foods, you are walking around in a body with no "force field" against illness and disease. It's just a matter of time before disease and illness comes to call, unless you take proactive steps to stop it.

This book should be required reading for everyone as a user's manual for the body. Not only does it provide the science behind what is happening in the body, it spells out what foods to focus on and recipes on how to incorporate them into your daily lifestyle.

We as Americans are so out of touch with how to support our health and the real crime is that we are spreading our poisonous lifestyle and diet-born illnesses to the world around us. Wake up people, put down your cheeseburger, fries and soda and take charge of your own health and life.

I highly recommend this book! Another home run Dr. Fuhrman!